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feat(topology/separation): add subtype.t1_space and `subtype.regula…
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Also simplify the proof of `exists_open_singleton_of_fintype`
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urkud committed May 13, 2020
1 parent 4857284 commit 51e2b4c
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Showing 2 changed files with 48 additions and 85 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/data/finset.lean
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Expand Up @@ -806,6 +806,10 @@ def filter (p : α → Prop) [decidable_pred p] (s : finset α) : finset α :=

@[simp] theorem filter_subset (s : finset α) : s.filter p ⊆ s := filter_subset _

theorem filter_ssubset {s : finset α} : s.filter p ⊂ s ↔ ∃ x ∈ s, ¬ p x :=
⟨λ h, let ⟨x, hs, hp⟩ := set.exists_of_ssubset h in ⟨x, hs, mt (λ hp, mem_filter.2 ⟨hs, hp⟩) hp⟩,
λ ⟨x, hs, hp⟩, ⟨s.filter_subset, λ h, hp (mem_filter.1 (h hs)).2⟩⟩

theorem filter_filter (s : finset α) :
(s.filter p).filter q = s.filter (λa, p a ∧ q a) :=
ext.2 $ assume a, by simp only [mem_filter, and_comm, and.left_comm]
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129 changes: 44 additions & 85 deletions src/topology/separation.lean
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Expand Up @@ -21,96 +21,41 @@ section separation
class t0_space (α : Type u) [topological_space α] : Prop :=
(t0 : ∀ x y, x ≠ y → ∃ U:set α, is_open U ∧ (xor (x ∈ U) (y ∈ U)))

theorem exists_open_singleton_of_open_finset [t0_space α] (s : finset α) (sne : s.nonempty)
(hso : is_open (↑s : set α)) :
∃ x ∈ s, is_open ({x} : set α):=
induction s using finset.strong_induction_on with s ihs,
by_cases hs : set.subsingleton (↑s : set α),
{ rcases sne with ⟨x, hx⟩,
refine ⟨x, hx, _⟩,
have : (↑s : set α) = {x}, from hs.eq_singleton_of_mem hx,
rwa this at hso },
{ dunfold set.subsingleton at hs,
push_neg at hs,
rcases hs with ⟨x, hx, y, hy, hxy⟩,
rcases t0_space.t0 x y hxy with ⟨U, hU, hxyU⟩,
wlog H : x ∈ U ∧ y ∉ U := hxyU using [x y, y x],
obtain ⟨z, hzs, hz⟩ : ∃ z ∈ s.filter (λ z, z ∈ U), is_open ({z} : set α),
{ refine ihs _ (finset.filter_ssubset.2 ⟨y, hy, H.2⟩) ⟨x, finset.mem_filter.2 ⟨hx, H.1⟩⟩ _,
rw [finset.coe_filter],
exact is_open_inter hso hU },
exact ⟨z, (finset.mem_filter.1 hzs).1, hz⟩ }

theorem exists_open_singleton_of_fintype [t0_space α] [f : fintype α] [ha : nonempty α] :
∃ x:α, is_open ({x}:set α) :=
have H : ∀ (T : finset α), T ≠ ∅ → ∃ x ∈ T, ∃ u, is_open u ∧ {x} = {y | y ∈ T} ∩ u :=
intro T,
apply finset.case_strong_induction_on T,
{ intro h, exact (h rfl).elim },
{ intros x S hxS ih h,
by_cases hs : S = ∅,
{ existsi [x, finset.mem_insert_self x S, univ, is_open_univ],
rw [hs, inter_univ], refl },
{ rcases ih S (finset.subset.refl S) hs with ⟨y, hy, V, hv1, hv2⟩,
by_cases hxV : x ∈ V,
{ cases t0_space.t0 x y (λ hxy, hxS $ by rwa hxy) with U hu,
rcases hu with ⟨hu1, ⟨hu2, hu3⟩ | ⟨hu2, hu3⟩⟩,
{ existsi [x, finset.mem_insert_self x S, U ∩ V, is_open_inter hu1 hv1],
apply set.ext,
intro z,
{ intro hzx,
rw set.mem_singleton_iff at hzx,
rw hzx,
exact ⟨finset.mem_insert_self x S, ⟨hu2, hxV⟩⟩ },
{ intro hz,
rw set.mem_singleton_iff,
rcases hz with ⟨hz1, hz2, hz3⟩,
cases finset.mem_insert.1 hz1 with hz4 hz4,
{ exact hz4 },
{ have h1 : z ∈ {y : α | y ∈ S} ∩ V,
{ exact ⟨hz4, hz3⟩ },
rw ← hv2 at h1,
rw set.mem_singleton_iff at h1,
rw h1 at hz2,
exact (hu3 hz2).elim } } },
{ existsi [y, finset.mem_insert_of_mem hy, U ∩ V, is_open_inter hu1 hv1],
apply set.ext,
intro z,
{ intro hz,
rw set.mem_singleton_iff at hz,
rw hz,
refine ⟨finset.mem_insert_of_mem hy, hu2, _⟩,
have h1 : y ∈ {y} := set.mem_singleton y,
rw hv2 at h1,
exact h1.2 },
{ intro hz,
rw set.mem_singleton_iff,
cases hz with hz1 hz2,
cases finset.mem_insert.1 hz1 with hz3 hz3,
{ rw hz3 at hz2,
exact (hu3 hz2.1).elim },
{ have h1 : z ∈ {y : α | y ∈ S} ∩ V := ⟨hz3, hz2.2⟩,
rw ← hv2 at h1,
rw set.mem_singleton_iff at h1,
exact h1 } } } },
{ existsi [y, finset.mem_insert_of_mem hy, V, hv1],
apply set.ext,
intro z,
{ intro hz,
rw set.mem_singleton_iff at hz,
rw hz,
{ exact finset.mem_insert_of_mem hy },
{ have h1 : y ∈ {y} := set.mem_singleton y,
rw hv2 at h1,
exact h1.2 } },
{ intro hz,
rw hv2,
cases hz with hz1 hz2,
cases finset.mem_insert.1 hz1 with hz3 hz3,
{ rw hz3 at hz2,
exact (hxV hz2).elim },
{ exact ⟨hz3, hz2⟩ } } } } }
apply nonempty.elim ha, intro x,
specialize H finset.univ (finset.ne_empty_of_mem $ finset.mem_univ x),
rcases H with ⟨y, hyf, U, hu1, hu2⟩,
existsi y,
have h1 : {y : α | y ∈ finset.univ} = (univ : set α),
{ exact set.eq_univ_of_forall (λ x : α,
by rw mem_set_of_eq; exact finset.mem_univ x) },
rw h1 at hu2,
rw set.univ_inter at hu2,
rw hu2,
exact hu1
refine ha.elim (λ x, _),
have : is_open (↑(finset.univ : finset α) : set α), { simp },
rcases exists_open_singleton_of_open_finset _ ⟨x, finset.mem_univ x⟩ this with ⟨x, _, hx⟩,
exact ⟨x, hx⟩

instance subtype.t0_space [t0_space α] {p : α → Prop} : t0_space (subtype p) :=
⟨λ x y hxy, let ⟨U, hU, hxyU⟩ := t0_space.t0 (x:α) y ((not_congr subtype.coe_ext).1 hxy) in
⟨(coe : subtype p → α) ⁻¹' U, is_open_induced hU, hxyU⟩⟩

/-- A T₁ space, also known as a Fréchet space, is a topological space
where every singleton set is closed. Equivalently, for every pair
`x ≠ y`, there is an open set containing `x` and not `y`. -/
Expand All @@ -123,6 +68,11 @@ t1_space.t1 x
lemma is_open_ne [t1_space α] {x : α} : is_open {y | y ≠ x} :=
compl_singleton_eq x ▸ is_open_compl_iff.2 (t1_space.t1 x)

instance subtype.t1_space {α : Type u} [topological_space α] [t1_space α] {p : α → Prop} :
t1_space (subtype p) :=
⟨λ ⟨x, hx⟩, is_closed_induced_iff.2 $ ⟨{x}, is_closed_singleton, set.ext $ λ y,
by simp [subtype.coe_ext]⟩⟩

@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority]
instance t1_space.t0_space [t1_space α] : t0_space α :=
⟨λ x y h, ⟨{z | z ≠ y}, is_open_ne, or.inl ⟨h, not_not_intro rfl⟩⟩⟩
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -320,6 +270,15 @@ let ⟨t, ht₁, ht₂, ht₃⟩ := this in
subset.trans (compl_subset_comm.1 ht₂) h₁,
is_closed_compl_iff.mpr ht₁⟩

instance subtype.regular_space [regular_space α] {p : α → Prop} : regular_space (subtype p) :=
intros s a hs ha,
rcases is_closed_induced_iff.1 hs with ⟨s, hs', rfl⟩,
rcases regular_space.regular hs' ha with ⟨t, ht, hst, hat⟩,
refine ⟨coe ⁻¹' t, is_open_induced ht, preimage_mono hst, _⟩,
rw [nhds_induced, ← comap_principal, ← comap_inf, hat, comap_bot]

variable (α)
@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority]
instance regular_space.t2_space [regular_space α] : t2_space α :=
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