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digama0 committed Jul 23, 2017
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
206 changes: 206 additions & 0 deletions algebra/group.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
Copyright (c) 2014 Jeremy Avigad. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Jeremy Avigad, Leonardo de Moura
Various multiplicative and additive structures.
import pending

universe variable uu
variable {A : Type uu}

section group
variable [group A]

variable (A)
theorem left_inverse_inv : function.left_inverse (λ a : A, a⁻¹) (λ a, a⁻¹) :=
assume a, inv_inv a
variable {A}

theorem inv_eq_inv_iff_eq (a b : A) : a⁻¹ = b⁻¹ ↔ a = b :=
iff.intro inv_inj (begin intro h, simp [h] end)

theorem inv_eq_one_iff_eq_one (a : A) : a⁻¹ = 1 ↔ a = 1 :=
have a⁻¹ = 1⁻¹ ↔ a = 1, from inv_eq_inv_iff_eq a 1,
begin rewrite this^.symm, simp end

theorem eq_one_of_inv_eq_one (a : A) : a⁻¹ = 1 → a = 1 := (inv_eq_one_iff_eq_one a)

theorem eq_inv_iff_eq_inv (a b : A) : a = b⁻¹ ↔ b = a⁻¹ :=
iff.intro eq_inv_of_eq_inv eq_inv_of_eq_inv

theorem eq_of_mul_inv_eq_one {a b : A} (H : a * b⁻¹ = 1) : a = b :=
a = a * b⁻¹ * b : by simp
... = b : begin rewrite H, simp end

theorem mul_eq_iff_eq_inv_mul (a b c : A) : a * b = c ↔ b = a⁻¹ * c :=
iff.intro eq_inv_mul_of_mul_eq mul_eq_of_eq_inv_mul

theorem mul_eq_iff_eq_mul_inv (a b c : A) : a * b = c ↔ a = c * b⁻¹ :=
iff.intro eq_mul_inv_of_mul_eq mul_eq_of_eq_mul_inv
end group

/- transport versions to additive -/
run_cmd transport_multiplicative_to_additive'
[ (`left_inverse_inv, `left_inverse_neg),
(`inv_eq_inv_iff_eq, `neg_eq_neg_iff_eq),
(`inv_eq_one_iff_eq_one, `neg_eq_zero_iff_eq_zero),
(`eq_one_of_inv_eq_one, `eq_zero_of_neg_eq_zero),
(`eq_inv_iff_eq_inv, `eq_neg_iff_eq_neg),
(`mul_right_inv, `add_right_inv),
(`eq_of_mul_inv_eq_one, `eq_of_add_neg_eq_zero),
(`mul_eq_iff_eq_inv_mul, `add_eq_iff_eq_neg_add),
(`mul_eq_iff_eq_mul_inv, `add_eq_iff_eq_add_neg)
-- (`mul_eq_one_of_mul_eq_one, `add_eq_zero_of_add_eq_zero) not needed for commutative groups
-- (`muleq_one_iff_mul_eq_one, `add_eq_zero_iff_add_eq_zero)

section add_group
variable [add_group A]

local attribute [simp] sub_eq_add_neg

theorem eq_iff_sub_eq_zero (a b : A) : a = b ↔ a - b = 0 :=
iff.intro (assume h, by simp [h]) (assume h, eq_of_sub_eq_zero h)

theorem sub_eq_iff_eq_add (a b c : A) : a - b = c ↔ a = c + b :=
iff.intro (assume H, eq_add_of_add_neg_eq H) (assume H, add_neg_eq_of_eq_add H)

theorem eq_sub_iff_add_eq (a b c : A) : a = b - c ↔ a + c = b :=
iff.intro (assume H, add_eq_of_eq_add_neg H) (assume H, eq_add_neg_of_add_eq H)

theorem eq_iff_eq_of_sub_eq_sub {a b c d : A} (H : a - b = c - d) : a = b ↔ c = d :=
a = b ↔ a - b = 0 : eq_iff_sub_eq_zero a b
... = (c - d = 0) : by rewrite H
... ↔ c = d : iff.symm (eq_iff_sub_eq_zero c d)

theorem left_inverse_sub_add_left (c : A) : function.left_inverse (λ x, x - c) (λ x, x + c) :=
assume x, add_sub_cancel x c

theorem left_inverse_add_left_sub (c : A) : function.left_inverse (λ x, x + c) (λ x, x - c) :=
assume x, sub_add_cancel x c

theorem left_inverse_add_right_neg_add (c : A) :
function.left_inverse (λ x, c + x) (λ x, - c + x) :=
assume x, add_neg_cancel_left c x

theorem left_inverse_neg_add_add_right (c : A) :
function.left_inverse (λ x, - c + x) (λ x, c + x) :=
assume x, neg_add_cancel_left c x
end add_group

namespace norm_num
reveal add.assoc
def add1 [has_add A] [has_one A] (a : A) : A := add a one
local attribute add1 bit0 bit1 [reducible]
theorem add_comm_four [add_comm_semigroup A] (a b : A) : a + a + (b + b) = (a + b) + (a + b) :=
sorry -- by simp
theorem add_comm_middle [add_comm_semigroup A] (a b c : A) : a + b + c = a + c + b :=
sorry -- by simp
theorem bit0_add_bit0 [add_comm_semigroup A] (a b : A) : bit0 a + bit0 b = bit0 (a + b) :=
sorry -- by simp
theorem bit0_add_bit0_helper [add_comm_semigroup A] (a b t : A) (H : a + b = t) :
bit0 a + bit0 b = bit0 t :=
sorry -- by rewrite -H; simp
theorem bit1_add_bit0 [add_comm_semigroup A] [has_one A] (a b : A) :
bit1 a + bit0 b = bit1 (a + b) :=
sorry -- by simp
theorem bit1_add_bit0_helper [add_comm_semigroup A] [has_one A] (a b t : A)
(H : a + b = t) : bit1 a + bit0 b = bit1 t :=
sorry -- by rewrite -H; simp
theorem bit0_add_bit1 [add_comm_semigroup A] [has_one A] (a b : A) :
bit0 a + bit1 b = bit1 (a + b) :=
sorry -- by simp
theorem bit0_add_bit1_helper [add_comm_semigroup A] [has_one A] (a b t : A)
(H : a + b = t) : bit0 a + bit1 b = bit1 t :=
sorry -- by rewrite -H; simp
theorem bit1_add_bit1 [add_comm_semigroup A] [has_one A] (a b : A) :
bit1 a + bit1 b = bit0 (add1 (a + b)) :=
sorry -- by simp
theorem bit1_add_bit1_helper [add_comm_semigroup A] [has_one A] (a b t s: A)
(H : (a + b) = t) (H2 : add1 t = s) : bit1 a + bit1 b = bit0 s :=
sorry -- by inst_simp
theorem bin_add_zero [add_monoid A] (a : A) : a + zero = a :=
sorry -- by simp
theorem bin_zero_add [add_monoid A] (a : A) : zero + a = a :=
sorry -- by simp
theorem one_add_bit0 [add_comm_semigroup A] [has_one A] (a : A) : one + bit0 a = bit1 a :=
sorry -- by simp
theorem bit0_add_one [has_add A] [has_one A] (a : A) : bit0 a + one = bit1 a :=
theorem bit1_add_one [has_add A] [has_one A] (a : A) : bit1 a + one = add1 (bit1 a) :=
theorem bit1_add_one_helper [has_add A] [has_one A] (a t : A) (H : add1 (bit1 a) = t) :
bit1 a + one = t :=
sorry -- by inst_simp
theorem one_add_bit1 [add_comm_semigroup A] [has_one A] (a : A) : one + bit1 a = add1 (bit1 a) :=
sorry -- by simp
theorem one_add_bit1_helper [add_comm_semigroup A] [has_one A] (a t : A)
(H : add1 (bit1 a) = t) : one + bit1 a = t :=
sorry -- by inst_simp
theorem add1_bit0 [has_add A] [has_one A] (a : A) : add1 (bit0 a) = bit1 a :=
theorem add1_bit1 [add_comm_semigroup A] [has_one A] (a : A) :
add1 (bit1 a) = bit0 (add1 a) :=
sorry -- by simp
theorem add1_bit1_helper [add_comm_semigroup A] [has_one A] (a t : A) (H : add1 a = t) :
add1 (bit1 a) = bit0 t :=
sorry -- by inst_simp
theorem add1_one [has_add A] [has_one A] : add1 (one : A) = bit0 one :=
theorem add1_zero [add_monoid A] [has_one A] : add1 (zero : A) = one :=
sorry -- by simp
theorem one_add_one [has_add A] [has_one A] : (one : A) + one = bit0 one :=
theorem subst_into_sum [has_add A] (l r tl tr t : A) (prl : l = tl) (prr : r = tr)
(prt : tl + tr = t) : l + r = t :=
sorry -- by simp
theorem neg_zero_helper [add_group A] (a : A) (H : a = 0) : - a = 0 :=
sorry -- by simp
end norm_num
attribute [simp]
zero_add add_zero one_mul mul_one
attribute [simp]
neg_neg sub_eq_add_neg
attribute [simp]
add.assoc add.comm add.left_comm
mul.left_comm mul.comm mul.assoc
176 changes: 176 additions & 0 deletions algebra/group_power.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Jeremy Avigad. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Jeremy Avigad, Robert Y. Lewis
The power operation on monoids and groups. We separate this from group, because it depends on
nat, which in turn depends on other parts of algebra.
We have "pow a n" for natural number powers, and "gpow a i" for integer powers. The notation
a^n is used for the first, but users can locally redefine it to gpow when needed.
Note: power adopts the convention that 0^0=1.
import data.nat.basic

universe u
variable {α : Type u}

class has_pow_nat (α : Type u) :=
(pow_nat : α → nat → α)

def pow_nat {α : Type u} [s : has_pow_nat α] : α → nat → α :=

infix ` ^ ` := pow_nat

class has_pow_int (α : Type u) :=
(pow_int : α → int → α)

def pow_int {α : Type u} [s : has_pow_int α] : α → int → α :=

/- monoid -/
section monoid
open nat

variable [s : monoid α]
include s

def monoid.pow (a : α) : ℕ → α
| 0 := 1
| (n+1) := a * monoid.pow n

instance monoid.has_pow_nat : has_pow_nat α := monoid.pow

@[simp] theorem pow_zero (a : α) : a^0 = 1 := rfl
@[simp] theorem pow_succ (a : α) (n : ℕ) : a^(succ n) = a * a^n := rfl
@[simp] theorem pow_one (a : α) : a^1 = a := mul_one _

theorem pow_succ' (a : α) : ∀ (n : ℕ), a^(succ n) = (a^n) * a
| 0 := by simp
| (succ n) :=
suffices a * (a ^ n * a) = a * a ^ succ n, by simp [this],
by rw <-pow_succ'

@[simp] theorem one_pow : ∀ n : ℕ, (1 : α)^n = (1:α)
| 0 := rfl
| (succ n) := by simp; rw one_pow

theorem pow_add (a : α) : ∀ m n : ℕ, a^(m + n) = a^m * a^n
| m 0 := by simp
| m (n+1) := by rw [add_succ, pow_succ', pow_succ', pow_add, mul_assoc]

theorem pow_mul (a : α) (m : ℕ) : ∀ n, a^(m * n) = (a^m)^n
| 0 := by simp
| (succ n) := by rw [nat.mul_succ, pow_add, pow_succ', pow_mul]

theorem pow_comm (a : α) (m n : ℕ) : a^m * a^n = a^n * a^m :=
by rw [←pow_add, ←pow_add, add_comm]

end monoid

/- commutative monoid -/

section comm_monoid
open nat
variable [s : comm_monoid α]
include s

theorem mul_pow (a b : α) : ∀ n, (a * b)^n = a^n * b^n
| 0 := by simp
| (succ n) := by simp; rw mul_pow

end comm_monoid

section group
variable [s : group α]
include s

section nat
open nat
theorem inv_pow (a : α) : ∀n, (a⁻¹)^n = (a^n)⁻¹
| 0 := by simp
| (succ n) := by rw [pow_succ', _root_.pow_succ, mul_inv_rev, inv_pow]

theorem pow_sub (a : α) {m n : ℕ} (h : m ≥ n) : a^(m - n) = a^m * (a^n)⁻¹ :=
have h1 : m - n + n = m, from nat.sub_add_cancel h,
have h2 : a^(m - n) * a^n = a^m, by rw [←pow_add, h1],
eq_mul_inv_of_mul_eq h2

theorem pow_inv_comm (a : α) : ∀m n, (a⁻¹)^m * a^n = a^n * (a⁻¹)^m
| 0 n := by simp
| m 0 := by simp
| (succ m) (succ n) := calc
a⁻¹ ^ succ m * a ^ succ n = (a⁻¹ ^ m * a⁻¹) * (a * a^n) : by rw [pow_succ', _root_.pow_succ]
... = a⁻¹ ^ m * (a⁻¹ * a) * a^n : by simp
... = a⁻¹ ^ m * a^n : by simp
... = a ^ n * (a⁻¹)^m : by rw pow_inv_comm
... = a ^ n * (a * a⁻¹) * (a⁻¹)^m : by simp
... = (a^n * a) * (a⁻¹ * (a⁻¹)^m) : by simp only [mul_assoc]
... = a ^ succ n * a⁻¹ ^ succ m : by rw [pow_succ', _root_.pow_succ]; simp

end nat

open int

def gpow (a : α) : ℤ → α
| (of_nat n) := a^n
| -[1+n] := (a^(nat.succ n))⁻¹

local attribute [ematch] le_of_lt
open nat
private lemma gpow_add_aux (a : α) (m n : nat) :
gpow a ((of_nat m) + -[1+n]) = gpow a (of_nat m) * gpow a (-[1+n]) :=
or.elim (nat.lt_or_ge m (nat.succ n))
(assume : m < succ n,
have m ≤ n, from le_of_lt_succ this,
suffices gpow a -[1+ n-m] = (gpow a (of_nat m)) * (gpow a -[1+n]), by simp [*, of_nat_add_neg_succ_of_nat_of_lt],
suffices (a^(nat.succ (n - m)))⁻¹ = (gpow a (of_nat m)) * (gpow a -[1+n]), from this,
suffices (a^(nat.succ n - m))⁻¹ = (gpow a (of_nat m)) * (gpow a -[1+n]), by rw ←succ_sub; assumption,
by rw pow_sub; finish [gpow])
(assume : m ≥ succ n,
suffices gpow a (of_nat (m - succ n)) = (gpow a (of_nat m)) * (gpow a -[1+ n]),
by rw [of_nat_add_neg_succ_of_nat_of_ge]; assumption,
suffices a ^ (m - succ n) = a^m * (a^succ n)⁻¹, from this,
by rw pow_sub; assumption)

theorem gpow_add (a : α) : ∀i j : int, gpow a (i + j) = gpow a i * gpow a j
| (of_nat m) (of_nat n) := pow_add _ _ _
| (of_nat m) -[1+n] := gpow_add_aux _ _ _
| -[1+m] (of_nat n) := begin rw [add_comm, gpow_add_aux], unfold gpow, rw [←inv_pow, pow_inv_comm] end
| -[1+m] -[1+n] :=
suffices (a ^ (m + succ (succ n)))⁻¹ = (a ^ succ m)⁻¹ * (a ^ succ n)⁻¹, from this,
by rw [←succ_add_eq_succ_add, add_comm, pow_add, mul_inv_rev]

theorem gpow_comm (a : α) (i j : ℤ) : gpow a i * gpow a j = gpow a j * gpow a i :=
by rw [←gpow_add, ←gpow_add, add_comm]
end group

section ordered_ring
open nat
variable [s : linear_ordered_ring α]
include s

theorem pow_pos {a : α} (H : a > 0) : ∀ (n : ℕ), a ^ n > 0
| 0 := by simp; apply zero_lt_one
| (succ n) := begin simp, apply mul_pos, assumption, apply pow_pos end

theorem pow_ge_one_of_ge_one {a : α} (H : a ≥ 1) : ∀ (n : ℕ), a ^ n ≥ 1
| 0 := by simp; apply le_refl
| (succ n) :=
simp, rw ←(one_mul (1 : α)),
apply mul_le_mul,
apply pow_ge_one_of_ge_one,
apply zero_le_one,
transitivity, apply zero_le_one, assumption

end ordered_ring

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