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feat(linear_algebra/affine_space): lemmas on affine spans (#3453)
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Add more lemmas on affine spans; in particular, that the points in an
`affine_span` are exactly the `affine_combination`s where the sum of
weights equals 1, provided the underlying ring is nontrivial.
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jsm28 committed Jul 20, 2020
1 parent 65208ed commit 593b1bb
Showing 1 changed file with 290 additions and 5 deletions.
295 changes: 290 additions & 5 deletions src/linear_algebra/affine_space.lean
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Joseph Myers.
import algebra.add_torsor
import data.indicator_function
import linear_algebra.basis

noncomputable theory
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,6 +60,14 @@ def vector_span (s : set P) : submodule k V := submodule.span k (vsub_set V s)
lemma vector_span_def (s : set P) : vector_span k V s = submodule.span k (vsub_set V s) :=

variables (P)

/-- The `vector_span` of the empty set is `⊥`. -/
@[simp] lemma vector_span_empty : vector_span k V (∅ : set P) = ⊥ :=
by rw [vector_span_def, vsub_set_empty, submodule.span_empty]

variables {P}

/-- The `vsub_set` lies within the `vector_span`. -/
lemma vsub_set_subset_vector_span (s : set P) : vsub_set V s ⊆ vector_span k V s :=
Expand All @@ -85,11 +94,18 @@ lemma mem_span_points (p : P) (s : set P) : p ∈ s → p ∈ span_points k V s
lemma subset_span_points (s : set P) : s ⊆ span_points k V s :=
λ p, mem_span_points k V p s

/-- The set of points in the affine span of a nonempty set of points
is nonempty. -/
lemma span_points_nonempty_of_nonempty {s : set P} :
s.nonempty → (span_points k V s).nonempty
| ⟨p, hp⟩ := ⟨p, mem_span_points k V p s hp⟩
/-- The `span_points` of a set is nonempty if and only if that set
is. -/
@[simp] lemma span_points_nonempty (s : set P) :
(span_points k V s).nonempty ↔ s.nonempty :=
{ contrapose,
rw [set.not_nonempty_iff_eq_empty, set.not_nonempty_iff_eq_empty],
intro h,
simp [h, span_points] },
{ exact λ ⟨p, hp⟩, ⟨p, mem_span_points k V p s hp⟩ }

/-- Adding a point in the affine span and a vector in the spanning
submodule produces a point in the affine span. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -199,6 +215,16 @@ begin
rw [vsub_self, smul_zero]

/-- The weighted sum is unaffected by changing the weights to the
corresponding indicator function and adding points to the set. -/
lemma weighted_vsub_of_point_indicator_subset (w : ι → k) (p : ι → P) (b : P) {s₁ s₂ : finset ι}
(h : s₁ ⊆ s₂) :
s₁.weighted_vsub_of_point V p b w = s₂.weighted_vsub_of_point V p b (set.indicator ↑s₁ w) :=
rw [weighted_vsub_of_point_apply, weighted_vsub_of_point_apply],
exact set.sum_indicator_subset_of_eq_zero w (λ i wi, wi • (p i -ᵥ b : V)) h (λ i, zero_smul k _)

/-- A weighted sum of the results of subtracting a default base point
from the given points, as a linear map on the weights. This is
intended to be used when the sum of the weights is 0; that condition
Expand All @@ -222,6 +248,17 @@ lemma weighted_vsub_eq_weighted_vsub_of_point_of_sum_eq_zero (w : ι → k) (p :
(h : ∑ i in s, w i = 0) (b : P) : s.weighted_vsub V p w = s.weighted_vsub_of_point V p b w :=
s.weighted_vsub_of_point_eq_of_sum_eq_zero V w p h _ _

/-- The `weighted_vsub` for an empty set is 0. -/
@[simp] lemma weighted_vsub_empty (w : ι → k) (p : ι → P) :
(∅ : finset ι).weighted_vsub V p w = 0 :=
by simp [weighted_vsub_apply]

/-- The weighted sum is unaffected by changing the weights to the
corresponding indicator function and adding points to the set. -/
lemma weighted_vsub_indicator_subset (w : ι → k) (p : ι → P) {s₁ s₂ : finset ι} (h : s₁ ⊆ s₂) :
s₁.weighted_vsub V p w = s₂.weighted_vsub V p (set.indicator ↑s₁ w) :=
weighted_vsub_of_point_indicator_subset _ _ _ _ h

/-- A weighted sum of the results of subtracting a default base point
from the given points, added to that base point. This is intended to
be used when the sum of the weights is 1, in which case it is an
Expand All @@ -231,6 +268,18 @@ require it. -/
def affine_combination (w : ι → k) (p : ι → P) : P :=
s.weighted_vsub_of_point V p (classical.choice S.nonempty) w +ᵥ (classical.choice S.nonempty)

/-- Applying `affine_combination` with given weights. This is for the
case where a result involving a default base point is OK (for example,
when that base point will cancel out later); a more typical use case
for `affine_combination` would involve selecting a preferred base
point with
`affine_combination_eq_weighted_vsub_of_point_vadd_of_sum_eq_one` and
then using `weighted_vsub_of_point_apply`. -/
lemma affine_combination_apply (w : ι → k) (p : ι → P) :
s.affine_combination V w p =
s.weighted_vsub_of_point V p (classical.choice S.nonempty) w +ᵥ (classical.choice S.nonempty) :=

/-- `affine_combination` gives the sum with any base point, when the
sum of the weights is 1. -/
lemma affine_combination_eq_weighted_vsub_of_point_vadd_of_sum_eq_one (w : ι → k) (p : ι → P)
Expand All @@ -255,6 +304,31 @@ begin
exact (linear_map.map_sub _ _ _).symm

/-- An `affine_combination` equals a point if that point is in the set
and has weight 1 and the other points in the set have weight 0. -/
@[simp] lemma affine_combination_of_eq_one_of_eq_zero (w : ι → k) (p : ι → P) {i : ι}
(his : i ∈ s) (hwi : w i = 1) (hw0 : ∀ i2 ∈ s, i2 ≠ i → w i2 = 0) :
s.affine_combination V w p = p i :=
have h1 : ∑ i in s, w i = 1 := hwi ▸ finset.sum_eq_single i hw0 (λ h, false.elim (h his)),
rw [s.affine_combination_eq_weighted_vsub_of_point_vadd_of_sum_eq_one V w p h1 (p i),
convert zero_vadd V (p i),
convert finset.sum_eq_zero _,
intros i2 hi2,
by_cases h : i2 = i,
{ simp [h] },
{ simp [hw0 i2 hi2 h] }

/-- An affine combination is unaffected by changing the weights to the
corresponding indicator function and adding points to the set. -/
lemma affine_combination_indicator_subset (w : ι → k) (p : ι → P) {s₁ s₂ : finset ι}
(h : s₁ ⊆ s₂) :
s₁.affine_combination V w p = s₂.affine_combination V (set.indicator ↑s₁ w) p :=
by rw [affine_combination_apply, affine_combination_apply,
weighted_vsub_of_point_indicator_subset _ _ _ _ h]

end finset

section affine_independent
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -895,6 +969,217 @@ end

end affine_subspace

namespace affine_space

variables (k : Type*) (V : Type*) {P : Type*} [ring k] [add_comm_group V] [module k V]
[affine_space k V P]
variables {ι : Type*}

/-- The `vector_span` is the span of the pairwise subtractions with a
given point on the left. -/
lemma vector_span_eq_span_vsub_set_left {s : set P} {p : P} (hp : p ∈ s) :
vector_span k V s = submodule.span k {v | ∃ p2 ∈ s, v = p -ᵥ p2} :=
rw vector_span_def,
refine le_antisymm _ (submodule.span_mono _),
{ rw submodule.span_le,
rintros v ⟨p1, hp1, p2, hp2, hv⟩,
rw ←vsub_sub_vsub_cancel_left V p1 p2 p at hv,
rw [hv, submodule.mem_coe, submodule.mem_span],
exact λ m hm, submodule.sub_mem _ (hm ⟨p2, hp2, rfl⟩) (hm ⟨p1, hp1, rfl⟩) },
{ rintros v ⟨p2, hp2, hv⟩,
exact ⟨p, hp, p2, hp2, hv⟩ }

/-- The `vector_span` is the span of the pairwise subtractions with a
given point on the right. -/
lemma vector_span_eq_span_vsub_set_right {s : set P} {p : P} (hp : p ∈ s) :
vector_span k V s = submodule.span k {v | ∃ p2 ∈ s, v = p2 -ᵥ p} :=
rw vector_span_def,
refine le_antisymm _ (submodule.span_mono _),
{ rw submodule.span_le,
rintros v ⟨p1, hp1, p2, hp2, hv⟩,
rw ←vsub_sub_vsub_cancel_right V p1 p2 p at hv,
rw [hv, submodule.mem_coe, submodule.mem_span],
exact λ m hm, submodule.sub_mem _ (hm ⟨p1, hp1, rfl⟩) (hm ⟨p2, hp2, rfl⟩) },
{ rintros v ⟨p2, hp2, hv⟩,
exact ⟨p2, hp2, p, hp, hv⟩ }

/-- The `vector_span` of an indexed family is the span of the pairwise
subtractions with a given point on the left. -/
lemma vector_span_range_eq_span_range_vsub_left (p : ι → P) (i0 : ι) :
vector_span k V (set.range p) = submodule.span k (set.range (λ (i : ι), p i0 -ᵥ p i)) :=
simp_rw [vector_span_eq_span_vsub_set_left k V (set.mem_range_self i0), set.exists_range_iff],
conv_lhs { congr, congr, funext, conv { congr, funext, rw eq_comm } },

/-- The `vector_span` of an indexed family is the span of the pairwise
subtractions with a given point on the right. -/
lemma vector_span_range_eq_span_range_vsub_right (p : ι → P) (i0 : ι) :
vector_span k V (set.range p) = submodule.span k (set.range (λ (i : ι), p i -ᵥ p i0)) :=
simp_rw [vector_span_eq_span_vsub_set_right k V (set.mem_range_self i0), set.exists_range_iff],
conv_lhs { congr, congr, funext, conv { congr, funext, rw eq_comm } },

/-- The affine span of a set is nonempty if and only if that set
is. -/
lemma affine_span_nonempty (s : set P) :
(affine_span k V s : set P).nonempty ↔ s.nonempty :=
span_points_nonempty k V s

variables {k}

/-- A `weighted_vsub` with sum of weights 0 is in the `vector_span` of
an indexed family. -/
lemma weighted_vsub_mem_vector_span {s : finset ι} {w : ι → k}
(h : ∑ i in s, w i = 0) (p : ι → P) :
s.weighted_vsub V p w ∈ vector_span k V (set.range p) :=
by_cases hn : nonempty ι,
{ cases hn with i0,
rw [vector_span_range_eq_span_range_vsub_right k V p i0, ←set.image_univ,
finset.weighted_vsub_eq_weighted_vsub_of_point_of_sum_eq_zero V s w p h (p i0),
let w' := set.indicator ↑s w,
have hwx : ∀ i, w' i ≠ 0 → i ∈ s := λ i, set.mem_of_indicator_ne_zero,
use [finsupp.on_finset s w' hwx, set.subset_univ _],
rw [finsupp.total_apply, finsupp.on_finset_sum hwx],
{ apply finset.sum_congr rfl,
intros i hi,
simp [w', set.indicator_apply, if_pos hi] },
{ exact λ _, zero_smul k _ } },
{ simp [finset.eq_empty_of_not_nonempty hn s] }

/-- An `affine_combination` with sum of weights 1 is in the
`affine_span` of an indexed family, if the underlying ring is
nontrivial. -/
lemma affine_combination_mem_affine_span [nontrivial k] {s : finset ι} {w : ι → k}
(h : ∑ i in s, w i = 1) (p : ι → P) :
s.affine_combination V w p ∈ affine_span k V (set.range p) :=
have hnz : ∑ i in s, w i ≠ 0 := h.symm ▸ one_ne_zero,
have hn : s.nonempty := finset.nonempty_of_sum_ne_zero hnz,
cases hn with i1 hi1,
let w1 : ι → k := function.update (function.const ι 0) i1 1,
have hw1 : ∑ i in s, w1 i = 1,
{ rw [finset.sum_update_of_mem hi1, finset.sum_const_zero, add_zero] },
have hw1s : s.affine_combination V w1 p = p i1 :=
s.affine_combination_of_eq_one_of_eq_zero V w1 p hi1 (function.update_same _ _ _)
(λ _ _ hne, function.update_noteq hne _ _),
have hv : s.affine_combination V w p -ᵥ p i1 ∈ (affine_span k V (set.range p)).direction,
{ rw [direction_affine_span, ←hw1s, finset.affine_combination_vsub],
apply weighted_vsub_mem_vector_span,
simp [pi.sub_apply, h, hw1] },
rw ←vsub_vadd V (s.affine_combination V w p) (p i1),
exact affine_subspace.vadd_mem_of_mem_direction hv (mem_affine_span k V (set.mem_range_self _))

variables (k) {V}

/-- A vector is in the `vector_span` of an indexed family if and only
if it is a `weighted_vsub` with sum of weights 0. -/
lemma mem_vector_span_iff_eq_weighted_vsub {v : V} {p : ι → P} :
v ∈ vector_span k V (set.range p) ↔
∃ (s : finset ι) (w : ι → k) (h : ∑ i in s, w i = 0), v = s.weighted_vsub V p w :=
{ by_cases hn : nonempty ι,
{ cases hn with i0,
rw [vector_span_range_eq_span_range_vsub_right k V p i0, ←set.image_univ,
rintros ⟨l, hl, hv⟩,
use insert i0,
set w := (l : ι → k) -
function.update (function.const ι 0 : ι → k) i0 (∑ i in, l i) with hwdef,
use w,
have hw : ∑ i in insert i0, w i = 0,
{ rw hwdef,
simp_rw [pi.sub_apply, finset.sum_sub_distrib,
finset.sum_update_of_mem (finset.mem_insert_self _ _), finset.sum_const_zero,
finset.sum_insert_of_eq_zero_if_not_mem finsupp.not_mem_support_iff.1,
add_zero, sub_self] },
use hw,
have hz : w i0 • (p i0 -ᵥ p i0 : V) = 0 := (vsub_self V (p i0)).symm ▸ smul_zero _,
change (λ i, w i • (p i -ᵥ p i0 : V)) i0 = 0 at hz,
rw [finset.weighted_vsub_eq_weighted_vsub_of_point_of_sum_eq_zero V _ w p hw (p i0),
finset.weighted_vsub_of_point_apply, ←hv, finsupp.total_apply,
finset.sum_insert_zero hz],
change ∑ i in, l i • _ = _,
ext i,
by_cases h : i = i0,
{ simp [h] },
{ simp [hwdef, h] } },
{ rw [set.range_eq_empty.2 hn, vector_span_empty, submodule.mem_bot],
intro hv,
use [∅],
simp [hv] } },
{ rintros ⟨s, w, hw, rfl⟩,
exact weighted_vsub_mem_vector_span V hw p }

variables {k}

/-- A point in the `affine_span` of an indexed family is an
`affine_combination` with sum of weights 1. -/
lemma eq_affine_combination_of_mem_affine_span {p1 : P} {p : ι → P}
(h : p1 ∈ affine_span k V (set.range p)) :
∃ (s : finset ι) (w : ι → k) (hw : ∑ i in s, w i = 1), p1 = s.affine_combination V w p :=
have hn : ((affine_span k V (set.range p)) : set P).nonempty := ⟨p1, h⟩,
rw [affine_span_nonempty, set.range_nonempty_iff_nonempty] at hn,
cases hn with i0,
have h0 : p i0 ∈ affine_span k V (set.range p) := mem_affine_span k V (set.mem_range_self i0),
have hd : p1 -ᵥ p i0 ∈ (affine_span k V (set.range p)).direction :=
affine_subspace.vsub_mem_direction h h0,
rw [direction_affine_span, mem_vector_span_iff_eq_weighted_vsub] at hd,
rcases hd with ⟨s, w, h, hs⟩,
let s' := insert i0 s,
let w' := set.indicator ↑s w,
have h' : ∑ i in s', w' i = 0,
{ rw [←h, set.sum_indicator_subset _ (finset.subset_insert i0 s)] },
have hs' : s'.weighted_vsub V p w' = p1 -ᵥ p i0,
{ rw hs,
exact (finset.weighted_vsub_indicator_subset _ _ _ (finset.subset_insert i0 s)).symm },
let w0 : ι → k := function.update (function.const ι 0) i0 1,
have hw0 : ∑ i in s', w0 i = 1,
{ rw [finset.sum_update_of_mem (finset.mem_insert_self _ _), finset.sum_const_zero, add_zero] },
have hw0s : s'.affine_combination V w0 p = p i0 :=
s'.affine_combination_of_eq_one_of_eq_zero V w0 p
(finset.mem_insert_self _ _)
(function.update_same _ _ _)
(λ _ _ hne, function.update_noteq hne _ _),
use [s', w0 + w'],
{ simp [pi.add_apply, finset.sum_add_distrib, hw0, h'] },
{ rw [add_comm, ←finset.weighted_vsub_vadd_affine_combination, hw0s, hs', vsub_vadd] }

variables (k V)

/-- A point is in the `affine_span` of an indexed family if and only
if it is an `affine_combination` with sum of weights 1, provided the
underlying ring is nontrivial. -/
lemma mem_affine_span_iff_eq_affine_combination [nontrivial k] {p1 : P} {p : ι → P} :
p1 ∈ affine_span k V (set.range p) ↔
∃ (s : finset ι) (w : ι → k) (hw : ∑ i in s, w i = 1), p1 = s.affine_combination V w p :=
{ exact eq_affine_combination_of_mem_affine_span },
{ rintros ⟨s, w, hw, rfl⟩,
exact affine_combination_mem_affine_span V hw p }

end affine_space

/-- An `affine_map k V1 P1 V2 P2` is a map from `P1` to `P2` that
induces a corresponding linear map from `V1` to `V2`. -/
structure affine_map (k : Type*) (V1 : Type*) (P1 : Type*) (V2 : Type*) (P2 : Type*)
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