- 📱 Programming: Javascript, Typescript, NodeJS, Express, ReactJS, React Native
- 💾 Databases: MongoDB, MySQL/MariaDB, Postgres, SQL Server
- 🆙 I’m currently learning: React Native, Flutter and GraphQL
- ⚙️ Others techs: Devops (Bash Scripts, Environments, Staging), Audio Based Apps, .
- 👯 I'm looking to make meaningful connections and help build the next generation of digital experiences.
- 🤔 I'm looking for help to make a positive impact with technology - acting locally, thinking globally
- 💡 Facts about me: I love to write music, poems, thoughts, code and athything that helps me enlarge my world views
- 🎓 Undergraduate student: Systems Analysis and Development
"(...) Talvez esse seja um dos nossos maiores desafios como humanidade: nos sofisticarmos ao máximo para dominarmos a nova configuração de mundo - mais tecnológica e complexa -, sem perdermos a nossa essência humana."
- Martha Gabriel