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R package phaselag

By Maik Renner, Max-Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena, Germany


This repository provides an implemenation in the R programming language.
The package accompanies the scientific manuscript which is published in the Journal Hydrology and Earth System Sciences as Renner et al., 2019 Using phase lags to evaluate model biases in simulating the diurnal cycle of evapotranspiration: a case study in Luxembourg, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 23, 515-535,, 2019.
Main functionality is to calculate the phase lag between two time series in time units, extending the Camuffo-Bernardi (1980) regression model with a harmonic analysis. The harmonic analysis was contributed by Luigi Conte. The package also contains some statistical utilities as well as simple meteorological functions.

Public release:


To install the R package use:


Small example with an artifical diurnal cycle

First prepare the data. Here the reference is Rsd and there are two series generated which have no phase lag and one with a phase lag of one our. Both are contaminated with white noise.


# Set number of time steps per period (day)
nday = 24
#' set time unit minutes
 timeunitperday = 24 * 60
dt = data.table(time = seq(0.5,timeunitperday, by = timeunitperday/nday))
dt[ , Date := as.IDate("2007-07-07")]
dt[ , ptime := time * 2* pi / timeunitperday]
dt[ , ptimecos := cos(ptime  - pi) ]
dt[ , Rsd := ifelse(ptimecos<0,0,800 * ptimecos)]
# create a second time series without a time lag
dt[ , LEnolag :=  Rsd/2 + 30 * rnorm(1) , by = time ]
# create another series which has a lag of one hour
(lagLE = 60 *  2 * pi / timeunitperday)
dt[ , ptimecos_lag1h := cos(ptime  - pi - lagLE)  ]
dt[ , LElag1h :=  ifelse(ptimecos_lag1h<0,0, 400 * ptimecos_lag1h ) + 30 * rnorm(1)  , by = time ]

Plot the generated series

plot(Rsd ~ time, data = dt)
lines(LEnolag ~ time, data = dt, col = 3)
lines(LElag1h ~ time, data = dt, col = 4)

## Hysteresis loops appear when plotted against Reference
plot(LEnolag ~ Rsd, data = dt, col = 3, type = "b")
lines(LElag1h ~ Rsd, data = dt, col = 4, type = "b", pch = 0)

Then perform regression and estimate time lags

# first estimate the time derivative of the reference series
dt[ ,dRsd := c(NA, diff(Rsd))]
# then call the estimation of the phase lags
dt[ , camuffo_phaselag_time(Y = LElag1h, X = Rsd, dX = dRsd, nday = nday, timeunitperday = timeunitperday)]
dt[ , camuffo_phaselag_time(Y = LEnolag, X = Rsd, dX = dRsd, nday = nday, timeunitperday = timeunitperday)]
## compare  phaselagtime with defined phase lag
## the significance of the lag can be assessed by slope2_pvalue

Check error handling with missing input data

dt[ , camuffo_phaselag_time(Y = LEnolag, X = Rsd, dX = rep(NA,24), nday = nday, timeunitperday = timeunitperday)]

Example which does regression and timelag estimation separately

(camuffo_nolag =  dt[ , as.list(coef(lm(LEnolag ~ Rsd + dRsd))), by = Date])
(camuffo_lag1h =  dt[ , as.list(coef(lm(LElag1h ~ Rsd + dRsd))), by = Date])
### compute the phase lag in time units (here time)
phaselag_time(slope1 = camuffo_nolag[ ,Rsd], slope2 = camuffo_nolag[ , dRsd], nday = nday, timeunitperday = timeunitperday)
phaselag_time(slope1 = camuffo_lag1h[ ,Rsd], slope2 = camuffo_lag1h[ , dRsd], nday = nday, timeunitperday = timeunitperday)