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feat: arctangent addition and Machin's formula for π (#9847)
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`four_mul_arctan_inv_5_sub_arctan_inv_239` is theorem 1 in my own #6091.
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Parcly-Taxel committed Feb 13, 2024
1 parent d09cd54 commit 3df670e
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98 changes: 96 additions & 2 deletions Mathlib/Analysis/SpecialFunctions/Trigonometric/Arctan.lean
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Expand Up @@ -10,8 +10,14 @@ import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Trigonometric.Complex
# The `arctan` function.
Inequalities, derivatives,
and `Real.tan` as a `PartialHomeomorph` between `(-(π / 2), π / 2)` and the whole line.
Inequalities, identities and `Real.tan` as a `PartialHomeomorph` between `(-(π / 2), π / 2)`
and the whole line.
The result of `arctan x + arctan y` is given by `arctan_add`, `arctan_add_eq_add_pi` or
`arctan_add_eq_sub_pi` depending on whether `x * y < 1` and `0 < x`. As an application of
`arctan_add` we give four Machin-like formulas (linear combinations of arctangents equal to
`π / 4 = arctan 1`), including John Machin's original one at

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -192,6 +198,94 @@ theorem arccos_eq_arctan {x : ℝ} (h : 0 < x) : arccos x = arctan (sqrt (1 - x
· linarith only [arcsin_pos.2 h]
#align real.arccos_eq_arctan Real.arccos_eq_arctan

theorem arctan_inv_of_pos {x : ℝ} (h : 0 < x) : arctan x⁻¹ = π / 2 - arctan x := by
rw [← arctan_tan (x := _ - _), tan_pi_div_two_sub, tan_arctan]
· norm_num
exact (arctan_lt_pi_div_two x).trans (half_lt_self_iff.mpr pi_pos)
· rw [sub_lt_self_iff, ← arctan_zero]
exact tanOrderIso.symm.strictMono h

theorem arctan_inv_of_neg {x : ℝ} (h : x < 0) : arctan x⁻¹ = -(π / 2) - arctan x := by
have := arctan_inv_of_pos (neg_pos.mpr h)
rwa [inv_neg, arctan_neg, neg_eq_iff_eq_neg, neg_sub', arctan_neg, neg_neg] at this

section ArctanAdd

lemma arctan_ne_mul_pi_div_two {x : ℝ} : ∀ (k : ℤ), arctan x ≠ (2 * k + 1) * π / 2 := by
obtain ⟨k, h⟩ := this
obtain ⟨lb, ub⟩ := arctan_mem_Ioo x
rw [h, neg_eq_neg_one_mul, mul_div_assoc, mul_lt_mul_right (by positivity)] at lb
rw [h, ← one_mul (π / 2), mul_div_assoc, mul_lt_mul_right (by positivity)] at ub
norm_cast at lb ub; change -1 < _ at lb; omega

lemma arctan_add_arctan_lt_pi_div_two {x y : ℝ} (h : x * y < 1) : arctan x + arctan y < π / 2 := by
cases' le_or_lt y 0 with hy hy
· rw [← add_zero (π / 2), ← arctan_zero]
exact add_lt_add_of_lt_of_le (arctan_lt_pi_div_two _) (tanOrderIso.symm.monotone hy)
· rw [← lt_div_iff hy, ← inv_eq_one_div] at h
replace h : arctan x < arctan y⁻¹ := tanOrderIso.symm.strictMono h
rwa [arctan_inv_of_pos hy, lt_tsub_iff_right] at h

theorem arctan_add {x y : ℝ} (h : x * y < 1) :
arctan x + arctan y = arctan ((x + y) / (1 - x * y)) := by
rw [← arctan_tan (x := _ + _)]
· congr
conv_rhs => rw [← tan_arctan x, ← tan_arctan y]
exact tan_add' ⟨arctan_ne_mul_pi_div_two, arctan_ne_mul_pi_div_two⟩
· rw [neg_lt, neg_add, ← arctan_neg, ← arctan_neg]
rw [← neg_mul_neg] at h
exact arctan_add_arctan_lt_pi_div_two h
· exact arctan_add_arctan_lt_pi_div_two h

theorem arctan_add_eq_add_pi {x y : ℝ} (h : 1 < x * y) (hx : 0 < x) :
arctan x + arctan y = arctan ((x + y) / (1 - x * y)) + π := by
have hy : 0 < y := by
have := (zero_lt_one.trans h)
simpa [hx, hx.asymm]
have k := arctan_add (mul_inv x y ▸ inv_lt_one h)
rw [arctan_inv_of_pos hx, arctan_inv_of_pos hy, show _ + _ = π - (arctan x + arctan y) by ring,
sub_eq_iff_eq_add, ← sub_eq_iff_eq_add', sub_eq_add_neg, ← arctan_neg, add_comm] at k
convert k.symm using 3
rw [show -x + -y = -(x + y) by ring, show x * y - 1 = -(1 - x * y) by ring, neg_div_neg_eq]

theorem arctan_add_eq_sub_pi {x y : ℝ} (h : 1 < x * y) (hx : x < 0) :
arctan x + arctan y = arctan ((x + y) / (1 - x * y)) - π := by
rw [← neg_mul_neg] at h
have k := arctan_add_eq_add_pi h (neg_pos.mpr hx)
rw [show _ / _ = -((x + y) / (1 - x * y)) by ring, ← neg_inj] at k
simp only [arctan_neg, neg_add, neg_neg, ← sub_eq_add_neg _ π] at k
exact k

theorem two_mul_arctan {x : ℝ} (h₁ : -1 < x) (h₂ : x < 1) :
2 * arctan x = arctan (2 * x / (1 - x ^ 2)) := by
rw [two_mul, arctan_add (by nlinarith)]; congr 1; ring

theorem two_mul_arctan_add_pi {x : ℝ} (h : 1 < x) :
2 * arctan x = arctan (2 * x / (1 - x ^ 2)) + π := by
rw [two_mul, arctan_add_eq_add_pi (by nlinarith) (by linarith)]; congr 2; ring

theorem two_mul_arctan_sub_pi {x : ℝ} (h : x < -1) :
2 * arctan x = arctan (2 * x / (1 - x ^ 2)) - π := by
rw [two_mul, arctan_add_eq_sub_pi (by nlinarith) (by linarith)]; congr 2; ring

theorem arctan_inv_2_add_arctan_inv_3 : arctan 2⁻¹ + arctan 3⁻¹ = π / 4 := by
rw [arctan_add] <;> norm_num

theorem two_mul_arctan_inv_2_sub_arctan_inv_7 : 2 * arctan 2⁻¹ - arctan 7⁻¹ = π / 4 := by
rw [two_mul_arctan, ← arctan_one, sub_eq_iff_eq_add, arctan_add] <;> norm_num

theorem two_mul_arctan_inv_3_add_arctan_inv_7 : 2 * arctan 3⁻¹ + arctan 7⁻¹ = π / 4 := by
rw [two_mul_arctan, arctan_add] <;> norm_num

/-- **John Machin's 1706 formula**, which he used to compute π to 100 decimal places. -/
theorem four_mul_arctan_inv_5_sub_arctan_inv_239 : 4 * arctan 5⁻¹ - arctan 239⁻¹ = π / 4 := by
rw [show 4 * arctan _ = 2 * (2 * _) by ring, two_mul_arctan, two_mul_arctan, ← arctan_one,
sub_eq_iff_eq_add, arctan_add] <;> norm_num

end ArctanAdd

theorem continuous_arctan : Continuous arctan :=
continuous_subtype_val.comp tanOrderIso.toHomeomorph.continuous_invFun
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10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Analysis/SpecialFunctions/Trigonometric/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -914,6 +914,16 @@ theorem tan_pi_div_four : tan (π / 4) = 1 := by
theorem tan_pi_div_two : tan (π / 2) = 0 := by simp [tan_eq_sin_div_cos]
#align real.tan_pi_div_two Real.tan_pi_div_two

theorem tan_pi_div_six : tan (π / 6) = 1 / sqrt 3 := by
rw [tan_eq_sin_div_cos, sin_pi_div_six, cos_pi_div_six]

theorem tan_pi_div_three : tan (π / 3) = sqrt 3 := by
rw [tan_eq_sin_div_cos, sin_pi_div_three, cos_pi_div_three]

theorem tan_pos_of_pos_of_lt_pi_div_two {x : ℝ} (h0x : 0 < x) (hxp : x < π / 2) : 0 < tan x := by
rw [tan_eq_sin_div_cos]
exact div_pos (sin_pos_of_pos_of_lt_pi h0x (by linarith)) (cos_pos_of_mem_Ioo ⟨by linarith, hxp⟩)
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