A userland (non-root) library for low level access to the GPIO pins on a Raspberry Pi. These pins can be used to control outputs (LEDs, motors, valves, pumps) or read inputs (sensors).
Adapted by laxamar
From AndrewCarterUK
This release has two components. A server that can be installed via git or composer. A client that uses composer to install and run.
Using composer:
composer require laxamar/gpiosysv
php composer.phar require laxamar/gpiosysv
The server code is installed in the vendors/laxamar/gpiosysv
directory of composer under the service
directory and can be installed as below
The server can be downloaded as by git
sudo install_systemd.sh
will install the necessary files in /usr/local/GPIOSysV and install the systemd service
use Amar\GPIOSysV\GPIOSysVClt;
// Create a GPIO object
$gpio_obj = GPIOSysVClt::getInstance();
// Set the value of the pin high (turn it on)
$success = $gpio_obj->setPinHigh(18);
$success = $gpio_obj->setPinLow(18);
// Set a series on PINs using BCD
$gpio->setPinsBinary($board, CS_PINs);
for ($dec = 0; $dec < 8; $dec++) {
// echo "Decimal $dec";
$gpio->strobeBinary($dec, LED_PINs, FLASH_PIN, 1, 0, $frequency, true, $error);
use Amar\GPIOSysV\GPIOSysVClt;
// Create a GPIO object
$gpio_obj = GPIOSysVClt::getInstance();
// Set the value of the pin high (turn it on)
$value = $gpio_obj->getPin(4);
SitePoint published a tutorial about powering Raspberry Pi projects with PHP which used this library and shows a push button example with a wiring diagram.
PiPHP maintains a resource directory for PHP programming on the Raspberry Pi.