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hapi process monitoring

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Lead Maintainer: Lloyd Benson

'Monitor' should be configured using a 'hapi' server instead of calling the 'Monitor' constructor directly.

good is a process monitor that listens for one or more of the below 'event types'. All of these events, except 'ops' and 'wreck', map to a hapi event documented here.

  • ops - System and process performance - CPU, memory, disk, and other metrics.
  • response - Information about incoming requests and the response. This maps to either the "response" or "tail" event emitted from hapi servers.
  • log - logging information not bound to a specific request such as system errors, background processing, configuration errors, etc. Maps to the "log" event emitted from hapi servers.
  • error - request responses that have a status code of 500. This maps to the "request-error" hapi event.
  • request - Request logging information. This maps to the hapi 'request' event that is emitted via request.log().
  • wreck - Wreck module request/response logging information. Note: Wreck has to be in the top level package.json in order for this to work due to it being a singleton.

Applications with multiple server instances, each with its own monitor should only include one log subscription per destination as general events are a process-wide facility and will result in duplicated log events. To override some or all of the defaults, set options to an object with the following optional settings:

  • [httpAgents] - the list of httpAgents to report socket information about. Can be a single http.Agent or an array of agents objects. Defaults to Http.globalAgent.

  • [httpsAgents] - the list of httpsAgents to report socket information about. Can be a single https.Agent or an array of agents. Defaults to Https.globalAgent.

  • [requestHeaders] - determines if all request headers will be available to reporter objects. Defaults to false

  • [requestPayload] - determines if the request payload will be available to reporter objects. Defaults to false

  • [responsePayload] - determines if the response payload will be available to reporter objects. Defaults to false

  • [opsInterval] - the interval in milliseconds to sample system and process performance metrics. Minimum is 100ms. Defaults to 15 seconds.

  • [responseEvent] - the event type used to capture completed requests. Defaults to 'tail'. Options are:

    • 'response' - the response was sent but request tails may still be pending.
    • 'tail' - the response was sent and all request tails completed.
  • [extensions] - an array of hapi event names to listen for and report via the good reporting mechanism. Can not be any of ['log', 'request-error', 'ops', 'request', 'response', 'tail']. Disclaimer This option should be used with caution. This option will allow users to listen to internal events that are not meant for public consumption. The list of available events can change with any changes to the hapi event system. Also, none of the official hapijs reporters have been tested against these custom events. Also, the schema for these events can not be guaranteed because the hapi results can change.

  • [reporters] - Defaults to no reporters. All reporting objects must be installed in your project. reporters is an array of instantiated objects that implement the good-reporter interface or an object with the following keys:

    • reporter - indicates the reporter object to create. Can be one of two values
      • a constructor function generally via require, ie require('good-file')
      • a module name to require. Uses the built-in Node require function so you can pass a module name or a path. The supplied module must implement the good-reporter interface.
    • events - an object of key value pairs:
      • key - one of the supported good events or any of the extensions events that this reporter should listen for
      • value - a single string or an array of strings to filter incoming events base on the event's tag value. "*" indicates no filtering. null and undefined are assumed to be "*"
    • config - an implementation specific configuration value used to instantiate the reporter
  • [filter] - an object with the following keys:

    • key - the key of the data property to change
    • value - a string that can be one of the following:
      • "censor" - replace the text with "X"s
      • "remove" - deletes the value
      • a valid regular express string. Only supports a single group. Ex: "(\\d{4})$" will replace the last four digits with "X"s. Take extra care when creating this string. You will need to make sure that the resultant RegExp object is what you need.

    filter can be used to remove potentially sensitive information (credit card numbers, social security numbers, etc.) from the log payloads before they are sent out to reporters. This setting only impacts response events and only if payloads are included via requestPayload and responsePayload. filter is intended to impact the reporting of ALL downstream reporters. If you want filtering in only one, you will need to create a customized reporter. The filtering is done recursively so if you want to "censor" ccn, anywhere ccn appears in request or response bodies will be "censor"ed. Currently, you can only filter leaf nodes; nothing with children.

Example Usage

For example:

var Hapi = require('hapi');
var server = new Hapi.Server();
server.connection({ host: 'localhost' });

var options = {
    opsInterval: 1000,
    reporters: [{
        reporter: require('good-console'),
        events: { log: '*', response: '*' }
    }, {
        reporter: require('good-file'),
        events: { ops: '*' },
        config: './test/fixtures/awesome_log'
    }, {
        reporter: 'good-http',
        events: { error: '*' },
        config: {
            endpoint: 'http://prod.logs:3000',
            wreck: {
                headers: { 'x-api-key' : 12345 }

    register: require('good'),
    options: options
}, function (err) {

    if (err) {
    else {
        server.start(function () {

  'Server started at ' +;

This example does the following:

  1. Sets up the GoodConsole reporter listening for 'response' and 'log' events.
  2. Sets up the GoodFile reporter to listen for 'ops' events and log them to ./test/fixtures/awesome_log according to the file rules listed in the good-file documentation.
  3. Sets up the GoodHttp reporter to listen for error events and POSTs them to http://prod.logs:3000 with additional settings to pass into Wreck

NOTE: Ensure calling server.connection prior to registering Good. request and response event listeners are only registered on connections that exist on server at the time Good is registered.

Log messages are created with tags. Usually a log will include a tag to indicate if it is related to an error or info along with where the message originates. If, for example, the console should only output error's that were logged you can use the following configuration:

var options = {
    reporters: [{
        reporter: require('good-console'),
        events: { log: ['error', 'medium'] }

This will now only log 'log' events that have the 'error' or 'medium' tag attached to them. Any 'log' events without one of those tags will be ignored. Please see the documentation of the good-reporter interface for more information about tags and event filtering.

Event Payloads

Each event emitted from Good has a unique object representing the payload. This is useful for three reasons:

  1. It provides a predictable interface.
  2. It makes tracking down issues with MDB much easier because the payloads aren't just generic objects.
  3. It is more likely to be optimized because the V8 runtime has a better idea of what the structure of each object is going ot be much sooner.

All of the below events are frozen to prevent tampering. If your reporter uses "strict mode", trying to change the value will throw an error.


Event object associated with 'log' events. The event argument is the event argument emitted by hapi 'log' events.

  • event - 'log'
  • timestamp - JavaScript timestamp indicating when the 'log' event occurred.
  • tags - array of strings representing any tags associated with the 'log' event.
  • data - string or object passed via server.log() calls.
  • pid - the current process id.

GreatError(request, error)

Event object associated with 'error' events. request and error are the objects sent by hapi on 'request-error' events.

  • event - 'error'
  • timestamp - JavaScript timestamp indicating when the 'log' event occurred.
  • id - request id. Maps to
  • url - url of the request that originated the error. Maps to request.url.
  • method - method of the request that originated the error. Maps to request.method.
  • pid - the current process id.
  • error - the raw error object.

The toJSON method of GreatError has been overwritten because Error objects can not be stringified directly. A stringified GreatError will have error.message and error.stack in place of the raw Error object.

GreatResponse(request, options)

Event object associated with the responseEvent event option into Good. request is the request object emitted by the 'tail' or 'response' event by hapi. options is an object used for additional logging options.

  • event - 'response'
  • timestamp - JavaScript timestamp that maps to
  • id - id of the request, maps to
  • instance - maps to
  • labels - maps to request.connection.settings.labels
  • method - method used by the request. Maps to request.method.
  • path - incoming path requested. Maps to request.path.
  • query - query object used by request. Maps to request.query.
  • responseTime - calculated value of -
  • statusCode - the status code of the response.
  • pid - the current process id.
  • source - object with the following values:
    • remoteAddress - information about the remote address. maps to
    • userAgent - the user agent of the incoming request.
    • referer - the referer headed of the incoming request.
  • log - maps to request.getLog() of the hapi request object.

Optional properties controlled by the options argument into Good.

  • headers - the header object for the incomming request.
  • requestPayload - maps to request.payload.
  • responsePayload - maps to request.response.source.


Event object associated with the 'ops' event emitted from Good. ops is the aggregated result of the ops operation.

  • event - 'ops'
  • timestamp - current time when the object is created.
  • host - the host name of the current machine.
  • pid - the current process id.
  • os - object with the following values:
    • load - array containing the 1, 5, and 15 minute load averages.
    • mem - object with the following values:
      • total - total system memory in bytes.
      • free - total free system memory in bytes.
    • uptime - system uptime in seconds.
  • proc - object with the following values:
    • uptime - uptime of the running process in seconds
    • mem - returns result of process.memoryUsage()
      • rss - 'resident set size' which is the amount of the process held in memory.
      • heapTotal - V8 heap total
      • heapUsed - V8 heap used
    • delay - the calculated Node event loop delay.
  • load - object with the following values:
    • requests - object containing information about all the requests passing through the server.
    • concurrents - object containing information about the number of concurrent connections associated with each listener object associated with the hapi server.
    • responseTimes - object with calculated average and max response times for requests.
    • sockets - object with the following values:
      • http - socket information http connections. Each value contains the name of the socket used and the number of open connections on the socket. It also includes a total for total number of open http sockets.
      • https - socket information https connections. Each value contains the name of the socket used and the number of open connections on the socket. It also includes a total for total number of open https sockets.

GreatRequest(request, event)

Event object associated with the "request" event. This is the hapi event emitter via request.log(). request and events are the parameters passed by hapi when emitting the "request" event.

  • event - 'request'
  • timestamp - timestamp of the incomming event object.
  • tags - array of strings representing any tags associated with the 'log' event.
  • data - the string or object mapped to
  • pid - the current process id.
  • id - id of the request, maps to
  • method - method used by the request. Maps to request.method.
  • path - incoming path requested. Maps to request.path.

GreatWreck(error, request, response, start, uri)

Event object emitted whenever Wreck finishes making a request to a remote server.

  • event - 'wreck'
  • timestamp - timestamp of the incoming event object
  • timeSpent - how many ms it took to make the request
  • pid - the current process id
  • request - information about the outgoing request
    • method - GET, POST, etc
    • path - the path requested
    • url - the full URL to the remote resource
    • protocol - e.g. http:
    • host - the remote server host
    • headers - object containing all outgoing request headers
  • response - information about the incoming request
    • statusCode - the http status code of the response e.g. 200
    • statusMessage - e.g. OK
    • headers - object containing all incoming response headers
  • error - if the response errored, this field will be populated
    • message - the error message
    • stack - the stack trace of the error


Officially supported by hapijs

This is a list of good-reporters under the hapijs umbrella:

Community powered

Here are some additional reporters that are available from the hapijs community:

Reporter Interface

When creating a custom good reporter, it needs to implement the following interface:

  • A constructor function (will always be invoked with new) with the following signature function (events, config) where:
    • events - an object of key value pairs:
      • key - one of the supported good events or any of the extensions events that this reporter should listen for
      • value - a single string or an array of strings to filter incoming events. "*" indicates no filtering. null and undefined are assumed to be "*"
    • config - an implementation specific configuration value used to instantiate the reporter
  • An optional attributes key set on the constructor function with a name key set to a string that identifies the reporter. is also acceptable alternative in the style of hapi plugins. Used for error reporting
  • An init method with the following signature function init (readstream, emitter, callback) where:
    • readstream - the incoming readable stream from good. This stream is always in objectMode.
    • emitter - the good event emitter. The emitter will emit the following events:
    • stop - always emitted when the hapi server is shutting down. Perform any tear-down logic in this event handler
var Squeeze = require('good-squeeze').Squeeze;

function GoodReporterExample (events, config) {

    if (!(this instanceof GoodReporterExample)) {
        return new GoodReporterExample(events, config);

    this.squeeze = Squeeze(events);

GoodReporterExample.prototype.init = function (readstream, emitter, callback) {

    emitter.on('stop', function () {

        console.log('some clean up logic.');

GoodReporterExample.attributes = {
    name: 'good-reporter-example'


Hapi process monitoring







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