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This is an implementation of a graph interface using an adjacency list representation. It is designed to represent various graph types (e.g., directed/undirected, weighted/unweighted, connected/disconnected, cyclic/acyclic, etc). This graph data structure uses an interface to decouple the abstraction from the implementation. An adjacency list class is used to implement the graph interface but an adjacency matrix could very well also be used.

Graph Representation

The AdjacencyList class has two attributes: an adj map to store the adjacency list and an isDirected boolean to indicate whether the adjacency list represents a directed or undirected graph. The map has Vertex objects as keys and a list of Edge objects as values. The list is implemented through a linked list. adj is declared as a hashmap in the constructor of the class. The constructor takes a boolean parameter to set the graph to be either directed or undirected.

The AdjacencyList class consists of various methods used to perform basic graph operations, the most important of which being the addEdge() method. The addEdge() method is used to build the edges between source and destination vertices. Source and destination vertices are added to adj as keys. A new Edge object with the corresponding destination vertex is added to the value list of the source vertex. For undirected graphs, the source vertex is also added to the value list of the destination vertex. The Vertex, Edge, and AdjacencyList classes are defined with generic type. Type parameters allow for code reusability when working with different inputs. Type V is defined as a part of the Vertex class declaration. The Edge class is composed of the Vertex class and has a type parameter V, E. The AdjacencyList class is composed of both the Vertex and Edge class and has type V, E.

The Vertex class has several attributes to aid in performing the graph traversal methods as well as other graph algorithms. The predecessor or parent of a vertex in a graph is set when performing BFS and Prim’s. The distFromSource attribute is set relative to the source vertex used in BFS and is initialized to be infinity. Given any source vertex, this value will reflect the shortest distance from a source vertex to the target vertex in an unweighted graph. The discoveredTimestamp and finishedTimestamp attributes mark when DFS starts and stops exploring from a vertex, respectively. The attribute minWeight is used for Prim’s and is initialized to infinity.

The Edge class implements Comparable to enable sorting of weighted edges. Since edges depend on vertices, the source (u) vertex and destination (v) vertex are saved as attributes of an Edge object. The compareTo() method first checks if the weights of two edges are the same. If the weights are the same, it checks if the source vertices are the same using the toString() method of the Vertex class. Finally, it checks if the destination vertices are the same given equivalent source vertices.

Graph Algorithms

The GraphAlgorithms class makes use of static methods and is dependent on the AdjacencyList, Vertex, and Edge classes. The methods in this class draw heavily from the pseudocode presented in CLRS. Starting with the search procedures, BFS computes the shortest-path distances from a given source vertex to any reachable vertex in the graph. The shortest-path distance is the minimum number of edges in any path. The predecessorSubgraph() method produces a breadth-first tree by printing out the vertices on the path from vertex s to vertex v. Since this method relies on the predecessor attribute being defined, BFS needs to be run first. The procedure for DFS uses a global time variable for timestamping discovery and finishing times. A depth-first tree can be traced using the timestamps printed out by the startFinishTimesDFS() method. Doing this by hand for simple examples and comparing afterwards to the program output makes for a captivating exercise!

For Kruskal's algorithm, the DisjointSet class was added to carry out union-find and ensure safe edges are added to the growing MST and no cycles are formed. It uses the p map for path compression and the rank map for efficient merging of connected components. Prim’s algorithm uses the minWeight and predecessor attributes of the destination vertex of the edge being considered. A priority queue is used to sort all the vertices in the graph except for the start vertex based on their minWeight in ascending order. Initially, all vertices have infinite minWeight. The weight of a vertex is reassigned as it is visited from vertices that are dequeued under the condition that the weight of the connecting edge is less than the weight of the vertex. Once the queue is empty, all vertices should take on the minimum possible weight. Least-weight edges can then be extracted based on the minWeight values of the vertices.

How-to Guide

To use the graph data structure, create a graph object of the class AdjacencyList that implements the Graph interface in the Main class. Construct either a directed or undirected graph by passing in a boolean value to the constructor. Passing in true gives a directed graph while passing in false gives an undirected graph. After the graph is constructed, generate new Vertex objects with your type of choice. Once vertices are created, the addEdge() method can be used to add corresponding edges to your graph by passing in a source and destination vertex for each method call.

For larger graphs, it will be easier to put graph data into a file and have the GraphBuilder class which uses the Scanner class to read from the data and do the legwork for you. Since Scanner can only parse primitives types and strings, the GraphBuilder methods are specified by type. The methods are also separated based on the weightedness of the graph as the addEdge() method have different parameter requirements for unweighted versus weighted graphs. Start by creating a Graph object and a File object. The GraphBuilder methods expect to read files with a certain format. The first line holds the vertices with each vertex separated by a space or a comma plus a space for int and string graphs, respectively. Each following line holds an edge represented by a source vertex and destination vertex pair separated by a comma and space for both int and string graphs. You will then initialize a map that the graph builder will use to pass the data along to an adjacency list. The remaining step in graph construction is to pass the preceding objects as parameters into the appropriate GraphBuilder method. From there, you can manipulate the graph object in whichever way you like as before.


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