Generate markdown for your changelogs from release-note blocks
It expects release-note block rows to follow the Conventional Commits format.
Then, it extracts the type
and creates different sections in the resulting markdown for different type
For example new: ...
release-note rows populate the "Major Changes" section of the markdown.
rn2md -r falcosecurity/falco -m 0.21.0
./rn2md --help
Little configurable CLI to generate the markdown for your changelogs from release-note blocks found into your project pull requests.
rn2md [flags]
-b, --branch string the target branch you want to filter by the pull requests (default "master")
-h, --help help for rn2md
-m, --milestone string the milestone you want to filter by the pull requests
-r, --repo string the full github repository name (org/repo)
-t, --token string a GitHub personal API token to perform authenticated requests
To automatically generate release notes markdown for your project milestone, you must just add a step to your workflow.
- name: rn2md
uses: leodido/rn2md@master
# The milestone you want to filter by the pull requests. Required.
milestone: 0.21.0
# A github token needed for the github client API calls (listing repo PRs). Defaults to ${{ github.token }}
token: mytoken
# Full name for your repo. Defaults to ${{ github.repository }}
repo: myorg/myrepo
# Target branch to filter by the pull requests. Defaults to ${{ github.event.repository.default_branch }}.
branch: main
# Target file to be generated, relative to github workspace. Defaults to