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feat(algebra/algebra/spectrum, analysis/normed_space/spectrum): prove…
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… the spectrum of any element in a complex Banach algebra is nonempty (#12115)

This establishes that the spectrum of any element in a (nontrivial) complex Banach algebra is nonempty. The nontrivial assumption is necessary, as otherwise the only element is invertible. In addition, we establish some properties of the resolvent function; in particular, it tends to zero at infinity.

- [x] depends on: #12095 

Co-authored-by: Yury G. Kudryashov <>
  • Loading branch information
j-loreaux and urkud committed Mar 1, 2022
1 parent 29c84f7 commit b45657f
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Showing 2 changed files with 120 additions and 17 deletions.
58 changes: 44 additions & 14 deletions src/algebra/algebra/spectrum.lean
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Expand Up @@ -44,13 +44,15 @@ section defs
variables (R : Type u) {A : Type v}
variables [comm_semiring R] [ring A] [algebra R A]

local notation `↑ₐ` := algebra_map R A

-- definition and basic properties

/-- Given a commutative ring `R` and an `R`-algebra `A`, the *resolvent set* of `a : A`
is the `set R` consisting of those `r : R` for which `r•1 - a` is a unit of the
algebra `A`. -/
def resolvent_set (a : A) : set R :=
{ r : R | is_unit (algebra_map R A r - a) }
{ r : R | is_unit (↑ₐr - a) }

/-- Given a commutative ring `R` and an `R`-algebra `A`, the *spectrum* of `a : A`
Expand All @@ -66,23 +68,23 @@ variable {R}
a map `R → A` which sends `r : R` to `(algebra_map R A r - a)⁻¹` when
`r ∈ resolvent R A` and `0` when `r ∈ spectrum R A`. -/
noncomputable def resolvent (a : A) (r : R) : A :=
ring.inverse (algebra_map R A r - a)

end defs
ring.inverse (↑ₐr - a)

/-- The unit `1 - r⁻¹ • a` constructed from `r • 1 - a` when the latter is a unit. -/
noncomputable def is_unit.sub_inv_smul {r : Rˣ} {s : R} {a : A}
(h : is_unit $ r • ↑ₐs - a) : Aˣ :=
{ val := ↑ₐs - r⁻¹ • a,
inv := r • ↑h.unit⁻¹,
val_inv := by rw [mul_smul_comm, ←smul_mul_assoc, smul_sub, smul_inv_smul, h.mul_coe_inv],
inv_val := by rw [smul_mul_assoc, ←mul_smul_comm, smul_sub, smul_inv_smul, h.coe_inv_mul], }

-- products of scalar units and algebra units

lemma is_unit.smul_sub_iff_sub_inv_smul {R : Type u} {A : Type v}
[comm_ring R] [ring A] [algebra R A] {r : Rˣ} {a : A} :
lemma is_unit.smul_sub_iff_sub_inv_smul {r : Rˣ} {a : A} :
is_unit (r • 1 - a) ↔ is_unit (1 - r⁻¹ • a) :=
have a_eq : a = r•r⁻¹•a, by simp,
nth_rewrite 0 a_eq,
rw [←smul_sub,is_unit_smul_iff],
by rw [←@is_unit_smul_iff _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r (1 - r⁻¹ • a), smul_sub, smul_inv_smul]

end defs

namespace spectrum
open_locale polynomial
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -116,6 +118,34 @@ lemma resolvent_eq {a : A} {r : R} (h : r ∈ resolvent_set R a) :
resolvent a r = ↑h.unit⁻¹ :=
ring.inverse_unit h.unit

lemma units_smul_resolvent {r : Rˣ} {s : R} {a : A} :
r • resolvent a (s : R) = resolvent (r⁻¹ • a) (r⁻¹ • s : R) :=
by_cases h : s ∈ spectrum R a,
{ rw [mem_iff] at h,
simp only [resolvent, algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one] at *,
rw [smul_assoc, ←smul_sub],
have h' : ¬ is_unit (r⁻¹ • (s • 1 - a)),
from λ hu, h (by simpa only [smul_inv_smul] using is_unit.smul r hu),
simp only [ring.inverse_non_unit _ h, ring.inverse_non_unit _ h', smul_zero] },
{ simp only [resolvent],
have h' : is_unit (r • (algebra_map R A (r⁻¹ • s)) - a),
{ simpa [algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one, smul_assoc] using h },
rw [←h'.coe_sub_inv_smul, ←( h).unit_spec, ring.inverse_unit, ring.inverse_unit,
simp only [algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one, smul_assoc, smul_inv_smul], },

lemma units_smul_resolvent_self {r : Rˣ} {a : A} :
r • resolvent a (r : R) = resolvent (r⁻¹ • a) (1 : R) :=
by simpa only [units.smul_def,, units.inv_mul]
using @units_smul_resolvent _ _ _ _ _ r r a

/-- The resolvent is a unit when the argument is in the resolvent set. -/
lemma is_unit_resolvent {r : R} {a : A} :
r ∈ resolvent_set R a ↔ is_unit (resolvent a r) :=

lemma inv_mem_resolvent_set {r : Rˣ} {a : Aˣ} (h : (r : R) ∈ resolvent_set R (a : A)) :
(↑r⁻¹ : R) ∈ resolvent_set R (↑a⁻¹ : A) :=
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79 changes: 76 additions & 3 deletions src/analysis/normed_space/spectrum.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Authors: Jireh Loreaux
import algebra.algebra.spectrum
import analysis.special_functions.pow
import analysis.complex.cauchy_integral
import analysis.complex.liouville
import analysis.analytic.radius_liminf
# The spectrum of elements in a complete normed algebra
Expand All @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ This file contains the basic theory for the resolvent and spectrum of a Banach a
* `spectrum.has_deriv_at_resolvent`: the resolvent function is differentiable on the resolvent set.
* `spectrum.pow_nnnorm_pow_one_div_tendsto_nhds_spectral_radius`: Gelfand's formula for the
spectral radius in Banach algebras over `ℂ`.
* `spectrum.nonempty`: the spectrum of any element in a complex Banach algebra is nonempty.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -123,7 +124,9 @@ end

end spectrum_compact

section resolvent_deriv
section resolvent

open filter asymptotics

variables [nondiscrete_normed_field 𝕜] [normed_ring A] [normed_algebra 𝕜 A] [complete_space A]

Expand All @@ -139,7 +142,40 @@ begin
simpa [resolvent, sq, hk.unit_spec, ← ring.inverse_unit hk.unit] using H₁.comp_has_deriv_at k H₂,

end resolvent_deriv
/- TODO: Once there is sufficient API for bornology, we should get a nice filter / asymptotics
version of this, for example: `tendsto (resolvent a) (cobounded 𝕜) (𝓝 0)` or more specifically
`is_O (resolvent a) (λ z, z⁻¹) (cobounded 𝕜)`. -/
lemma norm_resolvent_le_forall (a : A) :
∀ ε > 0, ∃ R > 0, ∀ z : 𝕜, R ≤ ∥z∥ → ∥resolvent a z∥ ≤ ε :=
obtain ⟨c, c_pos, hc⟩ := (@normed_ring.inverse_one_sub_norm A _ _).exists_pos,
rw [is_O_with_iff, eventually_iff, metric.mem_nhds_iff] at hc,
rcases hc with ⟨δ, δ_pos, hδ⟩,
simp only [cstar_ring.norm_one, mul_one] at hδ,
intros ε hε,
have ha₁ : 0 < ∥a∥ + 1 := lt_of_le_of_lt (norm_nonneg a) (lt_add_one _),
have min_pos : 0 < min (δ * (∥a∥ + 1)⁻¹) (ε * c⁻¹),
from lt_min (mul_pos δ_pos (inv_pos.mpr ha₁)) (mul_pos hε (inv_pos.mpr c_pos)),
refine ⟨(min (δ * (∥a∥ + 1)⁻¹) (ε * c⁻¹))⁻¹, inv_pos.mpr min_pos, (λ z hz, _)⟩,
have hnz : z ≠ 0 := (lt_of_lt_of_le (inv_pos.mpr min_pos) hz),
replace hz := inv_le_of_inv_le min_pos hz,
rcases (⟨units.mk0 z hnz, units.coe_mk0 hnz⟩ : is_unit z) with ⟨z, rfl⟩,
have lt_δ : ∥z⁻¹ • a∥ < δ,
{ rw [units.smul_def, norm_smul, units.coe_inv', norm_inv],
calc ∥(z : 𝕜)∥⁻¹ * ∥a∥ ≤ δ * (∥a∥ + 1)⁻¹ * ∥a∥
: mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right (hz.trans (min_le_left _ _)) (norm_nonneg _)
... < δ
: by { conv { rw mul_assoc, to_rhs, rw (mul_one δ).symm },
exact mul_lt_mul_of_pos_left
((inv_mul_lt_iff ha₁).mpr ((mul_one (∥a∥ + 1)).symm ▸ (lt_add_one _))) δ_pos } },
rw [←inv_smul_smul z (resolvent a (z : 𝕜)), units_smul_resolvent_self, resolvent,
algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one, one_smul, units.smul_def, norm_smul, units.coe_inv', norm_inv],
calc _ ≤ ε * c⁻¹ * c : mul_le_mul (hz.trans (min_le_right _ _)) (hδ (mem_ball_zero_iff.mpr lt_δ))
(norm_nonneg _) (mul_pos hε (inv_pos.mpr c_pos)).le
... = _ : inv_mul_cancel_right₀ ε,

end resolvent

section one_sub_smul

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -273,6 +309,43 @@ end

end gelfand_formula

/-- In a (nontrivial) complex Banach algebra, every element has nonempty spectrum. -/
theorem nonempty {A : Type*} [normed_ring A] [normed_algebra ℂ A] [complete_space A]
[nontrivial A] [topological_space.second_countable_topology A]
(a : A) : (spectrum ℂ a).nonempty :=
/- Suppose `σ a = ∅`, then resolvent set is `ℂ`, any `(z • 1 - a)` is a unit, and `resolvent`
is differentiable on `ℂ`. -/
rw ←set.ne_empty_iff_nonempty,
by_contra h,
have H₀ : resolvent_set ℂ a = set.univ, by rwa [spectrum, set.compl_empty_iff] at h,
have H₁ : differentiable ℂ (λ z : ℂ, resolvent a z), from λ z,
(has_deriv_at_resolvent (H₀.symm ▸ set.mem_univ z : z ∈ resolvent_set ℂ a)).differentiable_at,
/- The norm of the resolvent is small for all sufficently large `z`, and by compactness and
continuity it is bounded on the complement of a large ball, thus uniformly bounded on `ℂ`.
By Liouville's theorem `λ z, resolvent a z` is constant -/
have H₂ := norm_resolvent_le_forall a,
have H₃ : ∀ z : ℂ, resolvent a z = resolvent a (0 : ℂ),
{ refine λ z, H₁.apply_eq_apply_of_bounded (bounded_iff_exists_norm_le.mpr _) z 0,
rcases H₂ 1 zero_lt_one with ⟨R, R_pos, hR⟩,
rcases (proper_space.is_compact_closed_ball (0 : ℂ) R).exists_bound_of_continuous_on
H₁.continuous.continuous_on with ⟨C, hC⟩,
use max C 1,
rintros _ ⟨w, rfl⟩,
refine or.elim (em (∥w∥ ≤ R)) (λ hw, _) (λ hw, _),
{ exact (hC w (mem_closed_ball_zero_iff.mpr hw)).trans (le_max_left _ _) },
{ exact (hR w ( hw).le).trans (le_max_right _ _), }, },
/- `resolvent a 0 = 0`, which is a contradition because it isn't a unit. -/
have H₅ : resolvent a (0 : ℂ) = 0,
{ refine (le_antisymm (le_of_forall_pos_le_add (λ ε hε, _)) (norm_nonneg _)),
rcases H₂ ε hε with ⟨R, R_pos, hR⟩,
simpa only [H₃ R] using (zero_add ε).symm.subst
(hR R (by exact_mod_cast (real.norm_of_nonneg, },
/- `not_is_unit_zero` is where we need `nontrivial A`, it is unavoidable. -/
exact not_is_unit_zero (H₅.subst (
( (H₀.symm ▸ set.mem_univ 0)))),

end spectrum

namespace alg_hom
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