Simple Symfony project setup to test some Leapt bundles.
Requires PHP 8.2+ as it runs Symfony 7.1.
Currently configured:
- Data lists
- File uploads
- Paginator
- Form types
- RSS feeds
- Sitemap
Set up (using Symfony CLI):
# Clone project
git clone leapt-demo
cd leapt-demo
# Install vendors
symfony composer i
# Reset database
rm -f var/data.db
symfony console d:d:c --quiet
symfony console d:s:u --force --quiet
symfony console a:f:l
# Or, if you use Task:
task fixtures
# Run Symfony CLI server
symfony serve -d
# To stop Symfony CLI server:
symfony server:stop
Then configure AWS config in your .env.local
file (based on .env
file) if you want to test S3 upload and head to the URL provided by Symfony CLI.