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feat(topology/discrete_quotient): Discrete quotients of topological s…
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This PR defines the type of discrete quotients of a topological space and provides a basic API.
In a subsequent PR, this will be used to show that a profinite space is the limit of its finite quotients, which will be needed for the liquid tensor experiment.

Co-authored-by: Adam Topaz <>
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adamtopaz and adamtopaz committed May 2, 2021
1 parent 6d7e756 commit 30f3788
Showing 1 changed file with 233 additions and 0 deletions.
233 changes: 233 additions & 0 deletions src/topology/discrete_quotient.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Adam Topaz. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Calle Sönne, Adam Topaz
import topology.separation
import topology.subset_properties
import topology.locally_constant.basic

# Discrete quotients of a topological space.
This file defines the type of discrete quotients of a topological space,
denoted `discrete_quotient X`. To avoid quantifying over types, we model such
quotients as setoids whose equivalence classes are clopen.
## Definitions
1. `discrete_quotient X` is the type of discrete quotients of `X`.
It is endowed with a coercion to `Type`, which is defined as the
quotient associated to the setoid in question, and each such quotient
is endowed with the discrete topology.
2. Given `S : discrete_quotient X`, the projection `X → S` is denoted
3. When `X` is compact and `S : discrete_quotient X`, the space `S` is
endowed with a `fintype` instance.
## Order structure
The type `discrete_quotient X` is endowed with an instance of a `semilattice_inf_top`.
The partial ordering `A ≤ B` mathematically means that `B.proj` factors through `A.proj`.
The top element `⊤` is the trivial quotient, meaning that every element of `X` is collapsed
to a point. Given `h : A ≤ B`, the map `A → B` is `discrete_quotient.of_le h`.
## Theorems
The two main results proved in this file are:
1. `discrete_quotient.eq_of_proj_eq` which states that when `X` is compact, t2 and totally
disconnected, any two elements of `X` agree if their projections in `Q` agree for all
`Q : discrete_quotient X`.
2. `discrete_quotient.exists_of_compat` which states that when `X` is compact, then any
system of elements of `Q` as `Q : discrete_quotient X` varies, which is compatible with
respect to `discrete_quotient.of_le`, must arise from some element of `X`.
## Remarks
The constructions in this file will be used to show that any profinite space is a limit
of finite discrete spaces.

variables (X : Type*) [topological_space X]

/-- The type of discrete quotients of a topological space. -/
structure discrete_quotient :=
(rel : X → X → Prop)
(equiv : equivalence rel)
(clopen : ∀ x, is_clopen (set_of (rel x)))

namespace discrete_quotient

variables {X} (S : discrete_quotient X)

/-- Construct a discrete quotient from a clopen set. -/
def of_clopen {A : set X} (h : is_clopen A) : discrete_quotient X :=
{ rel := λ x y, x ∈ A ∧ y ∈ A ∨ x ∉ A ∧ y ∉ A,
equiv := ⟨by tauto!, by tauto!, by tauto!⟩,
clopen := begin
intros x,
by_cases hx : x ∈ A,
{ apply is_clopen_union,
{ convert h,
exact ⟨λ i, i.2, λ i, ⟨hx,i⟩⟩ },
{ convert is_clopen_empty,
tidy } },
{ apply is_clopen_union,
{ convert is_clopen_empty,
tidy },
{ convert is_clopen_compl h,
exact ⟨λ i, i.2, λ i, ⟨hx, i⟩⟩ } },
end }

lemma refl : ∀ x : X, S.rel x x := S.equiv.1
lemma symm : ∀ x y : X, S.rel x y → S.rel y x := S.equiv.2.1
lemma trans : ∀ x y z : X, S.rel x y → S.rel y z → S.rel x z := S.equiv.2.2

/-- The setoid whose quotient yields the discrete quotient. -/
def setoid : setoid X := ⟨S.rel, S.equiv⟩

instance : has_coe_to_sort (discrete_quotient X) :=
Type*, λ S, quotient S.setoid⟩

instance : topological_space S := ⊥

/-- The projection from `X` to the given discrete quotient. -/
def proj : X → S :='

lemma proj_surjective : function.surjective S.proj := quotient.surjective_quotient_mk'

lemma fiber_eq (x : X) : S.proj ⁻¹' {S.proj x} = set_of (S.rel x) :=
ext1 y,
simp only [set.mem_preimage, set.mem_singleton_iff, quotient.eq',
discrete_quotient.proj.equations._eqn_1, set.mem_set_of_eq],
exact ⟨λ h, S.symm _ _ h, λ h, S.symm _ _ h⟩,

lemma proj_is_locally_constant : is_locally_constant S.proj :=
rw (is_locally_constant.tfae S.proj).out 0 3,
intros x,
rcases S.proj_surjective x with ⟨x,rfl⟩,
simp [fiber_eq, (S.clopen x).1],

lemma proj_continuous : continuous S.proj :=
is_locally_constant.continuous $ proj_is_locally_constant _

lemma fiber_closed (A : set S) : is_closed (S.proj ⁻¹' A) :=
is_closed.preimage S.proj_continuous ⟨trivial⟩

lemma fiber_open (A : set S) : is_open (S.proj ⁻¹' A) :=
is_open.preimage S.proj_continuous trivial

lemma fiber_clopen (A : set S) : is_clopen (S.proj ⁻¹' A) := ⟨fiber_open _ _, fiber_closed _ _⟩

/-- Comap a discrete quotient along a continuous map. -/
def comap {Y : Type*} [topological_space Y] {f : Y → X} (cont : continuous f) :
discrete_quotient Y :=
{ rel := λ a b, S.rel (f a) (f b),
equiv := ⟨λ a, S.refl _, λ a b h, S.symm _ _ h, λ a b c h1 h2, S.trans _ _ _ h1 h2⟩,
clopen := λ y, ⟨is_open.preimage cont (S.clopen _).1, is_closed.preimage cont (S.clopen _).2⟩ }

instance : semilattice_inf_top (discrete_quotient X) :=
{ top := ⟨λ a b, true, ⟨by tauto, by tauto, by tauto⟩, λ _, is_clopen_univ⟩,
inf := λ A B,
{ rel := λ x y, A.rel x y ∧ B.rel x y,
equiv := ⟨λ a, ⟨A.refl _,B.refl _⟩, λ a b h, ⟨A.symm _ _ h.1, B.symm _ _ h.2⟩,
λ a b c h1 h2, ⟨A.trans _ _ _ h1.1 h2.1, B.trans _ _ _ h1.2 h2.2⟩⟩,
clopen := λ x, is_clopen_inter (A.clopen _) (B.clopen _) },
le := λ A B, ∀ x y : X, A.rel x y → B.rel x y,
le_refl := λ a, by tauto,
le_trans := λ a b c h1 h2, by tauto,
le_antisymm := λ a b h1 h2, by { ext, tauto },
inf_le_left := λ a b, by tauto,
inf_le_right := λ a b, by tauto,
le_inf := λ a b c h1 h2, by tauto,
le_top := λ a, by tauto }

instance : inhabited (discrete_quotient X) := ⟨⊤⟩

/-- The map induced by a refinement of a discrete quotient. -/
def of_le {A B : discrete_quotient X} (h : A ≤ B) : A → B :=
λ a, quotient.lift_on' a (λ x, B.proj x) (λ a b i, quotient.sound' (h _ _ i))

lemma of_le_continuous {A B : discrete_quotient X} (h : A ≤ B) :
continuous (of_le h) := continuous_of_discrete_topology

lemma of_le_proj {A B : discrete_quotient X} (h : A ≤ B) :
of_le h ∘ A.proj = B.proj := by {ext, exact quotient.sound' (B.refl _)}

lemma of_le_proj_apply {A B : discrete_quotient X} (h : A ≤ B) (x : X) :
of_le h (A.proj x) = B.proj x := by {change (of_le h ∘ A.proj) x = _, simp}

lemma eq_of_proj_eq [t2_space X] [compact_space X] [disc : totally_disconnected_space X]
{x y : X} : (∀ Q : discrete_quotient X, Q.proj x = Q.proj y) → x = y :=
intro h,
change x ∈ ({y} : set X),
rw totally_disconnected_space_iff_connected_component_singleton at disc,
rw [← disc y, connected_component_eq_Inter_clopen],
rintros U ⟨⟨U, hU1, hU2⟩, rfl⟩,
replace h : _ ∨ _ := quotient.exact' (h (of_clopen hU1)),

lemma fiber_le_of_le {A B : discrete_quotient X} (h : A ≤ B) (a : A) :
A.proj ⁻¹' {a} ≤ B.proj ⁻¹' {of_le h a} :=
induction a,
erw [fiber_eq, fiber_eq],

lemma exists_of_compat [compact_space X] (Qs : Π (Q : discrete_quotient X), Q)
(compat : ∀ (A B : discrete_quotient X) (h : A ≤ B), of_le h (Qs _) = Qs _) :
∃ x : X, ∀ Q : discrete_quotient X, Q.proj x = Qs _ :=
obtain ⟨x,hx⟩ := is_compact.nonempty_Inter_of_directed_nonempty_compact_closed
(λ (Q : discrete_quotient X), Q.proj ⁻¹' {Qs _}) (λ A B, _) (λ i, _)
(λ i, is_closed.compact (fiber_closed _ _)) (λ i, fiber_closed _ _),
{ refine ⟨x, λ Q, _⟩,
specialize hx _ ⟨Q,rfl⟩,
dsimp at hx,
rcases proj_surjective _ (Qs Q) with ⟨y,hy⟩,
rw ← hy at *,
rw fiber_eq at hx,
exact quotient.sound' (Q.symm y x hx) },
{ refine ⟨A ⊓ B, λ a ha, _, λ a ha, _⟩,
{ dsimp only,
erw ← compat (A ⊓ B) A inf_le_left,
exact fiber_le_of_le _ _ ha },
{ dsimp only,
erw ← compat (A ⊓ B) B inf_le_right,
exact fiber_le_of_le _ _ ha } },
{ obtain ⟨x,hx⟩ := i.proj_surjective (Qs i),
refine ⟨x,_⟩,
dsimp only,
rw [← hx, fiber_eq],
apply i.refl },

noncomputable instance [compact_space X] : fintype S :=
have cond : is_compact (⊤ : set X) := compact_univ,
rw compact_iff_finite_subcover at cond,
have h := @cond S (λ s, S.proj ⁻¹' {s}) (λ s, fiber_open _ _)
(λ x hx, ⟨S.proj ⁻¹' {S.proj x}, ⟨S.proj x, rfl⟩, rfl⟩),
let T := classical.some h,
have hT := classical.some_spec h,
refine ⟨T,λ s, _⟩,
rcases S.proj_surjective s with ⟨x,rfl⟩,
rcases hT (by tauto : x ∈ ⊤) with ⟨j, ⟨j,rfl⟩, h1, ⟨hj, rfl⟩, h2⟩,
dsimp only at h2,
suffices : S.proj x = j, by rwa this,
rcases j with ⟨j⟩,
apply quotient.sound',
erw fiber_eq at h2,
exact S.symm _ _ h2

end discrete_quotient

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