This API Builder project implements the steps described here to automatically approve Axway Marketplace Product subscription approval requests.
This API Builder project also implements an automatic approval flow for Axway Marketplace asset requests.
A user requests access to a asset (resources) in order to retrieve credentials (e.g. API Key) to call the API.
It is intended to be an example of the two main steps required to implement a product subscription workflow, namely respond to webhooks and make API calls to the platform. However, it can be extended to notify the API provisioning team and/or log subscriptions in an auditing system or CRM, for example.
The end user flow for Product Subscription Requests looks like this:
The end user flow for Asset Requests is shown below:
As should be evident in the screen shots above, one needs a Marketplace application and an approved product subscription in order to request access to a product's assets (resources).
The API Builder project exposes one API:
POST /api/amplifycentralwebhookhandler
which takes an Amplify webhook as the body. This is the webhook that Amplify calls when a marketplace asset request is made.
You need to set the following environment variables:
CLIENT_ID=DOSA_<An Axway service account client ID>
CLIENT_SECRET=<An Axway service account client Secret>
API_KEY=<An API Key that you set>
If you want this flow to service asset requests, configure an asset request Webhook as follows:
axway central create -f assetrequestapprovalworflowintegration.yaml
group: management
apiVersion: v1alpha1
kind: Integration
title: Integrations for Asset Request Approvals
name: integrations-for-asset-request-approvals
description: This is a group of resources to be used for asset request approval workflows
group: management
apiVersion: v1alpha1
kind: Webhook
title: Webhook Listener for Asset Request Approvals
name: wh-integrations-for-asset-request-approvals
kind: Integration
name: integrations-for-asset-request-approvals
enabled: true
url: <API Builder Base Address>/api/amplifycentralwebhookhandler
Content-Type: application/json
apikey: <API Key Set as Env Var>
group: management
apiVersion: v1alpha1
kind: ResourceHook
title: Resource Hook for Asset Request Approvals
name: rh-integrations-for-asset-request-approvals
kind: Integration
name: integrations-for-asset-request-approvals
- group: catalog
kind: AssetRequest
name: "*"
kind: Application
name: "*"
- updated
- wh-integrations-for-asset-request-approvals
Note: You need to edit the YAML file above and set the API Builder base address and APIKey in the webhook section
If you want this flow to service Product Subscription requests, configure a subscription request Webhook as follows:
axway central create -f marketplaceapprovalworflowintegration.yaml
group: management
apiVersion: v1alpha1
kind: Integration
title: Integrations for Marketplace Subscription Approvals
name: integrations-for-subscription-approvals
description: This is a group of resources to be used for marketplace subscription approval workflows
group: management
apiVersion: v1alpha1
kind: Webhook
title: Webhook Listener for Marketplace Subscription Approvals
name: wh-integrations-for-subscription-approvals
kind: Integration
name: integrations-for-subscription-approvals
enabled: true
url: <API Builder Base Address>/api/amplifycentralwebhookhandler
apikey: <API Key Set as Env Var>
Content-Type: application/json
group: management
apiVersion: v1alpha1
kind: ResourceHook
title: Resource Hook for Marketplace Subscription Approvals
name: rh-integrations-for-subscription-approvals
kind: Integration
name: integrations-for-subscription-approvals
- group: catalog
kind: Subscription
name: "*"
- updated
- wh-integrations-for-subscription-approvals
Note: You need to edit the YAML file above and set the API Builder base address and APIKey in the webhook section
The API Builder flow is shown below
The flow can certainly be improved by handling errors and other HTTP response status codes better but it demonstrates an MVP for now.