Eat-Da-Burger! is a restaurant app that lets users input the names of burgers they'd like to eat.
Whenever a user submits a burger's name, your app will display the burger on the left side of the page -- waiting to be devoured.
Each burger in the waiting area also has a Devour it! button. When the user clicks it, the burger will move to the right side of the page.
Your app will store every burger in a database, whether devoured or not.
Run npm install to install all the dependencies included in our package.json file. In this this case it will install mysql and express- handlesbars packages
Users can simple create their own burgers to be added into the ready to eat list of burgers. The user is able to add as many burgers as they would like. Users have the ability to devour the burger simple by clicking the devour it button which will remove the burger from the ready to eat list to the devoured list. Once again the user is able to devour as many burgers as they would like.
Please feel free to contact me for any improvements in regards to this project