A Clojure wrapper around Apache Helix, a library for managing cluster state in distributed systems. API is incomplete and subject to change, but the basics are in place and work correctly.
Via clojars.
(use 'clj-helix.admin)
; Create an admin object around Zookeeper
(def admin (helix-admin "localhost:2181"))
; Create a cluster
(add-cluster admin :my-app)
; Define a finite state machine
(def fsm-def
{:name :my-app-fsm
:states {:DROPPED {:transitions :offline}
:offline {:initial? true
:transitions [:peer :DROPPED]}
:peer {:priority 1
:upper-bound :R
:transitions :offline}}}))
; Add the FSM definition to the cluster
(add-fsm-definition admin :my-app fsm-def)
; Add a resource
(add-resource admin :my-app {:resource :some-resouce
:partitions 128
:replicas 5
:state-model (:name fsm-def))
; Add a few nodes
(add-instance admin :my-app {:host ""
:port 1234})
(add-instance admin :my-app {:host ""
:port 1234})
; Now you can start controllers and/or participants for those nodes:
(use 'clj-helix.manager)
; Create a controller, which will coordinate state transitions. You typically
; want a few of these per cluster for redundancy.
(def c (controller {:zookeeper "localhost:2181"
:cluster :my-app
:host ""
:port 1234}))
; Create a participant, which owns resources and handles state transitions.
; First, we need an FSM to handle those state transitions we defined earlier.
; (fsm) compiles a new class with the appropriate Helix annotations. Handler
; bodies are lexical closures.
(def f (clj-helix.fsm/fsm fsm-def
(:offline :peer [part message context]
(prn part :coming-online))
(:offline :DROPPED [part m c]
(prn part "dropped!"))
(:peer :offline [part m c]
(prn part "Going offline."))))
; Create participant
(def p (participant {:zookeeper "localhost:2181"
:cluster :my-app
:host ""
:port 1234
:fsm fsm}))
; The participant will start reacting to state changes coordinated by the
; controller.
; When you're ready to quit, shut down the participant or
; controller:
(shutdown! p)
(shutdown! c)
; The router can help figure out where to send messages:
(use 'clj-helix.router)
(def r (router! p))
; Find all peers
(instances r :my-app :some-resouce)
; Find peers for a specific partition
(instances r :my-app :some-resouce "some-resource_2")
Copyright © 2013 Factual, Inc
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.