- Python 2.7.x (default for Ubuntu Linux 12.04 and above, Mac OS X Lion and above)
- Z3 (bundled, binaries for Ubuntu Linux 14.10)
############################ Z3 installation can be performed using this guide:
https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3 relevant section is: Z3 bindings -> Python
python relaxed_trace_analyzer.py filename
to set the depth of the run (number of steps in the program) use -n option. for example:
python relaxed_trace_analyzer.py filename -n 10
executing on the sll-filter examples: python relaxed_trace_analyzer.py Sindarin.PDR-Universal/benchmarks/sll-filter.imp -n=3
[1] Karbyshev et al., Property-Directed Inference of Universal Invariants or Proving Their Absence, in Computer Aided Verification (CAV) 2015.