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feat(group_theory/subgroup): add {monoid,add_monoid,ring}_hom.lift_of…
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…_right_inverse (#6814)

This provides a computable alternative to `lift_of_surjective`.
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eric-wieser committed Mar 23, 2021
1 parent 5cafdff commit c2e9ec0
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Showing 5 changed files with 169 additions and 123 deletions.
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions src/data/zmod/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -835,8 +835,10 @@ lemma ring_hom_surjective [ring R] (f : R →+* (zmod n)) : function.surjective

lemma ring_hom_eq_of_ker_eq [comm_ring R] (f g : R →+* (zmod n))
(h : f.ker = g.ker) : f = g :=
by rw [← f.lift_of_surjective_comp (zmod.ring_hom_surjective f) g (le_of_eq h),
ring_hom.ext_zmod (f.lift_of_surjective _ _ _) ( _),
have := f.lift_of_right_inverse_comp _ (zmod.ring_hom_right_inverse f) ⟨g, le_of_eq h⟩,
rw subtype.coe_mk at this,
rw [←this, ring_hom.ext_zmod (f.lift_of_right_inverse _ _ _) ( _), ring_hom.id_comp],

end zmod
111 changes: 70 additions & 41 deletions src/group_theory/subgroup.lean
Expand Up @@ -1252,15 +1252,43 @@ end subgroup
namespace monoid_hom

variables {G₁ G₂ G₃ : Type*} [group G₁] [group G₂] [group G₃]
variables (f : G₁ →* G₂)
variables (f : G₁ →* G₂) (f_inv : G₂ → G₁)

/-- `lift_of_surjective f hf g hg` is the unique group homomorphism `φ`
/-- Auxiliary definition used to define `lift_of_right_inverse` -/
@[to_additive "Auxiliary definition used to define `lift_of_right_inverse`"]
def lift_of_right_inverse_aux
(hf : function.right_inverse f_inv f) (g : G₁ →* G₃) (hg : f.ker ≤ g.ker) :
G₂ →* G₃ :=
{ to_fun := λ b, g (f_inv b),
map_one' := hg (hf 1),
map_mul' :=
intros x y,
rw [← g.map_mul, ← mul_inv_eq_one, ← g.map_inv, ← g.map_mul, ← g.mem_ker],
apply hg,
rw [f.mem_ker, f.map_mul, f.map_inv, mul_inv_eq_one, f.map_mul],
simp only [hf _],
end }

@[simp, to_additive]
lemma lift_of_right_inverse_aux_comp_apply
(hf : function.right_inverse f_inv f) (g : G₁ →* G₃) (hg : f.ker ≤ g.ker) (x : G₁) :
(f.lift_of_right_inverse_aux f_inv hf g hg) (f x) = g x :=
dsimp [lift_of_right_inverse_aux],
rw [← mul_inv_eq_one, ← g.map_inv, ← g.map_mul, ← g.mem_ker],
apply hg,
rw [f.mem_ker, f.map_mul, f.map_inv, mul_inv_eq_one],
simp only [hf _],

* such that `φ.comp f = g` (`lift_of_surjective_comp`),
* where `f : G₁ →+* G₂` is surjective (`hf`),
/-- `lift_of_right_inverse f hf g hg` is the unique group homomorphism `φ`
* such that `φ.comp f = g` (`monoid_hom.lift_of_right_inverse_comp`),
* where `f : G₁ →+* G₂` has a right_inverse `f_inv` (`hf`),
* and `g : G₂ →+* G₃` satisfies `hg : f.ker ≤ g.ker`.
See `lift_of_surjective_eq` for the uniqueness lemma.
See `monoid_hom.eq_lift_of_right_inverse` for the uniqueness lemma.
Expand All @@ -1272,13 +1300,13 @@ See `lift_of_surjective_eq` for the uniqueness lemma.
@[to_additive "`lift_of_surjective f hf g hg` is the unique additive group homomorphism `φ`
@[to_additive "`lift_of_right_inverse f f_inv hf g hg` is the unique additive group homomorphism `φ`
* such that `φ.comp f = g` (`lift_of_surjective_comp`),
* where `f : G₁ →+* G₂` is surjective (`hf`),
* and `g : G₂ →+* G₃` satisfies `hg : f.ker ≤ g.ker`.
* such that `φ.comp f = g` (`add_monoid_hom.lift_of_right_inverse_comp`),
* where `f : G₁ →+ G₂` has a right_inverse `f_inv` (`hf`),
* and `g : G₂ →+ G₃` satisfies `hg : f.ker ≤ g.ker`.
See `lift_of_surjective_eq` for the uniqueness lemma.
See `add_monoid_hom.eq_lift_of_right_inverse` for the uniqueness lemma.
Expand All @@ -1289,44 +1317,45 @@ See `lift_of_surjective_eq` for the uniqueness lemma.
G₂----> G₃
noncomputable def lift_of_surjective
(hf : function.surjective f) (g : G₁ →* G₃) (hg : f.ker ≤ g.ker) :
G₂ →* G₃ :=
{ to_fun := λ b, g (classical.some (hf b)),
map_one' := hg (classical.some_spec (hf 1)),
map_mul' :=
intros x y,
rw [← g.map_mul, ← mul_inv_eq_one, ← g.map_inv, ← g.map_mul, ← g.mem_ker],
apply hg,
rw [f.mem_ker, f.map_mul, f.map_inv, mul_inv_eq_one, f.map_mul],
simp only [classical.some_spec (hf _)],
end }
def lift_of_right_inverse
(hf : function.right_inverse f_inv f) : {g : G₁ →* G₃ // f.ker ≤ g.ker} ≃ (G₂ →* G₃) :=
{ to_fun := λ g, f.lift_of_right_inverse_aux f_inv hf g.1 g.2,
inv_fun := λ φ, ⟨φ.comp f, λ x hx, (mem_ker _).mpr $ by simp [(mem_ker _).mp hx]⟩,
left_inv := λ g, by {
simp only [comp_apply, lift_of_right_inverse_aux_comp_apply, subtype.coe_mk,
subtype.val_eq_coe], },
right_inv := λ φ, by {
ext b,
simp [lift_of_right_inverse_aux, hf b], } }

/-- A non-computable version of `monoid_hom.lift_of_right_inverse` for when no computable right
inverse is available, that uses `function.surj_inv`. -/
@[simp, to_additive "A non-computable version of `add_monoid_hom.lift_of_right_inverse` for when no
computable right inverse is available."]
noncomputable abbreviation lift_of_surjective
(hf : function.surjective f) : {g : G₁ →* G₃ // f.ker ≤ g.ker} ≃ (G₂ →* G₃) :=
f.lift_of_right_inverse (function.surj_inv hf) (function.right_inverse_surj_inv hf)

@[simp, to_additive]
lemma lift_of_surjective_comp_apply
(hf : function.surjective f) (g : G₁ →* G₃) (hg : f.ker ≤ g.ker) (x : G₁) :
(f.lift_of_surjective hf g hg) (f x) = g x :=
dsimp [lift_of_surjective],
rw [← mul_inv_eq_one, ← g.map_inv, ← g.map_mul, ← g.mem_ker],
apply hg,
rw [f.mem_ker, f.map_mul, f.map_inv, mul_inv_eq_one],
simp only [classical.some_spec (hf _)],
lemma lift_of_right_inverse_comp_apply
(hf : function.right_inverse f_inv f) (g : {g : G₁ →* G₃ // f.ker ≤ g.ker}) (x : G₁) :
(f.lift_of_right_inverse f_inv hf g) (f x) = g x :=
f.lift_of_right_inverse_aux_comp_apply f_inv hf g.1 g.2 x

@[simp, to_additive]
lemma lift_of_surjective_comp (hf : function.surjective f) (g : G₁ →* G₃) (hg : f.ker ≤ g.ker) :
(f.lift_of_surjective hf g hg).comp f = g :=
by { ext, simp only [comp_apply, lift_of_surjective_comp_apply] }
lemma lift_of_right_inverse_comp (hf : function.right_inverse f_inv f)
(g : {g : G₁ →* G₃ // f.ker ≤ g.ker}) :
(f.lift_of_right_inverse f_inv hf g).comp f = g :=
monoid_hom.ext $ f.lift_of_right_inverse_comp_apply f_inv hf g

lemma eq_lift_of_surjective (hf : function.surjective f) (g : G₁ →* G₃) (hg : f.ker ≤ g.ker)
(h : G₂ →* G₃) (hh : h.comp f = g) :
h = (f.lift_of_surjective hf g hg) :=
lemma eq_lift_of_right_inverse (hf : function.right_inverse f_inv f) (g : G₁ →* G₃)
(hg : f.ker ≤ g.ker) (h : G₂ →* G₃) (hh : h.comp f = g) :
h = (f.lift_of_right_inverse f_inv hf ⟨g, hg) :=
ext b, rcases hf b with ⟨a, rfl⟩,
simp only [← comp_apply, hh, f.lift_of_surjective_comp],
simp_rw ←hh,
exact ((f.lift_of_right_inverse f_inv hf).apply_symm_apply _).symm,

end monoid_hom
Expand Down
100 changes: 63 additions & 37 deletions src/ring_theory/ideal/operations.lean
Expand Up @@ -1443,62 +1443,88 @@ end submodule

namespace ring_hom
variables {A B C : Type*} [comm_ring A] [comm_ring B] [comm_ring C]
variables (f : A →+* B)
variables (f : A →+* B) (f_inv : B → A)

/-- `lift_of_surjective f hf g hg` is the unique ring homomorphism `φ`
* such that `φ.comp f = g` (`lift_of_surjective_comp`),
* where `f : A →+* B` is surjective (`hf`),
* and `g : B →+* C` satisfies `hg : f.ker ≤ g.ker`.
See `lift_of_surjective_eq` for the uniqueness lemma.
A .
| \
f | \ g
| \
v \⌟
B ----> C
noncomputable def lift_of_surjective
(hf : function.surjective f) (g : A →+* C) (hg : f.ker ≤ g.ker) :
/-- Auxiliary definition used to define `lift_of_right_inverse` -/
def lift_of_right_inverse_aux
(hf : function.right_inverse f_inv f) (g : A →+* C) (hg : f.ker ≤ g.ker) :
B →+* C :=
{ to_fun := λ b, g (classical.some (hf b)),
{ to_fun := λ b, g (f_inv b),
map_one' :=
rw [← g.map_one, ← sub_eq_zero, ← g.map_sub, ← g.mem_ker],
apply hg,
rw [f.mem_ker, f.map_sub, sub_eq_zero, f.map_one],
exact classical.some_spec (hf 1)
exact hf 1
map_mul' :=
intros x y,
rw [← g.map_mul, ← sub_eq_zero, ← g.map_sub, ← g.mem_ker],
apply hg,
rw [f.mem_ker, f.map_sub, sub_eq_zero, f.map_mul],
simp only [classical.some_spec (hf _)],
simp only [hf _],
.. add_monoid_hom.lift_of_surjective f.to_add_monoid_hom hf g.to_add_monoid_hom hg }
.. add_monoid_hom.lift_of_right_inverse f.to_add_monoid_hom f_inv hf g.to_add_monoid_hom, hg }

@[simp] lemma lift_of_surjective_comp_apply
(hf : function.surjective f) (g : A →+* C) (hg : f.ker ≤ g.ker) (a : A) :
(f.lift_of_surjective hf g hg) (f a) = g a :=
f.to_add_monoid_hom.lift_of_surjective_comp_apply hf g.to_add_monoid_hom hg a
@[simp] lemma lift_of_right_inverse_aux_comp_apply
(hf : function.right_inverse f_inv f) (g : A →+* C) (hg : f.ker ≤ g.ker) (a : A) :
(f.lift_of_right_inverse_aux f_inv hf g hg) (f a) = g a :=
f.to_add_monoid_hom.lift_of_right_inverse_comp_apply f_inv hf g.to_add_monoid_hom, hg a

@[simp] lemma lift_of_surjective_comp (hf : function.surjective f) (g : A →+* C)
(hg : f.ker ≤ g.ker) : (f.lift_of_surjective hf g hg).comp f = g :=
by { ext, simp only [comp_apply, lift_of_surjective_comp_apply] }
/-- `lift_of_right_inverse f hf g hg` is the unique ring homomorphism `φ`
lemma eq_lift_of_surjective (hf : function.surjective f) (g : A →+* C) (hg : f.ker ≤ g.ker)
(h : B →+* C) (hh : h.comp f = g) :
h = (f.lift_of_surjective hf g hg) :=
* such that `φ.comp f = g` (`ring_hom.lift_of_right_inverse_comp`),
* where `f : A →+* B` is has a right_inverse `f_inv` (`hf`),
* and `g : B →+* C` satisfies `hg : f.ker ≤ g.ker`.
See `ring_hom.eq_lift_of_right_inverse` for the uniqueness lemma.
A .
| \
f | \ g
| \
v \⌟
B ----> C
def lift_of_right_inverse
(hf : function.right_inverse f_inv f) : {g : A →+* C // f.ker ≤ g.ker} ≃ (B →+* C) :=
{ to_fun := λ g, f.lift_of_right_inverse_aux f_inv hf g.1 g.2,
inv_fun := λ φ, ⟨φ.comp f, λ x hx, (mem_ker _).mpr $ by simp [(mem_ker _).mp hx]⟩,
left_inv := λ g, by {
simp only [comp_apply, lift_of_right_inverse_aux_comp_apply, subtype.coe_mk,
subtype.val_eq_coe], },
right_inv := λ φ, by {
ext b,
simp [lift_of_right_inverse_aux, hf b], } }

/-- A non-computable version of `ring_hom.lift_of_right_inverse` for when no computable right
inverse is available, that uses `function.surj_inv`. -/
noncomputable abbreviation lift_of_surjective
(hf : function.surjective f) : {g : A →+* C // f.ker ≤ g.ker} ≃ (B →+* C) :=
f.lift_of_right_inverse (function.surj_inv hf) (function.right_inverse_surj_inv hf)

lemma lift_of_right_inverse_comp_apply
(hf : function.right_inverse f_inv f) (g : {g : A →+* C // f.ker ≤ g.ker}) (x : A) :
(f.lift_of_right_inverse f_inv hf g) (f x) = g x :=
f.lift_of_right_inverse_aux_comp_apply f_inv hf g.1 g.2 x

lemma lift_of_right_inverse_comp (hf : function.right_inverse f_inv f)
(g : {g : A →+* C // f.ker ≤ g.ker}) :
(f.lift_of_right_inverse f_inv hf g).comp f = g :=
ring_hom.ext $ f.lift_of_right_inverse_comp_apply f_inv hf g

lemma eq_lift_of_right_inverse (hf : function.right_inverse f_inv f) (g : A →+* C)
(hg : f.ker ≤ g.ker) (h : B →+* C) (hh : h.comp f = g) :
h = (f.lift_of_right_inverse f_inv hf ⟨g, hg⟩) :=
ext b, rcases hf b with ⟨a, rfl⟩,
simp only [← comp_apply, hh, f.lift_of_surjective_comp],
simp_rw ←hh,
exact ((f.lift_of_right_inverse f_inv hf).apply_symm_apply _).symm,

end ring_hom
59 changes: 25 additions & 34 deletions src/ring_theory/roots_of_unity.lean
Expand Up @@ -488,44 +488,35 @@ h.pow_eq_one
and the powers of a primitive root of unity `ζ`. -/
def zmod_equiv_gpowers (h : is_primitive_root ζ k) : zmod k ≃+ additive (subgroup.gpowers ζ) :=
(add_monoid_hom.lift_of_surjective (int.cast_add_hom _)
{ to_fun := λ i, additive.of_mul (⟨_, i, rfl⟩ : subgroup.gpowers ζ),
map_zero' := by { simp only [gpow_zero], refl },
map_add' := by { intros i j, simp only [gpow_add], refl } }
(λ i hi,
(add_monoid_hom.lift_of_right_inverse (int.cast_add_hom $ zmod k) _ zmod.int_cast_right_inverse
⟨{ to_fun := λ i, additive.of_mul (⟨_, i, rfl⟩ : subgroup.gpowers ζ),
map_zero' := by { simp only [gpow_zero], refl },
map_add' := by { intros i j, simp only [gpow_add], refl } },
(λ i hi,
simp only [add_monoid_hom.mem_ker, char_p.int_cast_eq_zero_iff (zmod k) k,
add_monoid_hom.coe_mk, int.coe_cast_add_hom] at hi ⊢,
obtain ⟨i, rfl⟩ := hi,
simp only [gpow_mul, h.pow_eq_one, one_gpow, gpow_coe_nat],
simp only [add_monoid_hom.mem_ker, char_p.int_cast_eq_zero_iff (zmod k) k,
add_monoid_hom.coe_mk, int.coe_cast_add_hom] at hi ⊢,
obtain ⟨i, rfl⟩ := hi,
simp only [gpow_mul, h.pow_eq_one, one_gpow, gpow_coe_nat],
end)) $
{ rw add_monoid_hom.injective_iff,
intros i hi,
rw subtype.ext_iff at hi,
have := (h.gpow_eq_one_iff_dvd _).mp hi,
rw [← (char_p.int_cast_eq_zero_iff (zmod k) k _).mpr this, eq_comm],
exact classical.some_spec (zmod.int_cast_surjective i) },
{ rintro ⟨ξ, i, rfl⟩,
refine ⟨int.cast_add_hom _ i, _⟩,
rw [add_monoid_hom.lift_of_surjective_comp_apply],
refl }
{ rw add_monoid_hom.injective_iff,
intros i hi,
rw subtype.ext_iff at hi,
have := (h.gpow_eq_one_iff_dvd _).mp hi,
rw [← (char_p.int_cast_eq_zero_iff (zmod k) k _).mpr this, eq_comm],
exact zmod.int_cast_right_inverse i },
{ rintro ⟨ξ, i, rfl⟩,
refine ⟨int.cast_add_hom _ i, _⟩,
rw [add_monoid_hom.lift_of_right_inverse_comp_apply],
refl }

@[simp] lemma zmod_equiv_gpowers_apply_coe_int (i : ℤ) :
h.zmod_equiv_gpowers i = additive.of_mul (⟨ζ ^ i, i, rfl⟩ : subgroup.gpowers ζ) :=
apply add_monoid_hom.lift_of_surjective_comp_apply,
intros j hj,
simp only [add_monoid_hom.mem_ker, char_p.int_cast_eq_zero_iff (zmod k) k,
add_monoid_hom.coe_mk, int.coe_cast_add_hom] at hj ⊢,
obtain ⟨j, rfl⟩ := hj,
simp only [gpow_mul, h.pow_eq_one, one_gpow, gpow_coe_nat],
add_monoid_hom.lift_of_right_inverse_comp_apply _ _ zmod.int_cast_right_inverse _ _

@[simp] lemma zmod_equiv_gpowers_apply_coe_nat (i : ℕ) :
h.zmod_equiv_gpowers i = additive.of_mul (⟨ζ ^ i, i, rfl⟩ : subgroup.gpowers ζ) :=
Expand Down
14 changes: 6 additions & 8 deletions src/ring_theory/witt_vector/truncated.lean
Expand Up @@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ variable [comm_ring R]

lemma truncate_fun_surjective :
surjective (@truncate_fun p n R) :=
λ x, ⟨x.out, truncated_witt_vector.truncate_fun_out x⟩
function.right_inverse.surjective truncated_witt_vector.truncate_fun_out

include hp

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -300,24 +300,22 @@ A ring homomorphism that truncates a truncated Witt vector of length `m` to
a truncated Witt vector of length `n`, for `n ≤ m`.
def truncate {m : ℕ} (hm : n ≤ m) : truncated_witt_vector p m R →+* truncated_witt_vector p n R :=
(witt_vector.truncate m)
(witt_vector.truncate_surjective p m R)
(witt_vector.truncate n)
ring_hom.lift_of_right_inverse (witt_vector.truncate m) out truncate_fun_out
⟨witt_vector.truncate n,
intro x,
simp only [witt_vector.mem_ker_truncate],
intros h i hi,
exact h i (lt_of_lt_of_le hi hm)

@[simp] lemma truncate_comp_witt_vector_truncate {m : ℕ} (hm : n ≤ m) :
(@truncate p _ n R _ m hm).comp (witt_vector.truncate m) = witt_vector.truncate n :=
ring_hom.lift_of_surjective_comp _ _ _ _
ring_hom.lift_of_right_inverse_comp _ _ _ _

@[simp] lemma truncate_witt_vector_truncate {m : ℕ} (hm : n ≤ m) (x : 𝕎 R) :
truncate hm (witt_vector.truncate m x) = witt_vector.truncate n x :=
ring_hom.lift_of_surjective_comp_apply _ _ _ _ _
ring_hom.lift_of_right_inverse_comp_apply _ _ _ _ _

@[simp] lemma truncate_truncate {n₁ n₂ n₃ : ℕ} (h1 : n₁ ≤ n₂) (h2 : n₂ ≤ n₃)
(x : truncated_witt_vector p n₃ R) :
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