An online chess project developed for the college back-end discipline 🎮
FunChess is developed with C# for the API and Typescript + React + NextJs for the web server.
This topic will show how to run the project applications.
The front-end project is located in the path: ./src/front-end/fun-chess-app/
Upon arrival, execute the following commands:
npm install && npm run build && npm run start
The API uses the MSSQL database to store and retrieve information.
For better compatibility in tests between operating systems, this example was given using Docker.
# Only on first installation
docker run -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=minhaSenh@123" -p 1433:1433 -d
After the first database installation, reuse the created container.
Version: .NET 7.0
The API project is located in the path: ./src/back-end/FunChess/src/FunChess.API/
Upon arrival, execute the following command:
dotnet run -c Release --launch-profile http
To run the unit tests go to the following directory: ./src/back-end/FunChess
Upon arrival, execute the following command:
dotnet test
If you want multiple devices on the local network to be able to access the service without problems, you will need to use a common IP/domain between the API and the Web Server due to CORS.
Path: ./src/back-end/FunChess/src/FunChess.API/Properties/launchSettings.json
In the file, is needed to modify the used profile, changing the applicationUrl to the local IP of your machine or to a domain.
"http": {
"commandName": "Project",
"dotnetRunMessages": true,
"launchBrowser": true,
"launchUrl": "swagger",
"applicationUrl": "",
"environmentVariables": {
Path: ./src/back-end/FunChess/src/FunChess.API/appsettings.json
In the file, is needed to modify the CorsAllowedHosts, to the local IP of your machine or to a domain.
"CorsAllowedHosts": ["localhost", ""]
Path: ./src/front-end/fun-chess-app/next.config.js/
In the file, is needed to modify the apiUrl to the same IP/domain and port where the API is.
const nextConfig = {
reactStrictMode: false,
env: {
apiUrl: "",
apiProtocol: "http",