C++11 implementation of 010 Editor's template language
BTVM is in early state, lexing and parsing works on some scripts:
- BMP Format
- WAV Format
- ZIP Format
- EXE Format
A detailed wiki page about BTVM's status will be available soon.
If order to autogenerate the Lexer (bt_lexer.*) and Parser (bt_parser.*), it's sufficient to run "make" inside "generator" folder (lemon and re2c needs to be installed):
cd generator
cd ..
#include <iostream>
#include "btvm/btvm.h"
#include "your_custom_io_class.h"
using namespace std;
// Prints file structure to console
void printElements(const BTEntryList& entries, const std::string& prefix)
for(auto it = entries.begin(); it != entries.end(); it++)
cout << prefix << (*it)->name << " at offset " << (*it)->location.offset << ", size " << (*it)->location.size << endl;
printElements((*it)->children, prefix + " ");
cout << endl;
int main()
BTVM btvm(new YourCustomIOClass("myfile.bin"));
btvm.dump("ast.xml"); // Dumps AST to file
BTEntryList btformat = btvm.format(); // Get format
printElements(btformat, std::string());
return 0;
BTVM is released under GPL3 License