This ia an AngularJS application to visualise the UK trains, I'm using the API using RWD, RequireJS, SCSS, Bower and Grunt.
To get you started you can simply clone the angular-base repository and install the dependencies:
Clone the angular-trains repository using:
git clone origin
cd angular-trains
We have two kinds of dependencies in this project: tools and angular framework code. The tools help us manage and test the application.
- We get the tools we depend upon via
, the [node package manager][npm]. - We get the angular code via
, a [client-side code package manager][bower].
We have pre-configured npm
to automatically run bower
so we can simply do (package.json):
npm install
node -v;
npm -v;
git --version;
node --version;
bower -v;
karma --version;
grunt -version;
sass -v;
phantomjs --version;
casperjs --version;
bower version;
You should find that you have a new folders in your project.
- contains the npm packages for the tools we need npm run test-single-run
I have pre-configured the project with a simple development web server.
- node scripts/web-server.js
- run http://localhost:8888/angular-trains/app/index.html
- the configuration is found at
- the unit tests are found in
- node scripts/web-server.js
- sudo karma start karma.conf.js --log-level=debug
I also included the Grunt-karma tasks: grunt karma
You can also ask Karma to do a single run of the tests and then exit.
- npm run test-single-run
├── javascript
├── HTML5
└── CSS3
├── using <html> father with: no-js, lt-ie9, lt-ie8, lt-ie7 and no-svg
├── selectivizr.js polyfill
├── html5shiv.js polyfill
├── respond.js
├── feature detection framework modernizr.js
└── including fallbacks for legacy browsers and all vendor using compass mixins
├── filters
├── services
├── directives
├── controllers
└── angularRoute
├── grunt
├── compass
├── jshint
├── requirejs
├── sass
├── watch
└── ngmin
"karma-script-launcher": "~0.1.0",
"karma-chrome-launcher": "^0.1.3",
"karma-firefox-launcher": "~0.1.0",
"karma-html2js-preprocessor": "~0.1.0",
"karma-jasmine": "^0.1.5",
"karma-requirejs": "^0.2.1",
"karma-coffee-preprocessor": "~0.1.0",
"karma-phantomjs-launcher": "~0.1.0",
"karma": "^0.12.14",
"karma-ng-scenario": "~0.1.0",
"grunt": "^0.4.4",
"grunt-contrib-watch": "^0.6.1",
"grunt-contrib-compass": "^0.7.2",
"grunt-contrib-jshint": "^0.10.0",
"grunt-contrib-sass": "^0.7.3",
"grunt-contrib-requirejs": "^0.4.3",
"grunt-contrib-csslint": "^0.2.0",
"grunt-contrib-uglify": "^0.4.0",
"karma-safari-launcher": "^0.1.1",
"requirejs": "^2.1.11",
"grunt-karma": "^0.8.3",
"grunt-contrib-jasmine": "^0.5.3",
"grunt-template-jasmine-requirejs": "^0.1.10",
"grunt-ngmin": "0.0.3"
"grunt-modernizr": "^0.5.2",
Enabled Extras
└── shiv
└── load
└── mq
└── cssclasses
└── fontface
└── Generating a custom Modernizr build: modernizr-custom.js
└── Uglifying
├─┬ angular-mocks#1.2.16 extraneous (1.2.17-build.223+sha.d18d5f5 available, latest is 1.3.0-build.2792+sha.0dc35ef)
│ └── angular#1.2.16 (latest is 1.3.0-build.2792+sha.0dc35ef)
├─┬ angular-route#1.2.16 extraneous (1.2.17-build.223+sha.d18d5f5 available, latest is 1.3.0-build.2792+sha.0dc35ef)
│ └── angular#1.2.16
├─┬ angular-scenario#1.2.16 extraneous (1.2.17-build.223+sha.d18d5f5 available, latest is 1.3.0-build.2792+sha.0dc35ef)
│ └── angular#1.2.16
├─┬ bootstrap#3.1.1 extraneous
│ └── jquery#1.10.2 (2.1.1 available)
├── bootstrap-sass-official#3.1.1+2 extraneous
├── happen#0.1.3 extraneous
├── jasmine#1.3.1 extraneous (latest is 2.0.0)
├─┬ jasmine-sinon#0.3.1 (0.3.2 available, latest is 0.4.0)
│ ├── jasmine#1.3.1 (latest is 2.0.0)
│ └── sinonjs#1.7.3 (latest is 1.9.1)
├── jquery#1.10.2 (latest is 2.1.1)
├── modernizr#2.6.3 (latest is 2.8.2)
├── namespace#0.5.3 extraneous
├── normalize-css#3.0.1 extraneous
├── requirejs#2.1.11 extraneous (2.1.13 available)
├── requirejs-text#2.0.12 extraneous
└── selectivizr#1.0.2 extraneous
├──Jasmine (Behavior Driven Development testing framework: or
└──karma (Test Driver)
├──safari pluggin karma-safari-launcher
└──ios pluggin karma-ios-launcher
cd tests/casper casperjs go.js
├── lib _ jasmine Framework
├── spec _ unit-test
├── src_ Code to be tested
└── SpecRunner.html - Runner
└── rwd-reset.css (
└── WebStorm
└── main.js
└── app.js
git rm --cache -r -f .sass-cache/ git rm --cache -r -f .idea/
{ I'm
Leo Lanese
'Building Inspiring ResponsiveReactive Solutions
'London, UK
' }