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feat(data/mllist): monadic lazy lists (#865)
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* feat(data/mllist): monadic lazy lists

* oops, fix header

* shove into tactic namespace

* make mllist into a monad (#880)

* make mllist into a monad

* looks good. add `take`, and some tests

* update authors

* cleanup test
  • Loading branch information
semorrison authored and mergify[bot] committed Apr 5, 2019
1 parent 44d1c7a commit 78a08eb
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Showing 2 changed files with 174 additions and 0 deletions.
145 changes: 145 additions & 0 deletions src/data/mllist.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
Copyright (c) 2018 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Mario Carnerio, Keeley Hoek, Simon Hudon, Scott Morrison
Monadic lazy lists.
The inductive construction is not allowed outside of meta (indeed, we can build infinite objects).
This isn't so bad, as the typical use is with the tactic monad, in any case.
As we're in meta anyway, we don't bother with proofs about these constructions.
import data.option.basic
universes u v

namespace tactic -- We hide this away in the tactic namespace, just because it's all meta.

meta inductive mllist (m : Type u → Type u) (α : Type u) : Type u
| nil {} : mllist
| cons : m (option α × mllist) → mllist

namespace mllist

variables {m : Type u → Type u}

meta def fix {m : Type u → Type u} [alternative m]
{α} (f : α → m α) : α → mllist m α
| x := cons $ (λ a, (some x, fix a)) <$> f x <|> pure (some x, nil)

variables [monad m]

meta def uncons {α : Type u} : mllist m α → m (option (α × mllist m α))
| nil := pure none
| (cons l) := do (x,xs) ← l,
some x ← return x | uncons xs,
return (x,xs)

meta def empty {α : Type u} (xs : mllist m α) : m (ulift bool) :=
(ulift.up ∘ option.is_some) <$> uncons xs

meta def of_list {α : Type u} : list α → mllist m α
| [] := nil
| (h :: t) := cons (pure (h, of_list t))

meta def m_of_list {α : Type u} : list (m α) → mllist m α
| [] := nil
| (h :: t) := cons ((λ x, (x, m_of_list t)) <$> some <$> h)

meta def force {α} : mllist m α → m (list α)
| nil := pure []
| (cons l) :=
do (x,xs) ← l,
some x ← pure x | force xs,
(::) x <$> (force xs)

meta def take {α} : mllist m α → ℕ → m (list α)
| nil _ := pure []
| _ 0 := pure []
| (cons l) (n+1) :=
do (x,xs) ← l,
some x ← pure x | take xs n,
(::) x <$> (take xs n)

meta def map {α β : Type u} (f : α → β) : mllist m α → mllist m β
| nil := nil
| (cons l) := cons $ do (x,xs) ← l, pure (f <$> x, map xs)

meta def mmap {α β : Type u} (f : α → m β) : mllist m α → mllist m β
| nil := nil
| (cons l) :=
cons $ do (x,xs) ← l,
b ← x.traverse f,
return (b, mmap xs)

meta def filter {α : Type u} (p : α → Prop) [decidable_pred p] : mllist m α → mllist m α
| nil := nil
| (cons l) :=
cons $ do (a,r) ← l ,
some a ← return a | return (none, filter r),
return (if p a then some a else none, filter r)

meta def mfilter [alternative m] {α β : Type u} (p : α → m β) : mllist m α → mllist m α
| nil := nil
| (cons l) :=
cons $ do (a,r) ← l,
some a ← return a | return (none, mfilter r),
(p a >> return (a, mfilter r)) <|> return (none , mfilter r)

meta def filter_map {α β : Type u} (f : α → option β) : mllist m α → mllist m β
| nil := nil
| (cons l) :=
cons $ do (a,r) ← l,
some a ← return a | return (none, filter_map r),
match f a with
| (some b) := return (some b, filter_map r)
| none := return (none, filter_map r)

meta def mfilter_map [alternative m] {α β : Type u} (f : α → m β) : mllist m α → mllist m β
| nil := nil
| (cons l) :=
cons $ do (a,r) ← l,
some a ← return a | return (none, mfilter_map r),
(f a >>= (λ b, return (some b, mfilter_map r))) <|> return (none, mfilter_map r)

meta def append {α : Type u} : mllist m α → mllist m α → mllist m α
| nil ys := ys
| (cons xs) ys :=
cons $ do (x,xs) ← xs,
return (x, append xs ys)

meta def join {α : Type u} : mllist m (mllist m α) → mllist m α
| nil := nil
| (cons l) :=
cons $ do (xs,r) ← l,
some xs ← return xs | return (none, join r),
match xs with
| nil := return (none, join r)
| cons m := do (a,n) ← m, return (a, join (cons $ return (n, r)))

meta def enum_from {α : Type u} : ℕ → mllist m α → mllist m (ℕ × α)
| _ nil := nil
| n (cons l) :=
cons $ do (a,r) ← l,
some a ← return a | return (none, enum_from n r),
return ((n, a), (enum_from (n + 1) r))

meta def enum {α : Type u} : mllist m α → mllist m (ℕ × α) := enum_from 0

meta def concat {α : Type u} : mllist m α → α → mllist m α
| L a := (mllist.of_list [L, mllist.of_list [a]]).join

meta def bind_ {α β : Type u} : mllist m α → (α → mllist m β) → mllist m β
| nil f := nil
| (cons ll) f :=
cons $ do (x,xs) ← ll,
some x ← return x | return (none, bind_ xs f),
return (none, append (f x) (bind_ xs f))

meta def monad_lift {α} (x : m α) : mllist m α := cons $ (flip nil ∘ some) <$> x

end mllist

end tactic
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions test/mllist.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
import data.mllist

@[reducible] def S (α : Type) := state_t (list nat) option α
def append (x : nat) : S unit :=
{ run := λ s, some ((), x :: s) }

def F : nat → S nat
| 0 := failure
| (n+1) := append (n+1) >> pure n

open tactic

(do let x := ((mllist.fix F 10).force).run [],
guard $ x = (some ([10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])))
(do let x := (((mllist.fix F 10).map(λ n, n*n)).take 2).run [],
guard $ x = (some ([100, 81], [9, 10])))
(do let x := (((mllist.fix F 10).mmap(λ n, pure $ n*n)).take 3).run [],
guard $ x = (some ([100, 81, 64], [8, 9, 10])))

meta def l1 : mllist S nat := mllist.of_list [0,1,2]
meta def l2 : mllist S nat := mllist.of_list [3,4,5]
meta def ll : mllist S nat := (mllist.of_list [l1, l2]).join

(do let x := [],
guard $ x = (some ([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [])))

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