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feat(set_theory/ordinal/natural_ops): define natural addition (#14291)
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We define the natural addition operation on ordinals. We prove the basic properties, like commutativity, associativity, and cancellativity. We also provide the type synonym `nat_ordinal` for ordinals with natural operations, which allows us to take full advantage of this rich algebraic structure.
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vihdzp committed Jun 3, 2022
1 parent d63246c commit 0098286
Showing 1 changed file with 327 additions and 0 deletions.
327 changes: 327 additions & 0 deletions src/set_theory/ordinal/natural_ops.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Violeta Hernández Palacios. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Violeta Hernández Palacios

import set_theory.ordinal.arithmetic

# Natural operations on ordinals
The goal of this file is to define natural addition and multiplication on ordinals, and provide a
basic API. The natural addition of two ordinals `a ♯ b` is recursively defined as the least ordinal
greater than `a' ♯ b` and `a ♯ b'` for `a' < a` and `b' < b`. The natural multiplication `a ⨳ b` is
likewise recursively defined as the least ordinal such that `a ⨳ b ♯ a' ⨳ b'` is greater than
`a' ⨳ b ♯ a ⨳ b'` for any `a' < a` and `b' < b`.
These operations form a rich algebraic structure: they're commutative, associative, preserve order,
have the usual `0` and `1` from ordinals, and distribute over one another.
Moreover, these operations are the addition and multiplication of ordinals when viewed as
combinatorial `game`s. This makes them particularly useful for game theory.
Finally, both operations admit simple, intuitive descriptions in terms of the Cantor normal form.
The natural addition of two ordinals corresponds to adding their Cantor normal forms as if they were
polynomials in `ω`. Likewise, their natural multiplication corresponds to multiplying the Cantor
normal forms as polynomials.
# Implementation notes
Given the rich algebraic structure of these two operations, we choose to create a type synonym
`nat_ordinal`, where we provide the appropriate instances. However, to avoid casting back and forth
between both types, we attempt to prove and state most results on `ordinal`.
# Todo
- Define natural multiplication and provide a basic API.
- Prove the characterizations of natural addition and multiplication in terms of the Cantor normal

universes u v

open function order

noncomputable theory

/-- A type synonym for ordinals with natural addition and multiplication. -/
def nat_ordinal : Type* := ordinal

instance : linear_order nat_ordinal := ordinal.linear_order

/-- The identity function between `ordinal` and `nat_ordinal`. -/
@[pattern] def ordinal.to_nat_ordinal : ordinal ≃o nat_ordinal := order_iso.refl _

/-- The identity function between `nat_ordinal` and `ordinal`. -/
@[pattern] def nat_ordinal.to_ordinal : nat_ordinal ≃o ordinal := order_iso.refl _

open ordinal

namespace nat_ordinal

variables {a b c : nat_ordinal.{u}}

@[simp] theorem to_ordinal_symm_eq : nat_ordinal.to_ordinal.symm = ordinal.to_nat_ordinal := rfl
@[simp] theorem to_ordinal_to_nat_ordinal (a : nat_ordinal) : a.to_ordinal.to_nat_ordinal = a := rfl

instance : has_zero nat_ordinal := ⟨to_nat_ordinal 0
instance : inhabited nat_ordinal := ⟨0
instance : has_one nat_ordinal := ⟨to_nat_ordinal 1
instance : succ_order nat_ordinal := ordinal.succ_order

theorem lt_wf : @well_founded nat_ordinal (<) := ordinal.lt_wf
instance : has_well_founded nat_ordinal := ordinal.has_well_founded
instance : is_well_order nat_ordinal (<) :=

@[simp] theorem to_ordinal_zero : to_ordinal 0 = 0 := rfl
@[simp] theorem to_ordinal_one : to_ordinal 1 = 1 := rfl

@[simp] theorem to_ordinal_eq_zero (a) : to_ordinal a = 0 ↔ a = 0 := iff.rfl
@[simp] theorem to_ordinal_eq_one (a) : to_ordinal a = 1 ↔ a = 1 := iff.rfl

@[simp] theorem to_ordinal_max : (max a b).to_ordinal = max a.to_ordinal b.to_ordinal := rfl
@[simp] theorem to_ordinal_min : (min a b).to_ordinal = min a.to_ordinal b.to_ordinal := rfl

theorem succ_def (a : nat_ordinal) : succ a = (a.to_ordinal + 1).to_nat_ordinal := rfl

/-- A recursor for `nat_ordinal`. Use as `induction x using nat_ordinal.rec`. -/
protected def rec {β : nat_ordinal → Sort*} (h : Π a, β (to_nat_ordinal a)) : Π a, β a :=
λ a, h a.to_ordinal

/-- `ordinal.induction` but for `nat_ordinal`. -/
theorem induction {p : nat_ordinal → Prop} : ∀ i (h : ∀ j, (∀ k, k < j → p k) → p j), p i :=

end nat_ordinal

namespace ordinal

variables {a b c : ordinal.{u}}

@[simp] theorem to_nat_ordinal_symm_eq : to_nat_ordinal.symm = nat_ordinal.to_ordinal := rfl
@[simp] theorem to_nat_ordinal_to_ordinal (a : ordinal) : a.to_nat_ordinal.to_ordinal = a := rfl

@[simp] theorem to_nat_ordinal_zero : to_nat_ordinal 0 = 0 := rfl
@[simp] theorem to_nat_ordinal_one : to_nat_ordinal 1 = 1 := rfl

@[simp] theorem to_nat_ordinal_eq_zero (a) : to_nat_ordinal a = 0 ↔ a = 0 := iff.rfl
@[simp] theorem to_nat_ordinal_eq_one (a) : to_nat_ordinal a = 1 ↔ a = 1 := iff.rfl

@[simp] theorem to_nat_ordinal_max :
to_nat_ordinal (max a b) = max a.to_nat_ordinal b.to_nat_ordinal := rfl
@[simp] theorem to_nat_ordinal_min :
(linear_order.min a b).to_nat_ordinal = linear_order.min a.to_nat_ordinal b.to_nat_ordinal := rfl

/-- Natural addition on ordinals `a ♯ b` is recursively defined as the least ordinal greater than
`a' ♯ b` and `a ♯ b'` for all `a' < a` and `b' < b`. In contrast to normal ordinal addition, it is
Natural addition can equivalently be characterized as the ordinal resulting from adding up
corresponding coefficients in the Cantor normal forms of `a` and `b`. -/
noncomputable def nadd : ordinal → ordinal → ordinal
| a b := max
(blsub.{u u} a $ λ a' h, nadd a' b)
(blsub.{u u} b $ λ b' h, nadd a b')
using_well_founded { dec_tac := `[solve_by_elim [psigma.lex.left, psigma.lex.right]] }

local infix ` ♯ `:65 := nadd

theorem nadd_def (a b : ordinal) : a ♯ b = max
(blsub.{u u} a $ λ a' h, a' ♯ b)
(blsub.{u u} b $ λ b' h, a ♯ b') :=
by rw nadd

theorem lt_nadd_iff : a < b ♯ c ↔ (∃ b' < b, a ≤ b' ♯ c) ∨ ∃ c' < c, a ≤ b ♯ c' :=
by { rw nadd_def, simp [lt_blsub_iff] }

theorem nadd_le_iff : b ♯ c ≤ a ↔ (∀ b' < b, b' ♯ c < a) ∧ ∀ c' < c, b ♯ c' < a :=
by { rw nadd_def, simp [blsub_le_iff] }

theorem nadd_lt_nadd_left (h : b < c) (a) : a ♯ b < a ♯ c :=
lt_nadd_iff.2 (or.inr ⟨b, h, le_rfl⟩)

theorem nadd_lt_nadd_right (h : b < c) (a) : b ♯ a < c ♯ a :=
lt_nadd_iff.2 (or.inl ⟨b, h, le_rfl⟩)

theorem nadd_le_nadd_left (h : b ≤ c) (a) : a ♯ b ≤ a ♯ c :=
rcases lt_or_eq_of_le h with h | rfl,
{ exact (nadd_lt_nadd_left h a).le },
{ exact le_rfl }

theorem nadd_le_nadd_right (h : b ≤ c) (a) : b ♯ a ≤ c ♯ a :=
rcases lt_or_eq_of_le h with h | rfl,
{ exact (nadd_lt_nadd_right h a).le },
{ exact le_rfl }

variables (a b)

theorem nadd_comm : ∀ a b, a ♯ b = b ♯ a
| a b := begin
rw [nadd_def, nadd_def, max_comm],
congr; ext c hc;
apply nadd_comm
using_well_founded { dec_tac := `[solve_by_elim [psigma.lex.left, psigma.lex.right]] }

theorem blsub_nadd_of_mono {f : Π c < a ♯ b, ordinal.{max u v}}
(hf : ∀ {i j} hi hj, i ≤ j → f i hi ≤ f j hj) : blsub _ f = max
(blsub.{u v} a (λ a' ha', f (a' ♯ b) $ nadd_lt_nadd_right ha' b))
(blsub.{u v} b (λ b' hb', f (a ♯ b') $ nadd_lt_nadd_left hb' a)) :=
apply (blsub_le_iff.2 (λ i h, _)).antisymm (max_le _ _),
{ rcases lt_nadd_iff.1 h with ⟨a', ha', hi⟩ | ⟨b', hb', hi⟩,
{ exact lt_max_of_lt_left ((hf h (nadd_lt_nadd_right ha' b) hi).trans_lt (lt_blsub _ _ _)) },
{ exact lt_max_of_lt_right ((hf h (nadd_lt_nadd_left hb' a) hi).trans_lt (lt_blsub _ _ _)) } },
{ apply blsub_le_of_brange_subset.{u u v},
rintro c ⟨d, hd, rfl⟩,
apply mem_brange_self }

theorem nadd_assoc : ∀ a b c, a ♯ b ♯ c = a ♯ (b ♯ c)
| a b c := begin
rw [nadd_def a (b ♯ c), nadd_def, blsub_nadd_of_mono, blsub_nadd_of_mono, max_assoc],
{ congr; ext d hd;
apply nadd_assoc },
{ exact λ i j _ _ h, nadd_le_nadd_left h a },
{ exact λ i j _ _ h, nadd_le_nadd_right h c }
using_well_founded { dec_tac := `[solve_by_elim [psigma.lex.left, psigma.lex.right]] }

@[simp] theorem nadd_zero : a ♯ 0 = a :=
induction a using ordinal.induction with a IH,
rw [nadd_def, blsub_zero, max_zero_right],
convert blsub_id a,
ext b hb,
exact IH _ hb

@[simp] theorem zero_nadd : 0 ♯ a = a :=
by rw [nadd_comm, nadd_zero]

@[simp] theorem nadd_one : a ♯ 1 = succ a :=
induction a using ordinal.induction with a IH,
rw [nadd_def, blsub_one, nadd_zero, max_eq_right_iff, blsub_le_iff],
intros i hi,
rwa [IH i hi, succ_lt_succ_iff]

@[simp] theorem one_nadd : 1 ♯ a = succ a :=
by rw [nadd_comm, nadd_one]

theorem nadd_succ : a ♯ succ b = succ (a ♯ b) :=
by rw [←nadd_one (a ♯ b), nadd_assoc, nadd_one]

theorem succ_nadd : succ a ♯ b = succ (a ♯ b) :=
by rw [←one_nadd (a ♯ b), ←nadd_assoc, one_nadd]

@[simp] theorem nadd_nat (n : ℕ) : a ♯ n = a + n :=
induction n with n hn,
{ simp },
{ rw [nat.cast_succ, add_one_eq_succ, nadd_succ, add_succ, hn] }

@[simp] theorem nat_nadd (n : ℕ) : ↑n ♯ a = a + n :=
by rw [nadd_comm, nadd_nat]

theorem add_le_nadd : a + b ≤ a ♯ b :=
apply b.limit_rec_on,
{ simp },
{ intros c h,
rwa [add_succ, nadd_succ, succ_le_succ_iff] },
{ intros c hc H,
rw [←is_normal.blsub_eq.{u u} (add_is_normal a) hc, blsub_le_iff],
exact λ i hi, (H i hi).trans_lt (nadd_lt_nadd_left hi a) }

end ordinal

open ordinal

namespace nat_ordinal

instance : has_add nat_ordinal := ⟨nadd⟩

instance add_covariant_class_lt :
covariant_class nat_ordinal.{u} nat_ordinal.{u} (+) (<) :=
⟨λ a b c h, nadd_lt_nadd_left h a⟩

instance add_covariant_class_le :
covariant_class nat_ordinal.{u} nat_ordinal.{u} (+) (≤) :=
⟨λ a b c h, nadd_le_nadd_left h a⟩

instance add_contravariant_class_le :
contravariant_class nat_ordinal.{u} nat_ordinal.{u} (+) (≤) :=
⟨λ a b c h, by { by_contra' h', exact h.not_lt (add_lt_add_left h' a) }⟩

instance : ordered_cancel_add_comm_monoid nat_ordinal :=
{ add := (+),
add_assoc := nadd_assoc,
add_left_cancel := λ a b c, add_left_cancel'',
add_le_add_left := λ a b, add_le_add_left,
le_of_add_le_add_left := λ a b c, le_of_add_le_add_left,
zero := 0,
zero_add := zero_nadd,
add_zero := nadd_zero,
add_comm := nadd_comm,
..nat_ordinal.linear_order }

@[simp] theorem add_one_eq_succ : ∀ a : nat_ordinal, a + 1 = succ a := nadd_one

@[simp] theorem to_ordinal_cast_nat (n : ℕ) : to_ordinal n = n :=
induction n with n hn,
{ refl },
{ change nadd (to_ordinal n) 1 = n + 1,
rw hn,
apply nadd_one }

end nat_ordinal

open nat_ordinal

namespace ordinal

local infix ` ♯ `:65 := nadd

@[simp] theorem to_nat_ordinal_cast_nat (n : ℕ) : to_nat_ordinal n = n :=
by { rw ←to_ordinal_cast_nat n, refl }

theorem lt_of_nadd_lt_nadd_left : ∀ {a b c}, a ♯ b < a ♯ c → b < c :=
@lt_of_add_lt_add_left nat_ordinal _ _ _
theorem lt_of_nadd_lt_nadd_right : ∀ {a b c}, b ♯ a < c ♯ a → b < c :=
@_root_.lt_of_add_lt_add_right nat_ordinal _ _ _
theorem le_of_nadd_le_nadd_left : ∀ {a b c}, a ♯ b ≤ a ♯ c → b ≤ c :=
@le_of_add_le_add_left nat_ordinal _ _ _
theorem le_of_nadd_le_nadd_right : ∀ {a b c}, b ♯ a ≤ c ♯ a → b ≤ c :=
@le_of_add_le_add_right nat_ordinal _ _ _

theorem nadd_lt_nadd_iff_left : ∀ a {b c}, a ♯ b < a ♯ c ↔ b < c :=
@add_lt_add_iff_left nat_ordinal _ _ _ _
theorem nadd_lt_nadd_iff_right : ∀ a {b c}, b ♯ a < c ♯ a ↔ b < c :=
@add_lt_add_iff_right nat_ordinal _ _ _ _
theorem nadd_le_nadd_iff_left : ∀ a {b c}, a ♯ b ≤ a ♯ c ↔ b ≤ c :=
@add_le_add_iff_left nat_ordinal _ _ _ _
theorem nadd_le_nadd_iff_right : ∀ a {b c}, b ♯ a ≤ c ♯ a ↔ b ≤ c :=
@_root_.add_le_add_iff_right nat_ordinal _ _ _ _

theorem nadd_left_cancel : ∀ {a b c}, a ♯ b = a ♯ c → b = c :=
@_root_.add_left_cancel nat_ordinal _
theorem nadd_right_cancel : ∀ {a b c}, a ♯ b = c ♯ b → a = c :=
@_root_.add_right_cancel nat_ordinal _
theorem nadd_left_cancel_iff : ∀ {a b c}, a ♯ b = a ♯ c ↔ b = c :=
@add_left_cancel_iff nat_ordinal _
theorem nadd_right_cancel_iff : ∀ {a b c}, b ♯ a = c ♯ a ↔ b = c :=
@add_right_cancel_iff nat_ordinal _

end ordinal

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