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refactor(LinearAlgebra/Matrix/PosDef): Generalize to StarOrderedRing (#…
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I assume this is mathematically sound, though right now we can't generalize many dependencies due to the reliance of `InnerProductSpace`.
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eric-wieser authored and kim-em committed Aug 17, 2023
1 parent dde13c1 commit 121fcd8
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Showing 3 changed files with 49 additions and 36 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/LinearAlgebra/Matrix/LDL.lean
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Expand Up @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ local notation "⟪" x ", " y "⟫ₑ" => @inner 𝕜 _ _ ((PiLp.equiv 2 _).symm

open Matrix

open scoped Matrix
open scoped Matrix ComplexOrder

variable {S : Matrix n n 𝕜} [Fintype n] (hS : S.PosDef)

Expand Down
71 changes: 43 additions & 28 deletions Mathlib/LinearAlgebra/Matrix/PosDef.lean
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Expand Up @@ -9,39 +9,55 @@ import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.QuadraticForm.Basic
#align_import linear_algebra.matrix.pos_def from "leanprover-community/mathlib"@"07992a1d1f7a4176c6d3f160209608be4e198566"

/-! # Positive Definite Matrices
This file defines positive (semi)definite matrices and connects the notion to positive definiteness
of quadratic forms.
## Main definition
* `Matrix.PosDef` : a matrix `M : Matrix n n 𝕜` is positive definite if it is hermitian and `xᴴMx`
is greater than zero for all nonzero `x`.
* `Matrix.PosSemidef` : a matrix `M : Matrix n n 𝕜` is positive semidefinite if it is hermitian
and `xᴴMx` is nonnegative for all `x`.
* `Matrix.PosDef` : a matrix `M : Matrix n n 𝕜` is positive definite if it is hermitian and `xᴴMx`
is greater than zero for all nonzero `x`.
* `Matrix.PosSemidef` : a matrix `M : Matrix n n 𝕜` is positive semidefinite if it is hermitian
and `xᴴMx` is nonnegative for all `x`.

open scoped ComplexOrder

namespace Matrix

variable {𝕜 : Type*} [IsROrC 𝕜] {m n : Type*} [Fintype m] [Fintype n]
namespace Matrix

variable {m n R 𝕜 : Type*}
variable [Fintype m] [Fintype n]
variable [CommRing R] [PartialOrder R] [StarOrderedRing R]
variable [IsROrC 𝕜]
open scoped Matrix

/-- A matrix `M : Matrix n n 𝕜` is positive definite if it is hermitian
/-- A matrix `M : Matrix n n R` is positive definite if it is hermitian
and `xᴴMx` is greater than zero for all nonzero `x`. -/
def PosDef (M : Matrix n n 𝕜) :=
M.IsHermitian ∧ ∀ x : n → 𝕜, x ≠ 00 < (dotProduct (star x) (M.mulVec x))
def PosDef (M : Matrix n n R) :=
M.IsHermitian ∧ ∀ x : n → R, x ≠ 00 < dotProduct (star x) (M.mulVec x)
#align matrix.pos_def Matrix.PosDef

theorem PosDef.isHermitian {M : Matrix n n 𝕜} (hM : M.PosDef) : M.IsHermitian :=
theorem PosDef.isHermitian {M : Matrix n n R} (hM : M.PosDef) : M.IsHermitian :=
#align matrix.pos_def.is_hermitian Matrix.PosDef.isHermitian

/-- A matrix `M : Matrix n n 𝕜` is positive semidefinite if it is hermitian
theorem PosDef.re_dotProduct_pos {M : Matrix n n 𝕜} (hM : M.PosDef) {x : n → 𝕜} (hx : x ≠ 0) :
0 < (dotProduct (star x) (M.mulVec x)) := (hM.2 _ hx) |>.1

/-- A matrix `M : Matrix n n R` is positive semidefinite if it is hermitian
and `xᴴMx` is nonnegative for all `x`. -/
def PosSemidef (M : Matrix n n 𝕜) :=
M.IsHermitian ∧ ∀ x : n → 𝕜, (dotProduct (star x) (M.mulVec x))
def PosSemidef (M : Matrix n n R) :=
M.IsHermitian ∧ ∀ x : n → R, 0 ≤ dotProduct (star x) (M.mulVec x)
#align matrix.pos_semidef Matrix.PosSemidef

theorem PosDef.posSemidef {M : Matrix n n 𝕜} (hM : M.PosDef) : M.PosSemidef := by
theorem PosSemidef.re_dotProduct_nonneg {M : Matrix n n 𝕜} (hM : M.PosSemidef) (x : n → 𝕜) :
0 ≤ (dotProduct (star x) (M.mulVec x)) := (hM.2 _) |>.1

theorem PosDef.posSemidef {M : Matrix n n R} (hM : M.PosDef) : M.PosSemidef := by
refine' ⟨hM.1, _⟩
intro x
by_cases hx : x = 0
Expand All @@ -50,7 +66,7 @@ theorem PosDef.posSemidef {M : Matrix n n 𝕜} (hM : M.PosDef) : M.PosSemidef :
· exact le_of_lt (hM.2 x hx)
#align matrix.pos_def.pos_semidef Matrix.PosDef.posSemidef

theorem PosSemidef.submatrix {M : Matrix n n 𝕜} (hM : M.PosSemidef) (e : m ≃ n) :
theorem PosSemidef.submatrix {M : Matrix n n R} (hM : M.PosSemidef) (e : m ≃ n) :
(M.submatrix e e).PosSemidef := by
refine' ⟨hM.1.submatrix e, fun x => _⟩
have : (M.submatrix (⇑e) e).mulVec x = (M.mulVec fun i : n => x (e.symm i)) ∘ e := by
Expand All @@ -67,14 +83,14 @@ theorem PosSemidef.submatrix {M : Matrix n n 𝕜} (hM : M.PosSemidef) (e : m
#align matrix.pos_semidef.submatrix Matrix.PosSemidef.submatrix

theorem posSemidef_submatrix_equiv {M : Matrix n n 𝕜} (e : m ≃ n) :
theorem posSemidef_submatrix_equiv {M : Matrix n n R} (e : m ≃ n) :
(M.submatrix e e).PosSemidef ↔ M.PosSemidef :=
fun h => by simpa using h.submatrix e.symm, fun h => h.submatrix _⟩
#align matrix.pos_semidef_submatrix_equiv Matrix.posSemidef_submatrix_equiv

theorem PosDef.transpose {M : Matrix n n 𝕜} (hM : M.PosDef) : Mᵀ.PosDef := by
refine' ⟨IsHermitian.transpose hM.1, fun x hx => _⟩
convert hM.2 (star x) (star_ne_zero.2 hx) using 2
theorem PosDef.transpose {M : Matrix n n R} (hM : M.PosDef) : Mᵀ.PosDef := by
refine ⟨IsHermitian.transpose hM.1, fun x hx => ?_⟩
convert hM.2 (star x) (star_ne_zero.2 hx) using 1
rw [mulVec_transpose, Matrix.dotProduct_mulVec, star_star, dotProduct_comm]
#align matrix.pos_def.transpose Matrix.PosDef.transpose

Expand All @@ -94,26 +110,25 @@ theorem posDef_toQuadraticForm' [DecidableEq n] {M : Matrix n n ℝ} (hM : M.Pos
#align matrix.pos_def_to_quadratic_form' Matrix.posDef_toQuadraticForm'

/-- The conjugate transpose of a matrix mulitplied by the matrix is positive semidefinite -/
theorem posSemidef_conjTranspose_mul_self (A : Matrix m n 𝕜) : Matrix.PosSemidef (Aᴴ * A) := by
theorem posSemidef_conjTranspose_mul_self (A : Matrix m n R) : Matrix.PosSemidef (Aᴴ * A) := by
refine ⟨isHermitian_transpose_mul_self _, fun x => ?_⟩
rw [← mulVec_mulVec, dotProduct_mulVec, vecMul_conjTranspose, star_star, dotProduct, map_sum]
simp_rw [Pi.star_apply, IsROrC.star_def]
simpa using Finset.sum_nonneg fun i _ => add_nonneg (mul_self_nonneg _) (mul_self_nonneg _)
rw [← mulVec_mulVec, dotProduct_mulVec, vecMul_conjTranspose, star_star]
exact Finset.sum_nonneg fun i _ => star_mul_self_nonneg _

/-- A matrix multiplied by its conjugate transpose is positive semidefinite -/
theorem posSemidef_self_mul_conjTranspose (A : Matrix m n 𝕜) : Matrix.PosSemidef (A * Aᴴ) :=
theorem posSemidef_self_mul_conjTranspose (A : Matrix m n R) : Matrix.PosSemidef (A * Aᴴ) :=
by simpa only [conjTranspose_conjTranspose] using posSemidef_conjTranspose_mul_self Aᴴ

/-- The eigenvalues of a positive definite matrix are positive -/
lemma PosDef.eigenvalues_pos [DecidableEq n] [DecidableEq 𝕜] {A : Matrix n n 𝕜}
(hA : Matrix.PosDef A) (i : n) : 0 < hA.1.eigenvalues i := by
rw [hA.1.eigenvalues_eq, hA.1.transpose_eigenvectorMatrix_apply]
exact hA.2 _ <| hA.1.eigenvectorBasis.orthonormal.ne_zero i
exact hA.re_dotProduct_pos <| hA.1.eigenvectorBasis.orthonormal.ne_zero i

/-- The eigenvalues of a positive semi-definite matrix are non-negative -/
lemma PosSemidef.eigenvalues_nonneg [DecidableEq n] [DecidableEq 𝕜] {A : Matrix n n 𝕜}
(hA : Matrix.PosSemidef A) (i : n) : 0 ≤ hA.1.eigenvalues i :=
(hA.2 _).trans_eq (hA.1.eigenvalues_eq _).symm
(hA.re_dotProduct_nonneg _).trans_eq (hA.1.eigenvalues_eq _).symm

namespace PosDef

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -171,10 +186,10 @@ noncomputable def NormedAddCommGroup.ofMatrix {M : Matrix n n 𝕜} (hM : M.PosD
nonneg_re := fun x => by
by_cases h : x = 0
· simp [h]
· exact le_of_lt (hM.2 x h)
· exact le_of_lt (hM.re_dotProduct_pos h)
definite := fun x (hx : dotProduct _ _ = 0) => by
by_contra' h
simpa [hx, lt_irrefl] using hM.2 x h
simpa [hx, lt_irrefl] using hM.re_dotProduct_pos h
add_left := by simp only [star_add, add_dotProduct, eq_self_iff_true, forall_const]
smul_left := fun x y r => by
simp only
Expand Down
12 changes: 5 additions & 7 deletions Mathlib/LinearAlgebra/Matrix/SchurComplement.lean
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Expand Up @@ -456,14 +456,12 @@ end Det

end CommRing

/-! ### Lemmas about `ℝ` and `ℂ`-/
/-! ### Lemmas about `ℝ` and `ℂ` and other `StarOrderedRing`s -/

section IsROrC
section StarOrderedRing

open scoped Matrix

variable {𝕜 : Type*} [IsROrC 𝕜]
variable {𝕜 : Type*} [CommRing 𝕜] [PartialOrder 𝕜] [StarOrderedRing 𝕜]

scoped infixl:65 " ⊕ᵥ " => Sum.elim

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -526,7 +524,7 @@ theorem PosSemidef.fromBlocks₁₁ [Fintype m] [DecidableEq m] [Fintype n] {A :
zero_add] at this
rw [dotProduct_mulVec]; exact this
· refine' fun h => ⟨h.1, fun x => _⟩
rw [dotProduct_mulVec, ← Sum.elim_comp_inl_inr x, schur_complement_eq₁₁ B D _ _ hA.1, map_add]
rw [dotProduct_mulVec, ← Sum.elim_comp_inl_inr x, schur_complement_eq₁₁ B D _ _ hA.1]
apply le_add_of_nonneg_of_le
· rw [← dotProduct_mulVec]
apply hA.posSemidef.2
Expand All @@ -545,6 +543,6 @@ theorem PosSemidef.fromBlocks₂₂ [Fintype m] [Fintype n] [DecidableEq n] (A :
| simp
#align matrix.pos_semidef.from_blocks₂₂ Matrix.PosSemidef.fromBlocks₂₂

end IsROrC
end StarOrderedRing

end Matrix

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