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feat(group_theory/general_commutator): subgroup.pi commutes with the …
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…general_commutator (#11825)

Co-authored-by: Vierkantor <>
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nomeata and Vierkantor committed Feb 17, 2022
1 parent b54f44f commit 307711e
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Showing 2 changed files with 104 additions and 0 deletions.
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions src/group_theory/general_commutator.lean
Expand Up @@ -137,3 +137,32 @@ begin
simp [le_prod_iff, map_map, monoid_hom.fst_comp_inl, monoid_hom.snd_comp_inl,
monoid_hom.fst_comp_inr, monoid_hom.snd_comp_inr ], }, }

/-- The commutator of direct product is contained in the direct product of the commutators.
See `general_commutator_pi_pi_of_fintype` for equality given `fintype η`.
lemma general_commutator_pi_pi_le {η : Type*} {Gs : η → Type*} [∀ i, group (Gs i)]
(H K : Π i, subgroup (Gs i)) :
⁅subgroup.pi set.univ H, subgroup.pi set.univ K⁆ ≤ subgroup.pi set.univ (λ i, ⁅H i, K i⁆) :=
(general_commutator_le _ _ _).mpr $
λ p hp q hq i hi, general_commutator_containment _ _ (hp i hi) (hq i hi)

/-- The commutator of a finite direct product is contained in the direct product of the commutators.
lemma general_commutator_pi_pi_of_fintype {η : Type*} [fintype η] {Gs : η → Type*}
[∀ i, group (Gs i)] (H K : Π i, subgroup (Gs i)) :
⁅subgroup.pi set.univ H, subgroup.pi set.univ K⁆ = subgroup.pi set.univ (λ i, ⁅H i, K i⁆) :=
apply le_antisymm (general_commutator_pi_pi_le H K),
{ rw pi_le_iff, intros i hi,
rw map_general_commutator,
apply general_commutator_mono;
{ rw le_pi_iff,
intros j hj,
rintros _ ⟨_, ⟨x, hx, rfl⟩, rfl⟩,
by_cases h : j = i,
{ subst h, simpa using hx, },
{ simp [h, one_mem] }, }, },
75 changes: 75 additions & 0 deletions src/group_theory/subgroup/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -1154,6 +1154,81 @@ ext $ λ x, by simp [mem_pi]
(eq_bot_iff_forall _).mpr $ λ p hp,
by { simp only [mem_pi, mem_bot] at *, ext j, exact hp j trivial, }

lemma le_pi_iff {I : set η} {H : Π i, subgroup (f i)} {J : subgroup (Π i, f i)} :
J ≤ pi I H ↔ (∀ i : η , i ∈ I → map (pi.eval_monoid_hom f i) J ≤ H i) :=
{ intros h i hi, rintros _ ⟨x, hx, rfl⟩, exact (h hx) _ hi, },
{ intros h x hx i hi, refine h i hi ⟨_, hx, rfl⟩, }

lemma single_mem_pi [decidable_eq η] {I : set η} {H : Π i, subgroup (f i)}
(i : η) (x : f i) :
monoid_hom.single f i x ∈ pi I H ↔ (i ∈ I → x ∈ H i) :=
{ intros h hi, simpa using h i hi, },
{ intros h j hj,
by_cases heq : j = i,
{ subst heq, simpa using h hj, },
{ simp [heq, one_mem], }, }

lemma pi_mem_of_single_mem_aux [decidable_eq η] (I : finset η) {H : subgroup (Π i, f i) }
(x : Π i, f i) (h1 : ∀ i, i ∉ I → x i = 1) (h2 : ∀ i, i ∈ I → pi.mul_single i (x i) ∈ H ) :
x ∈ H :=
induction I using finset.induction_on with i I hnmem ih generalizing x,
{ have : x = 1,
{ ext i, refine (h1 i (not_mem_empty i)), },
simp [this, one_mem], },
{ have : x = function.update x i 1 * pi.mul_single i (x i),
{ ext j,
by_cases heq : j = i,
{ subst heq, simp, },
{ simp [heq], }, },
rw this, clear this,
apply mul_mem,
{ apply ih; clear ih,
{ intros j hj,
by_cases heq : j = i,
{ subst heq, simp, },
{ simp [heq], apply h1 j, simpa [heq] using hj, } },
{ intros j hj,
have : j ≠ i, by { rintro rfl, contradiction },
simp [this],
exact h2 _ (finset.mem_insert_of_mem hj), }, },
{ apply h2, simp, } }

lemma pi_mem_of_single_mem [fintype η] [decidable_eq η] {H : subgroup (Π i, f i) } (x : Π i, f i)
(h : ∀ i, pi.mul_single i (x i) ∈ H) : x ∈ H :=
pi_mem_of_single_mem_aux finset.univ x (by simp) (λ i _, h i)

/-- For finite index types, the `subgroup.pi` is generated by the embeddings of the groups. -/
lemma pi_le_iff [decidable_eq η] [fintype η] {H : Π i, subgroup (f i)} {J : subgroup (Π i, f i)} :
pi univ H ≤ J ↔ (∀ i : η, map (monoid_hom.single f i) (H i) ≤ J) :=
{ rintros h i _ ⟨x, hx, rfl⟩, apply h, simpa using hx },
{ exact λ h x hx, pi_mem_of_single_mem x (λ i, h i (mem_map_of_mem _ (hx i trivial))), }

lemma pi_eq_bot_iff (H : Π i, subgroup (f i)) :
pi set.univ H = ⊥ ↔ ∀ i, H i = ⊥ :=
simp only [eq_bot_iff_forall],
{ intros h i x hx,
have : monoid_hom.single f i x = 1 :=
h (monoid_hom.single f i x) ((single_mem_pi i x).mpr (λ _, hx)),
simpa using congr_fun this i, },
{ exact λ h x hx, funext (λ i, h _ _ (hx i trivial)), },

end pi

/-- A subgroup is normal if whenever `n ∈ H`, then `g * n * g⁻¹ ∈ H` for every `g : G` -/
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