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refactor(representation_theory/Rep): define ihom concretely (#19170)
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Amelia Livingston committed Jun 13, 2023
1 parent 9fb8964 commit cec8151
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Showing 2 changed files with 89 additions and 117 deletions.
204 changes: 88 additions & 116 deletions src/representation_theory/Rep.lean
Expand Up @@ -68,14 +68,26 @@ lemma coe_of {V : Type u} [add_comm_group V] [module k V] (ρ : G →* (V →ₗ
@[simp] lemma of_ρ {V : Type u} [add_comm_group V] [module k V] (ρ : G →* (V →ₗ[k] V)) :
(of ρ).ρ = ρ := rfl

@[simp] lemma Action_ρ_eq_ρ {A : Rep k G} : Action.ρ A = A.ρ := rfl
lemma Action_ρ_eq_ρ {A : Rep k G} : Action.ρ A = A.ρ := rfl

/-- Allows us to apply lemmas about the underlying `ρ`, which would take an element `g : G` rather
than `g : Mon.of G` as an argument. -/
lemma of_ρ_apply {V : Type u} [add_comm_group V] [module k V]
(ρ : representation k G V) (g : Mon.of G) :
(Rep.of ρ).ρ g = ρ (g : G) := rfl

@[simp] lemma ρ_inv_self_apply {G : Type u} [group G] (A : Rep k G) (g : G) (x : A) :
A.ρ g⁻¹ (A.ρ g x) = x :=
show (A.ρ g⁻¹ * A.ρ g) x = x, by rw [←map_mul, inv_mul_self, map_one, linear_map.one_apply]

@[simp] lemma ρ_self_inv_apply {G : Type u} [group G] {A : Rep k G} (g : G) (x : A) :
A.ρ g (A.ρ g⁻¹ x) = x :=
show (A.ρ g * A.ρ g⁻¹) x = x, by rw [←map_mul, mul_inv_self, map_one, linear_map.one_apply]

lemma hom_comm_apply {A B : Rep k G} (f : A ⟶ B) (g : G) (x : A) :
f.hom (A.ρ g x) = B.ρ g (f.hom x) :=
linear_map.ext_iff.1 (f.comm g) x

variables (k G)

/-- The trivial `k`-linear `G`-representation on a `k`-module `V.` -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -234,151 +246,111 @@ end

end linearization
section monoidal_closed
open Action
variables [group G] (A B C : Rep k G)

noncomputable instance : monoidal_closed (Rep k G) :=
monoidal_closed.of_equiv (functor_category_monoidal_equivalence _ _)

/-- Explicit description of the 'internal Hom' `iHom(A, B)` of two representations `A, B`:
this is `F⁻¹(iHom(F(A), F(B)))`, where `F` is an equivalence
`Rep k G ≌ (single_obj G ⥤ Module k)`. Just used to prove `Rep.ihom_obj_ρ`. -/
lemma ihom_obj_ρ_def :
((ihom A).obj B).ρ = (functor_category_equivalence.inverse.obj
((functor_category_equivalence.functor.obj A).closed_ihom.obj
(functor_category_equivalence.functor.obj B))).ρ := rfl

/-- Given `k`-linear `G`-representations `(A, ρ₁), (B, ρ₂)`, the 'internal Hom' is the
representation on `Homₖ(A, B)` sending `g : G` and `f : A →ₗ[k] B` to `(ρ₂ g) ∘ₗ f ∘ₗ (ρ₁ g⁻¹)`. -/
@[simp] lemma ihom_obj_ρ :
((ihom A).obj B).ρ = A.ρ.lin_hom B.ρ :=
refine monoid_hom.ext (λ g, _),
simpa only [ihom_obj_ρ_def, functor_category_equivalence.inverse_obj_ρ_apply,
functor.closed_ihom_obj_map, ←functor.map_inv, single_obj.inv_as_inv],

@[simp] lemma ihom_map_hom {B C : Rep k G} (f : B ⟶ C) :
((ihom A).map f).hom = linear_map.llcomp k A B C f.hom :=

/-- Unfolds the unit in the adjunction `A ⊗ - ⊣ iHom(A, -)`; just used to prove
`Rep.ihom_coev_app_hom`. -/
lemma ihom_coev_app_def :
(ihom.coev A).app B = B ≫
((functor_category_equivalence.functor.obj A) _ ≫
(functor_category_equivalence.functor.obj A)
((functor_category_monoidal_equivalence (Module.{u} k) (Mon.of G)).μ A B)) :=

/-- Describes the unit in the adjunction `A ⊗ - ⊣ iHom(A, -)`; given another `k`-linear
`G`-representation `B,` the `k`-linear map underlying the resulting map `B ⟶ iHom(A, A ⊗ B)` is
given by flipping the arguments in the natural `k`-bilinear map `A →ₗ[k] B →ₗ[k] A ⊗ B`. -/
@[simp] lemma ihom_coev_app_hom :
Action.hom.hom ((ihom.coev A).app B) = ( _ _ _).flip :=
refine linear_map.ext (λ x, linear_map.ext (λ y, _)),
simpa only [ihom_coev_app_def, functor.map_comp, comp_hom,
functor_category_equivalence.inverse_map_hom, functor.closed_ihom_map_app,

variables {A B C}

/-- Given a `k`-linear `G`-representation `A`, the adjunction `A ⊗ - ⊣ iHom(A, -)` defines a
bijection `Hom(A ⊗ B, C) ≃ Hom(B, iHom(A, C))` for all `B, C`. Given `f : A ⊗ B ⟶ C`, this lemma
describes the `k`-linear map underlying `f`'s image under the bijection. It is given by currying the
/-- Given a `k`-linear `G`-representation `(A, ρ₁)`, this is the 'internal Hom' functor sending
`(B, ρ₂)` to the representation `Homₖ(A, B)` that maps `g : G` and `f : A →ₗ[k] B` to
`(ρ₂ g) ∘ₗ f ∘ₗ (ρ₁ g⁻¹)`. -/
@[simps] protected def ihom (A : Rep k G) : Rep k G ⥤ Rep k G :=
{ obj := λ B, Rep.of (representation.lin_hom A.ρ B.ρ),
map := λ X Y f,
{ hom := Module.of_hom (linear_map.llcomp k _ _ _ f.hom),
comm' := λ g, linear_map.ext (λ x, linear_map.ext (λ y,
show f.hom (X.ρ g _) = _, by simpa only [hom_comm_apply])) },
map_id' := λ B, by ext; refl,
map_comp' := λ B C D f g, by ext; refl }

@[simp] protected lemma ihom_obj_ρ_apply {A B : Rep k G} (g : G) (x : A →ₗ[k] B) :
((Rep.ihom A).obj B).ρ g x = (B.ρ g) ∘ₗ x ∘ₗ (A.ρ g⁻¹) := rfl

/-- Given a `k`-linear `G`-representation `A`, this is the Hom-set bijection in the adjunction
`A ⊗ - ⊣ ihom(A, -)`. It sends `f : A ⊗ B ⟶ C` to a `Rep k G` morphism defined by currying the
`k`-linear map underlying `f`, giving a map `A →ₗ[k] B →ₗ[k] C`, then flipping the arguments. -/
@[simp] lemma monoidal_closed_curry_hom (f : A ⊗ B ⟶ C) :
(monoidal_closed.curry f).hom = (tensor_product.curry f.hom).flip :=
rw [monoidal_closed.curry_eq, comp_hom, ihom_coev_app_hom],

/-- Given a `k`-linear `G`-representation `A`, the adjunction `A ⊗ - ⊣ iHom(A, -)` defines a
bijection `Hom(A ⊗ B, C) ≃ Hom(B, iHom(A, C))` for all `B, C`. Given `f : B ⟶ iHom(A, C)`, this
lemma describes the `k`-linear map underlying `f`'s image under the bijection. It is given by
flipping the arguments of the `k`-linear map underlying `f`, giving a map `A →ₗ[k] B →ₗ[k] C`, then
uncurrying. -/
@[simp] lemma monoidal_closed_uncurry_hom (f : B ⟶ (ihom A).obj C) :
(monoidal_closed.uncurry f).hom = tensor_product.uncurry _ _ _ _ f.hom.flip :=
simp only [monoidal_closed.of_equiv_uncurry_def, comp_inv_iso_inv_app,
monoidal_functor.comm_tensor_left_inv_app, comp_hom,
functor_category_monoidal_equivalence.inverse_map, functor_category_equivalence.inverse_map_hom,

/-- Describes the counit in the adjunction `A ⊗ - ⊣ iHom(A, -)`; given another `k`-linear
`G`-representation `B,` the `k`-linear map underlying the resulting morphism `A ⊗ iHom(A, B) ⟶ B`
is given by uncurrying the map `A →ₗ[k] (A →ₗ[k] B) →ₗ[k] B` defined by flipping the arguments in
the identity map on `Homₖ(A, B).` -/
@[simp] lemma ihom_ev_app_hom : Action.hom.hom ((ihom.ev A).app B) =
tensor_product.uncurry _ _ _ _ :=
monoidal_closed_uncurry_hom _
@[simps] protected def hom_equiv (A B C : Rep k G) : (A ⊗ B ⟶ C) ≃ (B ⟶ (Rep.ihom A).obj C) :=
{ to_fun := λ f,
{ hom := (tensor_product.curry f.hom).flip,
comm' := λ g,
refine linear_map.ext (λ x, linear_map.ext (λ y, _)),
change f.hom (_ ⊗ₜ[k] _) = C.ρ g (f.hom (_ ⊗ₜ[k] _)),
rw [←hom_comm_apply],
change _ = f.hom ((A.ρ g * A.ρ g⁻¹) y ⊗ₜ[k] _),
simpa only [←map_mul, mul_inv_self, map_one],
end },
inv_fun := λ f,
{ hom := tensor_product.uncurry k _ _ _ f.hom.flip,
comm' := λ g, tensor_product.ext' (λ x y,
dsimp only [monoidal_category.tensor_left_obj, Module.comp_def, linear_map.comp_apply,
tensor_rho, Module.monoidal_category.hom_apply, tensor_product.map_tmul],
simp only [tensor_product.uncurry_apply f.hom.flip, linear_map.flip_apply,
Action_ρ_eq_ρ, hom_comm_apply f g y, Rep.ihom_obj_ρ_apply, linear_map.comp_apply,
end) },
left_inv := λ f, Action.hom.ext _ _ (tensor_product.ext' (λ x y, rfl)),
right_inv := λ f, by ext; refl }

instance : monoidal_closed (Rep k G) :=
{ closed' := λ A,
{ is_adj :=
{ right := Rep.ihom A,
adj := adjunction.mk_of_hom_equiv
{ hom_equiv := Rep.hom_equiv A,
hom_equiv_naturality_left_symm' := λ X Y Z f g, by ext; refl,
hom_equiv_naturality_right' := λ X Y Z f g, by ext; refl } } } }

@[simp] lemma ihom_obj_ρ_def (A B : Rep k G) : ((ihom A).obj B).ρ = ((Rep.ihom A).obj B).ρ := rfl

@[simp] lemma hom_equiv_def (A B C : Rep k G) :
(ihom.adjunction A).hom_equiv B C = Rep.hom_equiv A B C := rfl

@[simp] lemma ihom_ev_app_hom (A B : Rep k G) :
Action.hom.hom ((ihom.ev A).app B)
= tensor_product.uncurry _ _ _ _ :=
by ext; refl

@[simp] lemma ihom_coev_app_hom (A B : Rep k G) :
Action.hom.hom ((ihom.coev A).app B) = ( _ _ _).flip :=
by ext; refl

variables (A B C)

/-- There is a `k`-linear isomorphism between the sets of representation morphisms`Hom(A ⊗ B, C)`
and `Hom(B, Homₖ(A, C))`. -/
noncomputable def monoidal_closed.linear_hom_equiv :
def monoidal_closed.linear_hom_equiv :
(A ⊗ B ⟶ C) ≃ₗ[k] (B ⟶ (A ⟶[Rep k G] C)) :=
{ map_add' := λ f g, rfl,
map_smul' := λ r f, rfl, ..(ihom.adjunction A).hom_equiv _ _ }

/-- There is a `k`-linear isomorphism between the sets of representation morphisms`Hom(A ⊗ B, C)`
and `Hom(A, Homₖ(B, C))`. -/
noncomputable def monoidal_closed.linear_hom_equiv_comm :
def monoidal_closed.linear_hom_equiv_comm :
(A ⊗ B ⟶ C) ≃ₗ[k] (A ⟶ (B ⟶[Rep k G] C)) :=
(linear.hom_congr k (β_ A B) (iso.refl _)) ≪≫ₗ
monoidal_closed.linear_hom_equiv _ _ _

variables {A B C}

lemma monoidal_closed.linear_hom_equiv_hom (f : A ⊗ B ⟶ C) :
@[simp] lemma monoidal_closed.linear_hom_equiv_hom (f : A ⊗ B ⟶ C) :
(monoidal_closed.linear_hom_equiv A B C f).hom =
(tensor_product.curry f.hom).flip :=
monoidal_closed_curry_hom _
(tensor_product.curry f.hom).flip := rfl

lemma monoidal_closed.linear_hom_equiv_comm_hom (f : A ⊗ B ⟶ C) :
@[simp] lemma monoidal_closed.linear_hom_equiv_comm_hom (f : A ⊗ B ⟶ C) :
(monoidal_closed.linear_hom_equiv_comm A B C f).hom =
tensor_product.curry f.hom :=
dunfold monoidal_closed.linear_hom_equiv_comm,
refine linear_map.ext (λ x, linear_map.ext (λ y, _)),
simp only [linear_equiv.trans_apply, monoidal_closed.linear_hom_equiv_hom,
linear.hom_congr_apply, iso.refl_hom, iso.symm_hom, linear_map.to_fun_eq_coe,
linear_map.coe_comp, function.comp_app, linear.left_comp_apply, linear.right_comp_apply,
category.comp_id, Action.comp_hom, linear_map.flip_apply, tensor_product.curry_apply,
Module.coe_comp, function.comp_app, monoidal_category.braiding_inv_apply],
tensor_product.curry f.hom := rfl

lemma monoidal_closed.linear_hom_equiv_symm_hom (f : B ⟶ (A ⟶[Rep k G] C)) :
@[simp] lemma monoidal_closed.linear_hom_equiv_symm_hom (f : B ⟶ (A ⟶[Rep k G] C)) :
((monoidal_closed.linear_hom_equiv A B C).symm f).hom =
tensor_product.uncurry k A B C f.hom.flip :=
monoidal_closed_uncurry_hom _
tensor_product.uncurry k A B C f.hom.flip := rfl

lemma monoidal_closed.linear_hom_equiv_comm_symm_hom (f : A ⟶ (B ⟶[Rep k G] C)) :
@[simp] lemma monoidal_closed.linear_hom_equiv_comm_symm_hom (f : A ⟶ (B ⟶[Rep k G] C)) :
((monoidal_closed.linear_hom_equiv_comm A B C).symm f).hom =
tensor_product.uncurry k A B C f.hom :=
dunfold monoidal_closed.linear_hom_equiv_comm,
refine tensor_product.algebra_tensor_module.curry_injective
(linear_map.ext (λ x, linear_map.ext (λ y, _))),
simp only [linear_equiv.trans_symm, linear_equiv.trans_apply, linear.hom_congr_symm_apply,
iso.refl_inv, linear_map.coe_comp, function.comp_app, category.comp_id, Action.comp_hom,
monoidal_closed.linear_hom_equiv_symm_hom, tensor_product.algebra_tensor_module.curry_apply,
linear_map.coe_restrict_scalars, linear_map.to_fun_eq_coe, linear_map.flip_apply,
tensor_product.curry_apply, Module.coe_comp, function.comp_app,
monoidal_category.braiding_hom_apply, tensor_product.uncurry_apply],
by ext; refl

end monoidal_closed
end Rep
namespace representation
variables {k G : Type u} [comm_ring k] [monoid G] {V W : Type u}
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/representation_theory/group_cohomology/resolution.lean
Expand Up @@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ begin
iso.refl_inv, category.comp_id, Rep.monoidal_closed.linear_hom_equiv_comm_symm_hom,
iso.trans_hom, Module.comp_def, linear_map.comp_apply, representation.Rep_of_tprod_iso_apply,
diagonal_succ_hom_single x (1 : k), tensor_product.uncurry_apply, Rep.left_regular_hom_hom,
finsupp.lift_apply, Rep.ihom_obj_ρ, representation.lin_hom_apply, finsupp.sum_single_index,
finsupp.lift_apply, ihom_obj_ρ_def, Rep.ihom_obj_ρ_apply, finsupp.sum_single_index,
zero_smul, one_smul, Rep.of_ρ, Rep.Action_ρ_eq_ρ, Rep.trivial_def (x 0)⁻¹,
finsupp.llift_apply A k k],
Expand Down

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