An analysis of the WhatsApp group for 2022–2023 MSc Data Science & Artificial Intelligence | University of Suffolk
This repository contains code and documentation for analyzing WhatsApp data. This project provides insights into communication patterns, user behaviour, and sentiment analysis around lecturers and course modules.
The data was extracted from the WhatsApp group using the 'export chat' option in the group settings.
This step involves cleaning and structuring the data to make it suitable for analysis. Steps such as splitting the data into appropriate columns and formatting into a Pandas data frame, ensuring the data and time are in the right format, and also slicing off a portion of the user name, to conceal the identity, as phone numbers were shown in full for some users.
Once the data was preprocessed, I performed various types of analysis, such as:
Sentiment Analysis: Analyze the sentiment of messages to understand the emotional tone of the conversation around the entire group, the lecturers, and some course modules. I used the VADER pre-trained sentiment analyzer in the provided code.
Word Frequency Analysis: Find the most commonly used words in your chat history.
Active users: Explored the group to find active users, months, and the most active time of the day in the group.
Matplotlib and Seaborn were used for visualizing data to understand trends better. All data frames were exported for further visualization on PowerBI.