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feat(order/filter/cofinite): add lemmas, golf (#13394)
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* add `filter.comap_le_cofinite`,
  `function.injective.comap_cofinite_eq`, and
* rename `at_top_le_cofinite` to `filter.at_top_le_cofinite`;
* golf `filter.coprod_cofinite` and `filter.Coprod_cofinite`, move
  them below `filter.comap_cofinite_le`;
  • Loading branch information
urkud committed Apr 12, 2022
1 parent da4ec7e commit 78ea75a
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Showing 2 changed files with 64 additions and 63 deletions.
12 changes: 8 additions & 4 deletions src/order/filter/bases.lean
Expand Up @@ -702,12 +702,16 @@ begin
{ intros i j,
simp only [true_and, forall_true_left],
exact ⟨max i j, hf.antitone (le_max_left _ _), hg.antitone (le_max_right _ _)⟩, },
refine ⟨h, λ n m hn_le_m, _⟩,
intros x hx,
rw mem_prod at hx ⊢,
exact ⟨hf.antitone hn_le_m hx.1, hg.antitone hn_le_m hx.2⟩,
refine ⟨h, λ n m hn_le_m, set.prod_mono _ _⟩,
exacts [hf.antitone hn_le_m, hg.antitone hn_le_m]

lemma has_basis.coprod {ι ι' : Type*} {pa : ι → Prop} {sa : ι → set α} {pb : ι' → Prop}
{sb : ι' → set β} (hla : la.has_basis pa sa) (hlb : lb.has_basis pb sb) :
(la.coprod lb).has_basis (λ i : ι × ι', pa i.1 ∧ pb i.2)
(λ i, prod.fst ⁻¹' sa i.1 ∪ prod.snd ⁻¹' sb i.2) :=
(hla.comap prod.fst).sup (hlb.comap prod.snd)

end two_types

open equiv
Expand Down
115 changes: 56 additions & 59 deletions src/order/filter/cofinite.lean
Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Define filters for other cardinalities of the complement.
open set function
open_locale classical

variables {α : Type*}
variables {ι α β : Type*}

namespace filter

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,76 +52,67 @@ lemma frequently_cofinite_iff_infinite {p : α → Prop} :
by simp only [filter.frequently, filter.eventually, mem_cofinite, compl_set_of, not_not,

/-- The coproduct of the cofinite filters on two types is the cofinite filter on their product. -/
lemma coprod_cofinite {β : Type*} :
(cofinite : filter α).coprod (cofinite : filter β) = cofinite :=
ext S,
simp only [mem_coprod_iff, exists_prop, mem_comap, mem_cofinite],
{ rintro ⟨⟨A, hAf, hAS⟩, B, hBf, hBS⟩,
rw [← compl_subset_compl, ← preimage_compl] at hAS hBS,
exact ( hBf).subset (subset_inter hAS hBS) },
{ intro hS,
refine ⟨⟨(prod.fst '' Sᶜ)ᶜ, _, _⟩, ⟨(prod.snd '' Sᶜ)ᶜ, _, _⟩⟩,
{ simpa using hS.image prod.fst },
{ simpa [compl_subset_comm] using subset_preimage_image prod.fst Sᶜ },
{ simpa using hS.image prod.snd },
{ simpa [compl_subset_comm] using subset_preimage_image prod.snd Sᶜ } },

/-- Finite product of finite sets is finite -/
lemma Coprod_cofinite {δ : Type*} {κ : δ → Type*} [fintype δ] :
filter.Coprod (λ d, (cofinite : filter (κ d))) = cofinite :=
ext S,
rcases compl_surjective S with ⟨S, rfl⟩,
simp_rw [compl_mem_Coprod_iff, mem_cofinite, compl_compl],
{ rintro ⟨t, htf, hsub⟩,
exact (finite.pi htf).subset hsub },
{ exact λ hS, ⟨λ i, eval i '' S, λ i, hS.image _, subset_pi_eval_image _ _⟩ }

end filter

open filter

lemma set.finite.compl_mem_cofinite {s : set α} (hs : s.finite) : sᶜ ∈ (@cofinite α) :=
lemma _root_.set.finite.compl_mem_cofinite {s : set α} (hs : s.finite) : sᶜ ∈ (@cofinite α) :=
mem_cofinite.2 $ (compl_compl s).symm ▸ hs

lemma set.finite.eventually_cofinite_nmem {s : set α} (hs : s.finite) : ∀ᶠ x in cofinite, x ∉ s :=
lemma _root_.set.finite.eventually_cofinite_nmem {s : set α} (hs : s.finite) :
∀ᶠ x in cofinite, x ∉ s :=

lemma finset.eventually_cofinite_nmem (s : finset α) : ∀ᶠ x in cofinite, x ∉ s :=
lemma _root_.finset.eventually_cofinite_nmem (s : finset α) : ∀ᶠ x in cofinite, x ∉ s :=

lemma set.infinite_iff_frequently_cofinite {s : set α} :
lemma _root_.set.infinite_iff_frequently_cofinite {s : set α} :
set.infinite s ↔ (∃ᶠ x in cofinite, x ∈ s) :=

lemma filter.eventually_cofinite_ne (x : α) : ∀ᶠ a in cofinite, a ≠ x :=
lemma eventually_cofinite_ne (x : α) : ∀ᶠ a in cofinite, a ≠ x :=
(set.finite_singleton x).eventually_cofinite_nmem

lemma filter.le_cofinite_iff_compl_singleton_mem {l : filter α} :
lemma le_cofinite_iff_compl_singleton_mem {l : filter α} :
l ≤ cofinite ↔ ∀ x, {x}ᶜ ∈ l :=
refine ⟨λ h x, h (finite_singleton x).compl_mem_cofinite, λ h s (hs : sᶜ.finite), _⟩,
rw [← compl_compl s, ← bUnion_of_singleton sᶜ, compl_Union₂,filter.bInter_mem hs],
exact λ x _, h x

/-- If `α` is a sup-semilattice with no maximal element, then `at_top ≤ cofinite`. -/
lemma at_top_le_cofinite [semilattice_sup α] [no_max_order α] : (at_top : filter α) ≤ cofinite :=
lemma le_cofinite_iff_eventually_ne {l : filter α} :
l ≤ cofinite ↔ ∀ x, ∀ᶠ y in l, y ≠ x :=

/-- If `α` is a preorder with no maximal element, then `at_top ≤ cofinite`. -/
lemma at_top_le_cofinite [preorder α] [no_max_order α] : (at_top : filter α) ≤ cofinite :=
le_cofinite_iff_eventually_ne.mpr eventually_ne_at_top

lemma comap_cofinite_le (f : α → β) : comap f cofinite ≤ cofinite :=
le_cofinite_iff_eventually_ne.mpr $ λ x,
mem_comap.2 ⟨{f x}ᶜ, (finite_singleton _).compl_mem_cofinite, λ y, ne_of_apply_ne f⟩

/-- The coproduct of the cofinite filters on two types is the cofinite filter on their product. -/
lemma coprod_cofinite : (cofinite : filter α).coprod (cofinite : filter β) = cofinite :=
refine le_antisymm (sup_le (comap_cofinite_le _) (comap_cofinite_le _)) (λ S, _),
simp only [mem_coprod_iff, exists_prop, mem_comap, mem_cofinite],
rintro ⟨⟨A, hAf, hAS⟩, B, hBf, hBS⟩,
rw [← compl_subset_compl, ← preimage_compl] at hAS hBS,
exact ( hBf).subset (subset_inter hAS hBS)

/-- Finite product of finite sets is finite -/
lemma Coprod_cofinite {α : ι → Type*} [fintype ι] :
filter.Coprod (λ i, (cofinite : filter (α i))) = cofinite :=
refine compl_surjective.forall.2 (λ s hs, _),
rcases eq_empty_or_nonempty s with rfl|hne, { simp only [compl_empty, univ_mem] },
rw [mem_cofinite, compl_compl] at hs, lift s to finset α using hs,
rcases exists_gt (s.sup' hne id) with ⟨y, hy⟩,
filter_upwards [mem_at_top y] with x hx hxs,
exact (finset.le_sup' id hxs).not_lt (hy.trans_le hx)
refine le_antisymm (supr_le $ λ i, comap_cofinite_le _) (compl_surjective.forall.2 $ λ S, _),
simp_rw [compl_mem_Coprod_iff, mem_cofinite, compl_compl],
rintro ⟨t, htf, hsub⟩,
exact (finite.pi htf).subset hsub

end filter

open filter

/-- For natural numbers the filters `cofinite` and `at_top` coincide. -/
lemma nat.cofinite_eq_at_top : @cofinite ℕ = at_top :=
Expand All @@ -132,7 +123,7 @@ end

lemma nat.frequently_at_top_iff_infinite {p : ℕ → Prop} :
(∃ᶠ n in at_top, p n) ↔ set.infinite {n | p n} :=
by simp only [← nat.cofinite_eq_at_top, frequently_cofinite_iff_infinite]
by rw [← nat.cofinite_eq_at_top, frequently_cofinite_iff_infinite]

lemma filter.tendsto.exists_within_forall_le {α β : Type*} [linear_order β] {s : set α}
(hs : s.nonempty)
Expand All @@ -153,27 +144,33 @@ begin
exact ⟨a₀, ha₀s, λ a ha, not_all_top a ha (f a₀)⟩ }

lemma filter.tendsto.exists_forall_le {α β : Type*} [nonempty α] [linear_order β]
{f : α → β} (hf : tendsto f cofinite at_top) :
lemma filter.tendsto.exists_forall_le [nonempty α] [linear_order β] {f : α → β}
(hf : tendsto f cofinite at_top) :
∃ a₀, ∀ a, f a₀ ≤ f a :=
let ⟨a₀, _, ha₀⟩ := hf.exists_within_forall_le univ_nonempty in ⟨a₀, λ a, ha₀ a (mem_univ _)⟩

lemma filter.tendsto.exists_within_forall_ge {α β : Type*} [linear_order β] {s : set α}
(hs : s.nonempty)
lemma filter.tendsto.exists_within_forall_ge [linear_order β] {s : set α} (hs : s.nonempty)
{f : α → β} (hf : filter.tendsto f filter.cofinite filter.at_bot) :
∃ a₀ ∈ s, ∀ a ∈ s, f a ≤ f a₀ :=
@filter.tendsto.exists_within_forall_le _ (order_dual β) _ _ hs _ hf

lemma filter.tendsto.exists_forall_ge {α β : Type*} [nonempty α] [linear_order β]
{f : α → β} (hf : tendsto f cofinite at_bot) :
lemma filter.tendsto.exists_forall_ge [nonempty α] [linear_order β] {f : α → β}
(hf : tendsto f cofinite at_bot) :
∃ a₀, ∀ a, f a ≤ f a₀ :=
@filter.tendsto.exists_forall_le _ (order_dual β) _ _ _ hf

/-- For an injective function `f`, inverse images of finite sets are finite. -/
lemma function.injective.tendsto_cofinite {α β : Type*} {f : α → β} (hf : injective f) :
/-- For an injective function `f`, inverse images of finite sets are finite. See also
`filter.comap_cofinite_le` and `function.injective.comap_cofinite_eq`. -/
lemma function.injective.tendsto_cofinite {f : α → β} (hf : injective f) :
tendsto f cofinite cofinite :=
λ s h, h.preimage (hf.inj_on _)

/-- The pullback of the `filter.cofinite` under an injective function is equal to `filter.cofinite`.
See also `filter.comap_cofinite_le` and `function.injective.tendsto_cofinite`. -/
lemma function.injective.comap_cofinite_eq {f : α → β} (hf : injective f) :
comap f cofinite = cofinite :=
(comap_cofinite_le f).antisymm hf.tendsto_cofinite.le_comap

/-- An injective sequence `f : ℕ → ℕ` tends to infinity at infinity. -/
lemma function.injective.nat_tendsto_at_top {f : ℕ → ℕ} (hf : injective f) :
tendsto f at_top at_top :=
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