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feat: port Data.Matrix.DMatrix (#1605)
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casavaca authored and jcommelin committed Jan 23, 2023
1 parent 9bd84d2 commit a16fe6a
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Showing 2 changed files with 193 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -303,6 +303,7 @@ import Mathlib.Data.List.Sigma
import Mathlib.Data.List.Sublists
import Mathlib.Data.List.TFAE
import Mathlib.Data.List.Zip
import Mathlib.Data.Matrix.DMatrix
import Mathlib.Data.Multiset.Antidiagonal
import Mathlib.Data.Multiset.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Multiset.Bind
Expand Down
192 changes: 192 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Data/Matrix/DMatrix.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Scott Morrison
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module data.matrix.dmatrix
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 9003f28797c0664a49e4179487267c494477d853
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.Algebra.Group.Pi
import Mathlib.Data.Fintype.Basic

# Matrices

universe u u' v w z

/-- `DMatrix m n` is the type of dependently typed matrices
whose rows are indexed by the fintype `m` and
whose columns are indexed by the fintype `n`. -/
@[nolint unusedArguments]
def DMatrix (m : Type u) (n : Type u') [Fintype m] [Fintype n] (α : m → n → Type v) :
Type max u u' v :=
∀ i j, α i j
#align dmatrix DMatrix

variable {l m n o : Type _} [Fintype l] [Fintype m] [Fintype n] [Fintype o]

variable {α : m → n → Type v}

namespace DMatrix

section Ext

variable {M N : DMatrix m n α}

theorem ext_iff : (∀ i j, M i j = N i j) ↔ M = N :=
fun h => funext fun i => funext <| h i, fun h => by simp [h]⟩
#align dmatrix.ext_iff DMatrix.ext_iff

theorem ext : (∀ i j, M i j = N i j) → M = N :=
#align dmatrix.ext DMatrix.ext

end Ext

/-- ` f` is the DMatrix obtained by applying `f` to each entry of the matrix `M`. -/
def map (M : DMatrix m n α) {β : m → n → Type w} (f : ∀ ⦃i j⦄, α i j → β i j) : DMatrix m n β :=
fun i j => f (M i j)

theorem map_apply {M : DMatrix m n α} {β : m → n → Type w} {f : ∀ ⦃i j⦄, α i j → β i j} {i : m}
{j : n} : f i j = f (M i j) := rfl
#align dmatrix.map_apply DMatrix.map_apply

theorem map_map {M : DMatrix m n α} {β : m → n → Type w} {γ : m → n → Type z}
{f : ∀ ⦃i j⦄, α i j → β i j} {g : ∀ ⦃i j⦄, β i j → γ i j} :
( f).map g = fun i j x => g (f x) := by ext; simp
#align dmatrix.map_map DMatrix.map_map

/-- The transpose of a dmatrix. -/
def transpose (M : DMatrix m n α) : DMatrix n m fun j i => α i j
| x, y => M y x
#align dmatrix.transpose DMatrix.transpose

scoped postfix:1024 "ᵀ" => DMatrix.transpose

/-- `dmatrix.col u` is the column matrix whose entries are given by `u`. -/
def col {α : m → Type v} (w : ∀ i, α i) : DMatrix m Unit fun i _j => α i
| x, _y => w x
#align dmatrix.col DMatrix.col

/-- `dmatrix.row u` is the row matrix whose entries are given by `u`. -/
def row {α : n → Type v} (v : ∀ j, α j) : DMatrix Unit n fun _i j => α j
| _x, y => v y
#align dmatrix.row DMatrix.row

-- port note: Old proof is Pi.inhabited.
instance [inst : ∀ i j, Inhabited (α i j)] : Inhabited (DMatrix m n α) :=
fun i j => (inst i j).default⟩

instance [∀ i j, Add (α i j)] : Add (DMatrix m n α) :=

instance [∀ i j, AddSemigroup (α i j)] : AddSemigroup (DMatrix m n α) :=

instance [∀ i j, AddCommSemigroup (α i j)] : AddCommSemigroup (DMatrix m n α) :=

instance [∀ i j, Zero (α i j)] : Zero (DMatrix m n α) :=

instance [∀ i j, AddMonoid (α i j)] : AddMonoid (DMatrix m n α) :=

instance [∀ i j, AddCommMonoid (α i j)] : AddCommMonoid (DMatrix m n α) :=

instance [∀ i j, Neg (α i j)] : Neg (DMatrix m n α) :=

instance [∀ i j, Sub (α i j)] : Sub (DMatrix m n α) :=

instance [∀ i j, AddGroup (α i j)] : AddGroup (DMatrix m n α) :=

instance [∀ i j, AddCommGroup (α i j)] : AddCommGroup (DMatrix m n α) :=

instance [∀ i j, Unique (α i j)] : Unique (DMatrix m n α) :=

-- Port note: old proof is Pi.Subsingleton
instance [∀ i j, Subsingleton (α i j)] : Subsingleton (DMatrix m n α) :=
by constructor; simp only [DMatrix, eq_iff_true_of_subsingleton, implies_true]

theorem zero_apply [∀ i j, Zero (α i j)] (i j) : (0 : DMatrix m n α) i j = 0 := rfl
#align dmatrix.zero_apply DMatrix.zero_apply

theorem neg_apply [∀ i j, Neg (α i j)] (M : DMatrix m n α) (i j) : (-M) i j = -M i j := rfl
#align dmatrix.neg_apply DMatrix.neg_apply

theorem add_apply [∀ i j, Add (α i j)] (M N : DMatrix m n α) (i j) : (M + N) i j = M i j + N i j :=
#align dmatrix.add_apply DMatrix.add_apply

theorem sub_apply [∀ i j, Sub (α i j)] (M N : DMatrix m n α) (i j) : (M - N) i j = M i j - N i j :=
#align dmatrix.sub_apply DMatrix.sub_apply

theorem map_zero [∀ i j, Zero (α i j)] {β : m → n → Type w} [∀ i j, Zero (β i j)]
{f : ∀ ⦃i j⦄, α i j → β i j} (h : ∀ i j, f (0 : α i j) = 0) : (0 : DMatrix m n α).map f = 0 :=
by ext; simp [h]
#align dmatrix.map_zero DMatrix.map_zero

theorem map_add [∀ i j, AddMonoid (α i j)] {β : m → n → Type w} [∀ i j, AddMonoid (β i j)]
(f : ∀ ⦃i j⦄, α i j →+ β i j) (M N : DMatrix m n α) :
((M + N).map fun i j => @f i j) = ( fun i j => @f i j) + fun i j => @f i j := by
ext; simp
#align dmatrix.map_add DMatrix.map_add

theorem map_sub [∀ i j, AddGroup (α i j)] {β : m → n → Type w} [∀ i j, AddGroup (β i j)]
(f : ∀ ⦃i j⦄, α i j →+ β i j) (M N : DMatrix m n α) :
((M - N).map fun i j => @f i j) = ( fun i j => @f i j) - fun i j => @f i j := by
ext; simp
#align dmatrix.map_sub DMatrix.map_sub

instance subsingleton_of_empty_left [IsEmpty m] : Subsingleton (DMatrix m n α) :=
fun M N => by
ext i
exact isEmptyElim i⟩
#align dmatrix.subsingleton_of_empty_left DMatrix.subsingleton_of_empty_left

instance subsingleton_of_empty_right [IsEmpty n] : Subsingleton (DMatrix m n α) :=
fun M N => by
ext i
intro j
exact isEmptyElim j⟩
#align dmatrix.subsingleton_of_empty_right DMatrix.subsingleton_of_empty_right

end DMatrix

/-- The `AddMonoidHom` between spaces of dependently typed matrices
induced by an `AddMonoidHom` between their coefficients. -/
def AddMonoidHom.mapDMatrix [∀ i j, AddMonoid (α i j)] {β : m → n → Type w}
[∀ i j, AddMonoid (β i j)] (f : ∀ ⦃i j⦄, α i j →+ β i j) : DMatrix m n α →+ DMatrix m n β
toFun M := fun i j => @f i j
map_zero' := by simp
map_add' := DMatrix.map_add f
#align add_monoid_hom.map_dmatrix AddMonoidHom.mapDMatrix

theorem AddMonoidHom.mapDMatrix_apply [∀ i j, AddMonoid (α i j)] {β : m → n → Type w}
[∀ i j, AddMonoid (β i j)] (f : ∀ ⦃i j⦄, α i j →+ β i j) (M : DMatrix m n α) :
AddMonoidHom.mapDMatrix f M = fun i j => @f i j := rfl
#align add_monoid_hom.map_dmatrix_apply AddMonoidHom.mapDMatrix_apply

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