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Home Task Requirements #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17

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Create a class hierarchy. Topic for your hierarchy will be provided by your mentors. please request it in your chat with a mentor.

Home Task Requirements #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12

                                        SUBJECT: Phone
Home Task #3

Requirements for Home task #3

Requirements Implementation
Create at least 10 classes Created different types of phone brands
All classes must contain properties Each phone brand contains unique feature
Create at least 10 classes Created different types of phone brands
At least 5 private properties Each phone brand has private variables ex: phoneMotto for brand slogan
All private variable must have getters and setter methods All classes contain getters and setters methods
All classes should have at least one custom constructor Constructors for each class call different variables

Create separate class with main() which will instantiate objects of implemented classes.

Home Task #4

Requirements for Home task #4

Requirements Implementation
Use polymorphism with at least one abstract class Apple class with Phone class multiple methods
Create and override at least one abstract method method showFeature() is abstract and overrides on Samsung
Use protected modifier at least 5 Phone class uses 5 protected modifiers in its variables
Override methods from class Object (toString(), hashcode(), equals()) for at least 3 classes from the hierarchy. Classes Samsung, Xiaomi, Motorola uses the toString() to override a method
Home Task #5

Requirements for Home task #5

Requirements Implementation
Add 5 interfaces to the existing hierarchy apple, lg, nokia, sony, & phone classes
Use polymorphism with the abstract class and interface from the hierarchy. connectToWifi() -> Apple -> Phone ->
Create final class, method, variable Xiaomi class
Create a static block, method, variable Huawei class
Home Task #6

Requirements for Home task #6

Requirements Implementation
Create 5 custom exceptions Created a PhoneExceptions class with 5 custom exceptions under exceptions package
Handle exceptions in 2 ways
  • 1. InputSelectionException is handle by try catch block in BrandSelection for user input
  • 2. ModelNotFoundException is handle by throws keyword on Phone class
Use try-catch with resources Used the InputSelectionException and try-with-resources to end program
Log messages to the console, file Used to prompt multiple statements
Home Task #7

Requirements for Home task #7

Requirements Implementation
Add 5 collections to the hierarchy
  • Created a class PhoneCollections and used it to prompt the different child classes phone specs
  • Map,List and Set collections used for Apple, LG, Sony
Use polymorphism with the abstract class and interface from the hierarchy connectToWifi() -> Apple -> Phone ->
Create custom implementation of LinkedList with generic and use it in your project Added the generic class CustomLinkedList and use it to implement a LinkedList in the com.solvd.laba.PhoneMenu class
Home Task #8

Requirements for Home task #8

Requirements Implementation
Move all projects to Maven moved project into maven repository
Build jar file and deploy to the local repository SNAPSHOT.jar file in the target folder
Add and use 2 Plugins Added log4j-core & log4j-api and then commons-lang3 & commons-io
Run mvn for different phases from the Maven lifecycle. Check the result. Used clean, validate and deploy
Home Task #9

Requirements for Home task #9

Requirements Implementation
Read text from the file and calculate the numbers of the unique words Created a text file phone_Information.txt
Write the result to the file Output file is called phone_colors_unique_words.txt
com.solvd.laba.Main requirement is: using StringUtils and FileUtils to implement it with minimum lines of code
  • com.solvd.laba.UniqueWordCounter StringUtils and FileUtils
  • StringUtils is used to split the content of the input file into wordsli>
  • FileUtils to read the input file contents into a string & write number of unique words in a file


Home Task #10

Requirements for Home task #10

Requirements Implementation
Use at least 5 lambda functions from the java.util.function package
  • Used Consumer in the PhoneProcessor
  • Used Function in the PhoneNameConverter class
  • Used Predicate in the BandFilter class
  • Used Supplier in the PhoneNumberGenerator
Create 3 custom Lambda functions with generics
  • CustomLambdaSupplier -> CustomLambdaPhoneCarrier
  • CustomLambdaPredicate -> CustomLambdaOrigin
Create 5 complex Enums(with fields, methods, blocks
  • Created 3 complex Enums with field variables, methods and block
  • CameraTypeEnum, DisplayTypeEnum, PhoneColorEnum
Home Task #11

Requirements for Home task #11

Requirements Implementation
Add 7 collection streaming in the hierarchy with terminal and non-terminal operations
  • Package Stream added it contains 7 classes with terminal and non-terminal operations to used in the program
  • Terminal Operation: collect, count, anyMatch, findAny
  • Non-Terminal Operations: filter, map, sorted
Handle exceptions in 2 ways
  • 1. InputSelectionException is handle by try catch block in BrandSelection for user input
  • 2. ModelNotFoundException is handle by throws keyword on Phone class
Using reflection extract information(modifiers, return types, parameters, etc) about fields, constructors, methods. Create object and call method using the only reflection Created a reflection class PhoneReflection to extract information from constructors fields and methods from Samsung class
Log messages to the console, file Used to prompt multiple statements
Home Task #12

Requirements for Home task #12

Requirements Implementation
Create 2 Threads using Runnable and Thread Package thread 2 threads PhoneThread and PhoneRunnable to implement threads
Create Connection Pool. Use collection from java.util.concurrent package. Connection class may be mocked. The pool should be threadsafe and lazy initialized. ConnectionPool has a size of 5 and uses singlenton thread
Initialize Connection Pool object of size 5. Load Connection Pool using single threads and Java Thread Pool (7 threads in total) Connection class and also created the DemoConnectionPool class to demonstrate usage
5 threads should be able to get the connection. 2 Threads should wait for the next available connection. The program should wait as well Connection class and also created the DemoConnectionPool class to demonstrate usage
Implement previous point but with interfaces Future and CompletableStage ConnectionPool class as well as DemoConnectionPool class implement all three tasks on Connection pool, refer to comments in both classes
Home Task #13

Requirements for Home task #13

Requirements Implementation
Build hierarchy for Schema from the below course DAO and Model hierarchy classes have been created
Create DAO classes with necessary interfaces, abstract classes, and Generics. DAO should be scalable and flexible to support another framework and another database as well. All CRUD operations should be supported using JDBC. Use connection pool from the below block dao, model, and services packages; dao contains jdbc package with DAO implementaion class with a generic DAO interface, model package contains all Model classes, and services contains implementations package has well has Generic Services
Implement Service layer with necessary abstraction to be able to switch between databases and frameworks Service package -> Generic Services interface & implementation package with Services for classes.
Home Task #14

Requirements for Home task #14

Requirements Implementation
Create one XML file and XSD schema for at least 5 classes from the below hierarchy Added XML and XSD that contains 5 classes: Brands,Countries,OperatingSystem,Phones,and UserAccounts
Validate XML file using XSD schema and assigned parser Used validateXMLAgainstXSD, SchemaFactory, and the validator classes to perform the validation process
Parse XML file using one of the parsers from the title The com.solvd.laba.ParserRunner clas parsers the XML file using the DocumentBuilder class.
Home Task #15

Requirements for Home task #15

Requirements Implementation
Add JAXB annotations to the hierarchy. Date, List, and complex objects should be covered Added JAXB annotations to the model hierarchy date is being handle by Brand Model as Phone Brand Foundation Date and list is handle by Phone Model for Phone Features every other complex objects is from other classes
Parse XML using JAXB The JAXBParserRunner class uses the JAXBContext class to create a JAXB context for the PhoneData class: JAXBContext and other methods such as unmarshall; Unmarshaller jaxbUnmarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller();
Home Task #16

Requirements for Home task #16

Requirements Implementation
Create one Json file for at least 5 classes from the hierarchy. phone.json file is under resources with 5 classes: Brand, Country, OperatingSystem, Phone, User Accounts
Add Jackson’s annotation to the hierarchy. Date, List, and complex objects should be covered. Model classes have Jackson's annotation in the hierarchy. Brand covers dates, Phone covers list by phone features
Parse JSON using Jackson JSONParserRunner parse the JSON file by using Jackson by using object mapper
Home Task #17

Requirements for Home task #17

Requirements Implementation
Add MyBatis DAOs to the existing hierarchy with the same requirements. Choose any XML or interface mapping. Implementation here
Switch service classes to MyBatis. Implementation here

This is an attempt by Ella to make minor changes and perform a pull request. Please make sure the changes are visible on your side, and merge if no conflicts


Home Task Requirements #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17







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