- Course: Information-Security in ZJU
- Time: 2017/02/01 - 2017/07/01
- Teacher: HTL(A teacher love Cola!)
- Windows + VS 2015(Other Environment is also ok)
- See each program under different folders. It involves requirement, source code and a very specific instruction/report about this program.
- HW1. Password Cracking
- HW2. Large number arithmetic
- HW3. Public Key & Privaate Key
- HW4. Using Wireshark
- All codes and notes are open source after my final test.
- You are allowed to read all the codes and files, but you are not allowed to copy directly for your assignment.
- If you have any problems or ideas want to share with me, please feel free to e-mail to me: lsylayla@163.com