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feat(measure_theory/decomposition/jordan): the Jordan decomposition t…
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…heorem for signed measures (#8645)

This PR proves the Jordan decomposition theorem for signed measures, that is, given a signed measure `s`, there exists a unique pair of mutually singular measures `μ` and `ν`, such that `s = μ - ν`.
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JasonKYi committed Aug 14, 2021
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381 changes: 381 additions & 0 deletions src/measure_theory/decomposition/jordan.lean
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Copyright (c) 2021 Kexing Ying. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Kexing Ying
import measure_theory.decomposition.signed_hahn

# Jordan decomposition
This file proves the existence and uniqueness of the Jordan decomposition for signed measures.
The Jordan decomposition theorem states that, given a signed measure `s`, there exists a
unique pair of mutually singular measures `μ` and `ν`, such that `s = μ - ν`.
The Jordan decomposition theorem for measures is a corollary of the Hahn decomposition theorem and
is useful for the Lebesgue decomposition theorem.
## Main definitions
* `measure_theory.jordan_decomposition`: a Jordan decomposition of a measurable space is a
pair of mutually singular finite measures. We say `j` is a Jordan decomposition of a signed
meausre `s` if `s = j.pos_part - j.neg_part`.
* `measure_theory.signed_measure.to_jordan_decomposition`: the Jordan decomposition of a
signed measure.
* `measure_theory.signed_measure.to_jordan_decomposition_equiv`: is the `equiv` between
`measure_theory.signed_measure` and `measure_theory.jordan_decomposition` formed by
## Main results
* `measure_theory.signed_measure.to_signed_measure_to_jordan_decomposition` : the Jordan
decomposition theorem.
* `measure_thoery.signed_measure.to_signed_measure_injective` : the Jordan decomposition of a
signed measure is unique.
## Tags
Jordan decomposition theorem

noncomputable theory
open_locale classical measure_theory ennreal

variables {α β : Type*} [measurable_space α]

namespace measure_theory

/-- A Jordan decomposition of a measurable space is a pair of mutually singular,
finite measures. -/
@[ext] structure jordan_decomposition (α : Type*) [measurable_space α] :=
(pos_part neg_part : measure α)
[pos_part_finite : finite_measure pos_part]
[neg_part_finite : finite_measure neg_part]
(mutually_singular : pos_part ⊥ₘ neg_part)

attribute [instance] jordan_decomposition.pos_part_finite
attribute [instance] jordan_decomposition.neg_part_finite

namespace jordan_decomposition

open measure vector_measure

variable (j : jordan_decomposition α)

instance : has_zero (jordan_decomposition α) :=
{ zero := ⟨0, 0,⟩ }

instance : inhabited (jordan_decomposition α) :=
{ default := 0 }

instance : has_neg (jordan_decomposition α) :=
{ neg := λ j, ⟨j.neg_part, j.pos_part, j.mutually_singular.symm⟩ }

@[simp] lemma zero_pos_part : (0 : jordan_decomposition α).pos_part = 0 := rfl
@[simp] lemma zero_neg_part : (0 : jordan_decomposition α).neg_part = 0 := rfl

@[simp] lemma neg_pos_part : (-j).pos_part = j.neg_part := rfl
@[simp] lemma neg_neg_part : (-j).neg_part = j.pos_part := rfl

/-- The signed measure associated with a Jordan decomposition. -/
def to_signed_measure : signed_measure α :=
j.pos_part.to_signed_measure - j.neg_part.to_signed_measure

lemma to_signed_measure_zero : (0 : jordan_decomposition α).to_signed_measure = 0 :=
ext1 i hi,
erw [to_signed_measure, to_signed_measure_sub_apply hi, sub_self, zero_apply],

lemma to_signed_measure_neg : (-j).to_signed_measure = -j.to_signed_measure :=
ext1 i hi,
rw [neg_apply, to_signed_measure, to_signed_measure,
to_signed_measure_sub_apply hi, to_signed_measure_sub_apply hi, neg_sub],

/-- A Jordan decomposition provides a Hahn decomposition. -/
lemma exists_compl_positive_negative :
∃ S : set α, measurable_set S ∧
j.to_signed_measure ≤[S] 00 ≤[Sᶜ] j.to_signed_measure ∧
j.pos_part S = 0 ∧ j.neg_part Sᶜ = 0 :=
obtain ⟨S, hS₁, hS₂, hS₃⟩ := j.mutually_singular,
refine ⟨S, hS₁, _, _, hS₂, hS₃⟩,
{ refine restrict_le_restrict_of_subset_le _ _ (λ A hA hA₁, _),
rw [to_signed_measure, to_signed_measure_sub_apply hA,
show j.pos_part A = 0, by exact nonpos_iff_eq_zero.1 (hS₂ ▸ measure_mono hA₁),
ennreal.zero_to_real, zero_sub, neg_le, zero_apply, neg_zero],
exact ennreal.to_real_nonneg },
{ refine restrict_le_restrict_of_subset_le _ _ (λ A hA hA₁, _),
rw [to_signed_measure, to_signed_measure_sub_apply hA,
show j.neg_part A = 0, by exact nonpos_iff_eq_zero.1 (hS₃ ▸ measure_mono hA₁),
ennreal.zero_to_real, sub_zero],
exact ennreal.to_real_nonneg },

end jordan_decomposition

namespace signed_measure

open measure vector_measure jordan_decomposition classical

variables {s : signed_measure α} {μ ν : measure α} [finite_measure μ] [finite_measure ν]

/-- Given a signed measure `s`, `s.to_jordan_decomposition` is the Jordan decomposition `j`,
such that `s = j.to_signed_measure`. This property is known as the Jordan decomposition
theorem, and is shown by
`measure_theory.signed_measure.to_signed_measure_to_jordan_decomposition`. -/
def to_jordan_decomposition (s : signed_measure α) : jordan_decomposition α :=
let i := some s.exists_compl_positive_negative in
let hi := some_spec s.exists_compl_positive_negative in
{ pos_part := s.to_measure_of_zero_le i hi.1 hi.2.1,
neg_part := s.to_measure_of_le_zero iᶜ hi.1.compl hi.2.2,
pos_part_finite := infer_instance,
neg_part_finite := infer_instance,
mutually_singular :=
refine ⟨iᶜ, hi.1.compl, _, _⟩,
{ rw [to_measure_of_zero_le_apply _ _ hi.1 hi.1.compl], simpa },
{ rw [to_measure_of_le_zero_apply _ _ hi.1.compl hi.1.compl.compl], simpa }
end }

lemma to_jordan_decomposition_spec (s : signed_measure α) :
∃ (i : set α) (hi₁ : measurable_set i) (hi₂ : 0 ≤[i] s) (hi₃ : s ≤[iᶜ] 0),
s.to_jordan_decomposition.pos_part = s.to_measure_of_zero_le i hi₁ hi₂ ∧
s.to_jordan_decomposition.neg_part = s.to_measure_of_le_zero iᶜ hi₁.compl hi₃ :=
set i := some s.exists_compl_positive_negative,
obtain ⟨hi₁, hi₂, hi₃⟩ := some_spec s.exists_compl_positive_negative,
exact ⟨i, hi₁, hi₂, hi₃, rfl, rfl⟩,

/-- **The Jordan decomposition theorem**: Given a signed measure `s`, there exists a pair of
mutually singular measures `μ` and `ν` such that `s = μ - ν`. In this case, the measures `μ`
and `ν` are given by `s.to_jordan_decomposition.pos_part` and
`s.to_jordan_decomposition.neg_part` respectively.
Note that we use `measure_theory.jordan_decomposition.to_signed_measure` to represent the
signed measure corresponding to
`s.to_jordan_decomposition.pos_part - s.to_jordan_decomposition.neg_part`. -/
@[simp] lemma to_signed_measure_to_jordan_decomposition (s : signed_measure α) :
s.to_jordan_decomposition.to_signed_measure = s :=
obtain ⟨i, hi₁, hi₂, hi₃, hμ, hν⟩ := s.to_jordan_decomposition_spec,
simp only [jordan_decomposition.to_signed_measure, hμ, hν],
ext k hk,
rw [to_signed_measure_sub_apply hk, to_measure_of_zero_le_apply _ hi₂ hi₁ hk,
to_measure_of_le_zero_apply _ hi₃ hi₁.compl hk],
simp only [ennreal.coe_to_real, subtype.coe_mk, ennreal.some_eq_coe, sub_neg_eq_add],
rw [← of_union _ (measurable_set.inter hi₁ hk) (measurable_set.inter hi₁.compl hk),
set.inter_comm i, set.inter_comm iᶜ, set.inter_union_compl _ _],
{ apply_instance },
{ rintro x ⟨⟨hx₁, _⟩, hx₂, _⟩,
exact false.elim (hx₂ hx₁) }


variables {u v w : set α}

/-- A subset `v` of a null-set `w` has zero measure if `w` is a subset of a positive set `u`. -/
lemma subset_positive_null_set
(hu : measurable_set u) (hv : measurable_set v) (hw : measurable_set w)
(hsu : 0 ≤[u] s) (hw₁ : s w = 0) (hw₂ : w ⊆ u) (hwt : v ⊆ w) : s v = 0 :=
have : s v + s (w \ v) = 0,
{ rw [← hw₁, ← of_union set.disjoint_diff hv (hw.diff hv),
set.union_diff_self, set.union_eq_self_of_subset_left hwt],
apply_instance },
have h₁ := nonneg_of_zero_le_restrict _ (restrict_le_restrict_subset _ _ hu hsu (hwt.trans hw₂)),
have h₂ := nonneg_of_zero_le_restrict _
(restrict_le_restrict_subset _ _ hu hsu ((w.diff_subset v).trans hw₂)),

/-- A subset `v` of a null-set `w` has zero measure if `w` is a subset of a negative set `u`. -/
lemma subset_negative_null_set
(hu : measurable_set u) (hv : measurable_set v) (hw : measurable_set w)
(hsu : s ≤[u] 0) (hw₁ : s w = 0) (hw₂ : w ⊆ u) (hwt : v ⊆ w) : s v = 0 :=
rw [← s.neg_le_neg_iff _ hu, neg_zero] at hsu,
have := subset_positive_null_set hu hv hw hsu,
simp only [pi.neg_apply, neg_eq_zero, coe_neg] at this,
exact this hw₁ hw₂ hwt,

/-- If the symmetric difference of two positive sets is a null-set, then so are the differences
between the two sets. -/
lemma of_diff_eq_zero_of_symm_diff_eq_zero_positive
(hu : measurable_set u) (hv : measurable_set v)
(hsu : 0 ≤[u] s) (hsv : 0 ≤[v] s) (hs : s (u Δ v) = 0) :
s (u \ v) = 0 ∧ s (v \ u) = 0 :=
rw restrict_le_restrict_iff at hsu hsv,
have a := hsu (hu.diff hv) (u.diff_subset v),
have b := hsv (hv.diff hu) (v.diff_subset u),
erw [of_union (set.disjoint_of_subset_left (u.diff_subset v) set.disjoint_diff)
(hu.diff hv) (hv.diff hu)] at hs,
rw zero_apply at a b,
all_goals { linarith <|> apply_instance <|> assumption },

/-- If the symmetric difference of two negative sets is a null-set, then so are the differences
between the two sets. -/
lemma of_diff_eq_zero_of_symm_diff_eq_zero_negative
(hu : measurable_set u) (hv : measurable_set v)
(hsu : s ≤[u] 0) (hsv : s ≤[v] 0) (hs : s (u Δ v) = 0) :
s (u \ v) = 0 ∧ s (v \ u) = 0 :=
rw [← s.neg_le_neg_iff _ hu, neg_zero] at hsu,
rw [← s.neg_le_neg_iff _ hv, neg_zero] at hsv,
have := of_diff_eq_zero_of_symm_diff_eq_zero_positive hu hv hsu hsv,
simp only [pi.neg_apply, neg_eq_zero, coe_neg] at this,
exact this hs,

lemma of_inter_eq_of_symm_diff_eq_zero_positive
(hu : measurable_set u) (hv : measurable_set v) (hw : measurable_set w)
(hsu : 0 ≤[u] s) (hsv : 0 ≤[v] s) (hs : s (u Δ v) = 0) :
s (w ∩ u) = s (w ∩ v) :=
have hwuv : s ((w ∩ u) Δ (w ∩ v)) = 0,
{ refine subset_positive_null_set (hu.union hv) ((hw.inter hu).symm_diff (hw.inter hv))
(hu.symm_diff hv) (restrict_le_restrict_union _ _ hu hsu hv hsv) hs _ _,
{ exact symm_diff_le_sup u v },
{ rintro x (⟨⟨hxw, hxu⟩, hx⟩ | ⟨⟨hxw, hxv⟩, hx⟩);
rw [set.mem_inter_eq, not_and] at hx,
{ exact or.inl ⟨hxu, hx hxw⟩ },
{ exact or.inr ⟨hxv, hx hxw⟩ } } },
obtain ⟨huv, hvu⟩ := of_diff_eq_zero_of_symm_diff_eq_zero_positive
(hw.inter hu) (hw.inter hv)
(restrict_le_restrict_subset _ _ hu hsu (w.inter_subset_right u))
(restrict_le_restrict_subset _ _ hv hsv (w.inter_subset_right v)) hwuv,
rw [← of_diff_of_diff_eq_zero (hw.inter hu) (hw.inter hv) hvu, huv, zero_add]

lemma of_inter_eq_of_symm_diff_eq_zero_negative
(hu : measurable_set u) (hv : measurable_set v) (hw : measurable_set w)
(hsu : s ≤[u] 0) (hsv : s ≤[v] 0) (hs : s (u Δ v) = 0) :
s (w ∩ u) = s (w ∩ v) :=
rw [← s.neg_le_neg_iff _ hu, neg_zero] at hsu,
rw [← s.neg_le_neg_iff _ hv, neg_zero] at hsv,
have := of_inter_eq_of_symm_diff_eq_zero_positive hu hv hw hsu hsv,
simp only [pi.neg_apply, neg_inj, neg_eq_zero, coe_neg] at this,
exact this hs,


end signed_measure

namespace jordan_decomposition

open measure vector_measure signed_measure function

private lemma eq_of_pos_part_eq_pos_part {j₁ j₂ : jordan_decomposition α}
(hj : j₁.pos_part = j₂.pos_part) (hj' : j₁.to_signed_measure = j₂.to_signed_measure) :
j₁ = j₂ :=
{ exact hj },
{ rw ← to_signed_measure_eq_to_signed_measure_iff,
suffices : j₁.pos_part.to_signed_measure - j₁.neg_part.to_signed_measure =
j₁.pos_part.to_signed_measure - j₂.neg_part.to_signed_measure,
{ exact this },
convert hj' }

/-- The Jordan decomposition of a signed measure is unique. -/
theorem to_signed_measure_injective :
injective $ @jordan_decomposition.to_signed_measure α _ :=
/- The main idea is that two Jordan decompositions of a signed measure provide two
Hahn decompositions for that measure. Then, from `of_symm_diff_compl_positive_negative`,
the symmetric difference of the two Hahn decompositions has measure zero, thus, allowing us to
show the equality of the underlying measures of the Jordan decompositions. -/
intros j₁ j₂ hj,
-- obtain the two Hahn decompositions from the Jordan decompositions
obtain ⟨S, hS₁, hS₂, hS₃, hS₄, hS₅⟩ := j₁.exists_compl_positive_negative,
obtain ⟨T, hT₁, hT₂, hT₃, hT₄, hT₅⟩ := j₂.exists_compl_positive_negative,
rw ← hj at hT₂ hT₃,
-- the symmetric differences of the two Hahn decompositions have measure zero
obtain ⟨hST₁, -⟩ := of_symm_diff_compl_positive_negative hS₁.compl hT₁.compl
⟨hS₃, (compl_compl S).symm ▸ hS₂⟩ ⟨hT₃, (compl_compl T).symm ▸ hT₂⟩,
-- it suffices to show the Jordan decompositions have the same positive parts
refine eq_of_pos_part_eq_pos_part _ hj,
ext1 i hi,
-- we see that the positive parts of the two Jordan decompositions are equal to their
-- associated signed measures restricted on their associated Hahn decompositions
have hμ₁ : (j₁.pos_part i).to_real = j₁.to_signed_measure (i ∩ Sᶜ),
{ rw [to_signed_measure, to_signed_measure_sub_apply (hi.inter hS₁.compl),
show j₁.neg_part (i ∩ Sᶜ) = 0, by exact nonpos_iff_eq_zero.1
(hS₅ ▸ measure_mono (set.inter_subset_right _ _)),
ennreal.zero_to_real, sub_zero],
conv_lhs { rw ← set.inter_union_compl i S },
rw [measure_union, show j₁.pos_part (i ∩ S) = 0, by exact nonpos_iff_eq_zero.1
(hS₄ ▸ measure_mono (set.inter_subset_right _ _)), zero_add],
{ refine set.disjoint_of_subset_left (set.inter_subset_right _ _)
(set.disjoint_of_subset_right (set.inter_subset_right _ _) disjoint_compl_right) },
{ exact hi.inter hS₁ },
{ exact hi.inter hS₁.compl } },
have hμ₂ : (j₂.pos_part i).to_real = j₂.to_signed_measure (i ∩ Tᶜ),
{ rw [to_signed_measure, to_signed_measure_sub_apply (hi.inter hT₁.compl),
show j₂.neg_part (i ∩ Tᶜ) = 0, by exact nonpos_iff_eq_zero.1
(hT₅ ▸ measure_mono (set.inter_subset_right _ _)),
ennreal.zero_to_real, sub_zero],
conv_lhs { rw ← set.inter_union_compl i T },
rw [measure_union, show j₂.pos_part (i ∩ T) = 0, by exact nonpos_iff_eq_zero.1
(hT₄ ▸ measure_mono (set.inter_subset_right _ _)), zero_add],
{ exact set.disjoint_of_subset_left (set.inter_subset_right _ _)
(set.disjoint_of_subset_right (set.inter_subset_right _ _) disjoint_compl_right) },
{ exact hi.inter hT₁ },
{ exact hi.inter hT₁.compl } },
-- since the two signed measures associated with the Jordan decompositions are the same,
-- and the symmetric difference of the Hahn decompositions have measure zero, the result follows
rw [← ennreal.to_real_eq_to_real (measure_lt_top _ _) (measure_lt_top _ _),
hμ₁, hμ₂, ← hj],
exact of_inter_eq_of_symm_diff_eq_zero_positive hS₁.compl hT₁.compl hi hS₃ hT₃ hST₁,
all_goals { apply_instance },

lemma to_jordan_decomposition_to_signed_measure (j : jordan_decomposition α) :
(j.to_signed_measure).to_jordan_decomposition = j :=
(@to_signed_measure_injective _ _ j (j.to_signed_measure).to_jordan_decomposition (by simp)).symm

end jordan_decomposition

namespace signed_measure

open jordan_decomposition

/-- `measure_theory.signed_measure.to_jordan_decomposition` and
`measure_theory.jordan_decomposition.to_signed_measure` form a `equiv`. -/
@[simps apply symm_apply]
def to_jordan_decomposition_equiv (α : Type*) [measurable_space α] :
signed_measure α ≃ jordan_decomposition α :=
{ to_fun := to_jordan_decomposition,
inv_fun := to_signed_measure,
left_inv := to_signed_measure_to_jordan_decomposition,
right_inv := to_jordan_decomposition_to_signed_measure }

lemma to_jordan_decomposition_zero : (0 : signed_measure α).to_jordan_decomposition = 0 :=
apply to_signed_measure_injective,
simp [to_signed_measure_zero],

lemma to_jordan_decomposition_neg (s : signed_measure α) :
(-s).to_jordan_decomposition = -s.to_jordan_decomposition :=
apply to_signed_measure_injective,
simp [to_signed_measure_neg],

end signed_measure

end measure_theory

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