My dotfiles, My Own Linux System
These are the dotfiles I'm currently using for my system. They are not perfect yet and have a lot of unneeded or missing configurations
These dotfiles files are wrote for my personal needs and may not sweet your needs and your system. These dotfiles depend on some other private dotfiles and applications to work correctly, and if they have not been adapted very cerfully to your system, they may make it unstable. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
- fork the repository and init submodules
- tweak the dotfiles to sweet your needs and your current system configurations
- Create a link of every dotfile you need from ~ folder to your home directory
- Copy dotfiles you want from etc files to /etc (don't create links for security reasons)
- Some dotfiles are missing as they contain some personal informations or some secure data, create your own dotfiles
- Some dotfiles needs some extra apps/daemons to be installed
- You need to copy some script files from
to your~/.local/bin
NOTE: I have added script to made it easier to sync and check status of dotfiles. tweak config files dotfile-{home,etc}.list to matches your needs before using the script
Some of these dotfiles are a copy of other people dotfiles with a litle tweaks and Some are completly mine, I don't remember all original authors.
weechat based on: weechat_dex2 ( by d3x0r
i3 based on: i3~Arch ( by okubax
zsh based on: ZSH-alicious ( by crshd
All my own dotfiles are under GPL-3
All my tweaks to other authors dotfiles are under the same licence