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Build tool to assemble Ender-compatible Twitter Bootstrap 2.0 JS packages

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Ender Bootstrap — Twitter's Bootstrap for Ender

This is a port of v2.0 of Twitter's Bootstrap for Ender, using only Qwery, Bonzo, Bean. domReady and Bowser.

This project builds upon the v1.x port which can still be found at and is available in NPM as ender-twitter-bootstrap

Why use this? Because you're either using Ender now and want to use Bootstrap plugins too, or because you want to avoid the beast and make your users download only 1/2 the amount of JavaScript (the whole lot weighs in at 47% of the size, minified & gzipped, of a jQuery-based Bootstrap install).

Current status

All good except for some bugs from Bootstrap 2.0.1 that we've caried over. Radio and checkbox buttons don't work in Bootstrap 2.0.1 but they've been patched in the latest release of ender-bootstrap. Carousel's still have the same problem that exists in Bootstrap 2.0.1.


NPM contains a package for each of the Bootstrap plugins:

  • ender-bootstrap-alert
  • ender-bootstrap-button
  • ender-bootstrap-carousel
  • ender-bootstrap-collapse
  • ender-bootstrap-dropdown
  • ender-bootstrap-modal
  • ender-bootstrap-popover
  • ender-bootstrap-scrollspy
  • ender-bootstrap-tab
  • ender-bootstrap-tooltip
  • ender-bootstrap-typeahead

(See the Bootstrap home for details about each of these)

Which all depend on two base packages:

  • ender-bootstrap-base
  • ender-bootstrap-transition

Or, you can install the lot with the virtual package:

  • ender-bootstrap


The proper way

Even though the dependencies are set up in the packages, you need to specify the required dependencies on the command line when running ender, otherwise they will end up installed in your ender.js file after the Ender Bootstrap packages. So install like this:

 $ ender build qwery bonzo bean domready bowser ender-bootstrap-base ender-bootstrap-transition ender-bootstrap-alert

 # or, for the whole hog

 $ ender build qwery bonzo bean domready bowser ender-bootstrap

The easy way

If you don't want to roll your own then you can download (or link to) a pre-built version which I'll keep updated:

This build has all of the Bootstrap plugins installed plus the Ender dependencies: Qwery, Bonzo, Bean, domReady and Bowser so you get lots of goodness.


Of course you want to see it in action! Head over to to see it live.

Building & contributing

If you'd like to contribute (fixes, improvements, whatever) then I'd love to hear from you! In this repo you'll find a build script, simply run it and it'll clone the main Twitter Bootstrap repo (master) and then munge it to make it work with Ender and assemble the packages ready for NPM. The altered files end up in the dist/ directory but it will also fix up the javascript.html demo page and associated application.js and put them into the doc/ directory.

Sadly there are no tests to go along with this, the jQuery dependencies in the QUnit tests mean that it's not a trivial job to fix them up (but of course I'd love someone to help make this work!). So testing at this stage is largely a matter of using the demo page against the latest build across all browsers.

Important notes for Ender users

The ender-bootstrap-base package has side-effects that will alter the way that some parts of Ender work. Mostly these are fairly minor and are there to make Ender behave more like jQuery in some situations but you may need to be aware of them depending on how you use Ender.

Most of the jQueryfication takes place in a private instance of ender which doesn't leak out, but there are some changes to internal chain functions that do leak.

Ender side-effects

  • $().map() (Bonzo) is modified to accept argument-less callbacks like jQuery. If you feed it a callback with zero-arguments it'll invoke your callback and use this as the current element.
  • $().on() (Bean) is modified to behave like jQuery's implementation in some situations. (1) with 3 arguments where the second is not a string (i.e. a 'data' variable), the second argument is stripped out cmpletely, this is not supported by Bean and not required by Bootstrap. (2) with 3 arguments where the second is a string, (i.e. a delegated listener with a selector argument in second place) remap the call to bean.on() to put the selector first--Bean will eventually support this syntax in the future anyway so you probably shouldn't rely on the selector-first style in Bean's on().
  • $().trigger() (Bean) has been modified to prevent it accepting (and throwing an error) on non-string arguments. This means that there are some events that Bootstrap fires that won't see the light of day. If his is important to anyone then file a but report and it can be fixed up.
  • $().height() and $().width() (Bonzo) will attempt to use getComputedStyle() where it exists (modern browsers) first before looking at the style property. Bonzo does the reverse to jQuery and this matters mainly for the collapsable plugin and shouldn't usually matter for most uses because they normally converge to the same value anyway.
  • $().prev() is installed as an alias for $().previous() (Bonzo).
  • $().data() (Bonzo) is modified so it can handle JSON arrays, it simply looks at the first character, if it's a '[' then it'll try JSON.parse() (modern browsers) or a naive split. This is required for typeahead where you specify the list in a data- property.
  • $().position() from jQuery ( is installed, with a few minor modifications. $().offsetParent() comes along for the ride too (

See base.js for all the gory details.


Build tool to assemble Ender-compatible Twitter Bootstrap 2.0 JS packages






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