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feat(tactic/norm_num): add support for {nat,int}.div
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digama0 committed Dec 5, 2017
1 parent b1981c9 commit 8d27f70
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Showing 3 changed files with 75 additions and 19 deletions.
10 changes: 4 additions & 6 deletions data/rat.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -137,9 +137,9 @@ begin
a / nat.gcd a b = c / nat.gcd c d ∧ b / nat.gcd a b = d / nat.gcd c d,
{ intros a c h,
have bd : b / nat.gcd a b = d / nat.gcd c d,
{ have : ∀ {a c} (b>0) (d>0),
{ suffices : ∀ {a c} (b>0) (d>0),
a * d = c * b → b / nat.gcd a b ≤ d / nat.gcd c d,
tactic.swap, { exact le_antisymm (this _ hb _ hd h) (this _ hd _ hb h.symm) },
{ exact le_antisymm (this _ hb _ hd h) (this _ hd _ hb h.symm) },
intros a c b hb d hd h,
have gb0 := nat.gcd_pos_of_pos_right a hb,
have gd0 := nat.gcd_pos_of_pos_right c hd,
Expand All @@ -159,10 +159,8 @@ begin
nat.mul_div_assoc _ (nat.gcd_dvd_right _ _), bd,
← nat.mul_div_assoc _ (nat.gcd_dvd_right _ _), h, mul_comm,
nat.mul_div_assoc _ (nat.gcd_dvd_left _ _)] },
have ha := this a.nat_abs c.nat_abs begin
have := congr_arg int.nat_abs h,
simp [int.nat_abs_mul] at this, exact this
have ha := this a.nat_abs c.nat_abs
(by simpa [int.nat_abs_mul] using congr_arg int.nat_abs h),
{ have hs := congr_arg int.sign h,
simp [int.sign_eq_one_of_pos (int.coe_nat_lt.2 hb),
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80 changes: 67 additions & 13 deletions tactic/norm_num.lean
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Expand Up @@ -27,13 +27,17 @@ protected meta def to_pos_rat : expr → option ℚ
| `(%%e₁ / %%e₂) := do m ← e₁.to_nat, n ← e₂.to_nat, some ( m n)
| e := do n ← e.to_nat, return (rat.of_int n)

protected meta def to_int : expr → option ℤ
| `(has_neg.neg %%e) := do n ← e.to_nat, some (-n)
| e := do n ← e.to_nat, return n

protected meta def to_rat : expr → option ℚ
| `(has_neg.neg %%e) := do q ← e.to_pos_rat, some (-q)
| e := e.to_pos_rat

protected meta def of_nat (α : expr) : ℕ → tactic expr :=
(tactic.mk_app `` [α])
(tactic.mk_mapp `` [some α, none])
(λ b n tac, if n = 0 then mk_mapp `` [some α, none] else
do e ← tac, tactic.mk_app (cond b ``bit1 ``bit0) [e])

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,6 +95,14 @@ lemma lt_add_of_pos_helper [ordered_cancel_comm_monoid α]
(a b c : α) (h : a + b = c) (h₂ : 0 < b) : a < c :=
h ▸ (lt_add_iff_pos_right _).2 h₂

lemma nat_div_helper (a b q r : ℕ) (h : r + q * b = a) (h₂ : r < b) : a / b = q :=
by rw [← h, nat.add_mul_div_right _ _ (lt_of_le_of_lt (nat.zero_le _) h₂),
nat.div_eq_of_lt h₂, zero_add]

lemma int_div_helper (a b q r : ℤ) (h : r + q * b = a) (h₁ : 0 ≤ r) (h₂ : r < b) : a / b = q :=
by rw [← h, int.add_mul_div_right _ _ (ne_of_gt (lt_of_le_of_lt h₁ h₂)),
int.div_eq_zero_of_lt h₁ h₂, zero_add]

meta structure instance_cache :=
(α : expr)
(univ : level)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -123,17 +135,6 @@ do d ← get_decl n,

end instance_cache

meta def eval_inv (simp : expr → tactic (expr × expr)) : expr → tactic (expr × expr)
| `(has_inv.inv %%e) := do
c ← infer_type e >>= mk_instance_cache,
(c, p₁) ← c.mk_app ``inv_eq_one_div [e],
(c, o) ← c.mk_app `` [],
(c, e') ← c.mk_app ``has_div.div [o, e],
(do (e'', p₂) ← simp e',
p ← mk_eq_trans p₁ p₂,
return (e'', p)) <|> return (e', p₁)
| _ := failed

meta def eval_pow (simp : expr → tactic (expr × expr)) : expr → tactic (expr × expr)
| `(monoid.pow %%e₁ 0) := do
p ← mk_app ``pow_zero [e₁],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -247,9 +248,62 @@ meta def eval_ineq (simp : expr → tactic (expr × expr)) : expr → tactic (ex
| `(%%e₁ ≠ %%e₂) := do e ← mk_app ``eq [e₁, e₂], mk_app ``not [e] >>= simp
| _ := failed

meta def eval_div_ext (simp : expr → tactic (expr × expr)) : expr → tactic (expr × expr)
| `(has_inv.inv %%e) := do
c ← infer_type e >>= mk_instance_cache,
(c, p₁) ← c.mk_app ``inv_eq_one_div [e],
(c, o) ← c.mk_app `` [],
(c, e') ← c.mk_app ``has_div.div [o, e],
(do (e'', p₂) ← simp e',
p ← mk_eq_trans p₁ p₂,
return (e'', p)) <|> return (e', p₁)
| `(%%e₁ / %%e₂) := do
α ← infer_type e₁,
c ← mk_instance_cache α,
match α with
| `(nat) := do
n₁ ← e₁.to_nat, n₂ ← e₂.to_nat,
q ← expr.of_nat α (n₁ / n₂),
r ← expr.of_nat α (n₁ % n₂),
(c, e₃) ← c.mk_app ``has_mul.mul [q, e₂],
(c, e₃) ← c.mk_app ``has_add.add [r, e₃],
(e₁', p) ← norm_num e₃,
guard (e₁' =ₐ e₁),
(c, p') ← prove_lt simp c r e₂,
p ← mk_app ``norm_num.nat_div_helper [e₁, e₂, q, r, p, p'],
return (q, p)
| `(int) := match e₂ with
| `(- %%e₂') := do
(c, p₁) ← c.mk_app ``int.div_neg [e₁, e₂'],
(c, e) ← c.mk_app ``has_div.div [e₁, e₂'],
(c, e) ← c.mk_app ``has_neg.neg [e],
(e', p₂) ← simp e,
p ← mk_eq_trans p₁ p₂,
return (e', p)
| _ := do
n₁ ← e₁.to_int,
n₂ ← e₂.to_int,
q ← expr.of_rat α $ rat.of_int (n₁ / n₂),
r ← expr.of_rat α $ rat.of_int (n₁ % n₂),
(c, e₃) ← c.mk_app ``has_mul.mul [q, e₂],
(c, e₃) ← c.mk_app ``has_add.add [r, e₃],
(e₁', p) ← norm_num e₃,
guard (e₁' =ₐ e₁),
(c, r0) ← c.mk_app `` [],
(c, r0) ← c.mk_app ``has_le.le [r0, r],
(_, p₁) ← simp r0,
p₁ ← mk_app ``of_eq_true [p₁],
(c, p₂) ← prove_lt simp c r e₂,
p ← mk_app ``norm_num.int_div_helper [e₁, e₂, q, r, p, p₁, p₂],
return (q, p)
| _ := failed
| _ := failed

meta def derive1 (simp : expr → tactic (expr × expr)) (e : expr) :
tactic (expr × expr) :=
norm_num e <|> eval_inv simp e <|> eval_pow simp e <|> eval_ineq simp e
norm_num e <|> eval_div_ext simp e <|> eval_pow simp e <|> eval_ineq simp e

meta def derive : expr → tactic (expr × expr) | e :=
do (_, e', pr) ←
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions tests/norm_num.lean
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Expand Up @@ -24,6 +24,10 @@ example : (6:real) < 10 := by norm_num
example : (7:real)/2 > 3 := by norm_num
example : (4:real)⁻¹ < 1 := by norm_num

example : (5 / 2:ℕ) = 2 := by norm_num
example : (5 / -2:ℤ) < -1 := by norm_num
example : (0 + 1) / 2 < 0 + 1 := by norm_num

example (x : ℤ) (h : 1000 + 2000 < x) : 100 * 30 < x :=
by norm_num at *; try_for 100 {exact h}

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