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feat(linear_algebra/bilinear_form): Unique adjoints with respect to a…
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… nondegenerate bilinear form (#7071)
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JasonKYi committed Apr 20, 2021
1 parent a4f59bd commit bf22ab3
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Showing 2 changed files with 62 additions and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/undergrad.yaml
Expand Up @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ Bilinear and Quadratic Forms Over a Vector Space:
polar form of a quadratic: 'quadratic_form.polar'
orthogonal elements: 'bilin_form.is_ortho'
adjoint endomorphism:
adjoint endomorphism: 'bilin_form.left_adjoint_of_nondegenerate'
Sylvester's law of inertia:
real classification:
complex classification:
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61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions src/linear_algebra/bilinear_form.lean
Expand Up @@ -1453,4 +1453,65 @@ begin
erw [add_right, show B m.1 y = 0, by rw hB₂; exact m.2 y hy, hm, add_zero]

section linear_adjoints

lemma comp_left_injective (B : bilin_form R₁ M₁) (hB : B.nondegenerate) :
function.injective B.comp_left :=
λ φ ψ h, begin
ext w,
refine eq_of_sub_eq_zero (hB _ _),
intro v,
rw [sub_left, ← comp_left_apply, ← comp_left_apply, ← h, sub_self]

lemma is_adjoint_pair_unique_of_nondegenerate (B : bilin_form R₁ M₁) (hB : B.nondegenerate)
(φ ψ₁ ψ₂ : M₁ →ₗ[R₁] M₁) (hψ₁ : is_adjoint_pair B B ψ₁ φ) (hψ₂ : is_adjoint_pair B B ψ₂ φ) :
ψ₁ = ψ₂ :=
B.comp_left_injective hB $ ext $ λ v w, by rw [comp_left_apply, comp_left_apply, hψ₁, hψ₂]

variable [finite_dimensional K V]

/-- Given bilinear forms `B₁, B₂` where `B₂` is nondegenerate, `symm_comp_of_nondegenerate`
is the linear map `B₂.to_lin⁻¹ ∘ B₁.to_lin`. -/
noncomputable def symm_comp_of_nondegenerate
(B₁ B₂ : bilin_form K V) (hB₂ : B₂.nondegenerate) : V →ₗ[K] V :=
(B₂.to_dual hB₂).symm.to_linear_map.comp B₁.to_lin

lemma comp_symm_comp_of_nondegenerate_apply (B₁ : bilin_form K V)
{B₂ : bilin_form K V} (hB₂ : B₂.nondegenerate) (v : V) :
to_lin B₂ (B₁.symm_comp_of_nondegenerate B₂ hB₂ v) = to_lin B₁ v :=
by erw [symm_comp_of_nondegenerate, linear_equiv.apply_symm_apply (B₂.to_dual hB₂) _]

lemma symm_comp_of_nondegenerate_left_apply (B₁ : bilin_form K V)
{B₂ : bilin_form K V} (hB₂ : B₂.nondegenerate) (v w : V) :
B₂ (symm_comp_of_nondegenerate B₁ B₂ hB₂ w) v = B₁ w v :=
conv_lhs { rw [← bilin_form.to_lin_apply, comp_symm_comp_of_nondegenerate_apply] },

/-- Given the nondegenerate bilinear form `B` and the linear map `φ`,
`left_adjoint_of_nondegenerate` provides the left adjoint of `φ` with respect to `B`.
The lemma proving this property is `bilin_form.is_adjoint_pair_left_adjoint_of_nondegenerate`. -/
noncomputable def left_adjoint_of_nondegenerate
(B : bilin_form K V) (hB : B.nondegenerate) (φ : V →ₗ[K] V) : V →ₗ[K] V :=
symm_comp_of_nondegenerate (B.comp_right φ) B hB

lemma is_adjoint_pair_left_adjoint_of_nondegenerate
(B : bilin_form K V) (hB : B.nondegenerate) (φ : V →ₗ[K] V) :
is_adjoint_pair B B (B.left_adjoint_of_nondegenerate hB φ) φ :=
λ x y, (B.comp_right φ).symm_comp_of_nondegenerate_left_apply hB y x

/-- Given the nondegenerate bilinear form `B`, the linear map `φ` has a unique left adjoint given by
`bilin_form.left_adjoint_of_nondegenerate`. -/
theorem is_adjoint_pair_iff_eq_of_nondegenerate
(B : bilin_form K V) (hB : B.nondegenerate) (ψ φ : V →ₗ[K] V) :
is_adjoint_pair B B ψ φ ↔ ψ = B.left_adjoint_of_nondegenerate hB φ :=
⟨λ h, B.is_adjoint_pair_unique_of_nondegenerate hB φ ψ _ h
(is_adjoint_pair_left_adjoint_of_nondegenerate _ _ _),
λ h, h.symm ▸ is_adjoint_pair_left_adjoint_of_nondegenerate _ _ _⟩

end linear_adjoints

end bilin_form

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