The idea behind this package is to help create either Custom Types or Custom Admin pages. Either it be for a plugin or to use in a custom template, I want to add an OOP and simplified way to add such CPTs to the backend.
WP has a very extensive way to tackle these, so let us target all of it in one package and leave the specifications to our plugins/templates and do not worry in having to create our way of CFT again.
I want to provide a way to either simple do a few CFTs or to bulk create them (via JSON
For the first release, I am focusing in just do it via factory call to do a few. Later on will implement the bulk generation for larger projects to take advantage of it.
First, declare your options for the page you wish to generate. This is an array you can build beforehand.
$options = [
'icon' => 'dashicons-welcome-learn-more', //This is a WP Dashicon
'position' => 5,
'template' => '/path/to/your/custom/template/file.php'
Then call the factory you wish to use. There are two:
- PageFactory
- PostFactory
$factory = new PageFactory();
$factory->setName('Test Admin Page')