T20Med API for the mobile and web applications
Available services:
- Authentication
- Sign up
- Scheduling appointments
- Payment system
- Save file exams
- Digital signing for prescriptions
Copy the .env.example to .env:
cp .env.example .env
Use docker compose:
docker compose up
For running the tests locally using pytest just start the container, change the database host to localhost instead of postgres and run:
bash tests.sh
The database schema can be found here.
API documentation can be found here.
Production architecture diagram can be found here
It's recommended to use docker swarm and get the image from the company AWS ECR.
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.prod.yml t20med-api
Access sentry dashboard
You can create an cloud infrastructure using Terraform. The code will create the following components in AWS:
- VPC with one public subnet and one private subnet
- EC2 instances
- Application Load Balancer (ALB)
- Auto Scaling and target groups
- Security Groups
- S3 bucket
- RDS Postgres database