drmlist is a simple program designed to interface directly with Linux's DRM (Direct Rendering Manager) devices through system calls, bypassing the use of libdrm.
- Listing Connectors and Modes: drmlist allows you to retrieve a comprehensive list of connectors and available modes on the DRM device.
- Direct Graphics Rendering: Choose your desired mode and render graphics directly onto the screen without relying on X11 or Wayland, utilizing the DRM device.
drmlist has been an educational journey for me, providing insights into:
- User-Space Interaction with GPU Drivers: Understanding how user-space interacts with GPU drivers on Linux.
- Significance of Graphics Libraries: Exploring the purpose behind the existence of graphics libraries like OpenGL and Vulkan.
- Underlying Operations of OpenGL, Vulkan, etc.: Gaining a deeper understanding of what OpenGL, Vulkan, and similar technologies actually accomplish under the hood.
Where I learned and extended from: