Utility for creating signature strings needed for thinklmi certificate based authentication
- Meson 0.54 or newer
- A C compiler (tested with GCC >= 8.0)
- OpenSSL 1.1 or newer
sudo dnf install meson gcc openssl-devel
sudo apt install meson gcc libssl-dev
meson setup . build
meson compile -C build
meson install -C build
will be installed into /usr/local/bin
by default.
Usage: tlmi-auth command [option]
Where commands are
setcert -c cert.pem -p passwd - Set installed certificate
updatecert -c cert.pem -k privkey.pem - Update installed certificate
clearcert -s serial -k privkey.pem - Clear installed certificate
attribute -a attribute -v value -k privkey.pem - Set attribute to given value
cert2pass -p passwd -k privkey.pem - Go from certificate to password authentication
unlock -f request.txt -k privkey.pem - Generate unlock code from request file.
unlock -r request-string -k privkey.pem - Generate unlock code from request string.
* -d option can be used instead of -c for DER formatted certificates.
* -o option specifies output filename.
* -u option can be used to specify password for the private key.
* -q option will inhibit all informative messages
* -h displays this message
The tool will create a thinklmi.sh file (unless name specified by the -o option). This file has the commands that need to be run on the client system.
Please note that this source code serves as an example implementation only.
Users should take care to store any keys and certificates in appropriate secure storage.
This code is distributed under GPL-v2 license with full text of the license located in the COPYING file.