AuthShield is an simple implementation that was created to be used with other frameworks (as Phoenix) or applications in order to provide an simple authentication and authorization management to the services.
In order to download it add {:auth_shield, "~> 0.0.4"}
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs.
Then run mix deps.get
to install AuthShield and its dependencies, including Ecto, Plug and Argon2.
After the packages are installed you must configure your database and generates an migration to add the AuthShield tables to it.
On your config.exs
set the configuration bellow:
# This is the default auth_shield database configuration
# but its highly recomendate that you configure it to be in
# the same database if you want to extend the identity to
# your on custom tables.
config :auth_shield, ecto_repos: [AuthShield.Repo]
config :auth_shield, AuthShield.Repo,
database: "authshield_#{Mix.env()}",
username: "postgres",
password: "postgres",
hostname: "localhost",
port: 5432
# You can set the session expiration and block attempts by changing this config.
# All timestamps are in seconds.
config :auth_shield, AuthShield,
session_expiration: 60 * 15,
max_login_attempts: 10,
login_block_time: 60 * 15,
brute_force_login_interval: 1,
brute_force_login_attempts: 3
In your test.exs
use the configuration bellow to run it in sandbox mode:
config :auth_shield, AuthShield.Repo, pool: Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox
After you finish the configurations use mix ecto.gen.migration create_auth_shield_tables
to generate the migration that will be use on database and tables criation.
Go to the generated migration and call the AuthShield up
and down
migration functions as the exemple bellow:
defmodule AuthShield.Repo.Migrations.CreateAuthShieldTables do
use Ecto.Migration
def up do
def down do
Create the database database (if its not created yet) by using mix ecto.migrate
then run the migrations with mix ecto.migrate
We will only cover the basic usage here, so if you want to know more check our documentation on hex by clicking here or on the session bellow.
To create a new user use this:
first_name: "Lucas",
last_name: "Mesquita",
email: "",
password: "My_passw@rd2"
Now to test if the user can authenticate do:
AuthShield.login(%{"email" => "", "password" => "Mypass@rd23"})
If you are using phoenix or any application that use Plug.Conn
you can just pass it on login as:
AuthShield.login(%Plug.Conn%{body_params: %{"email" => "", "password" => "Mypass@rd23"})
AuthShield has an authentication Plug (AuthShield.Authentication.Plugs.AuthSession
) that can
be used to check if an user is authenticated or not in other endpoints.
If you are using phoenix and our Authentication Plug you should save the session in private on your as the exemple bellow:
|> put_private(:session, session)
|> put_status(200)
If you are using phoenix we recomend you to check out our utilities doc here.
You can check out the documentation here.
To know more about how we store the data and the authentication / authorization flow check links bellow: