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Windows systems ToolChain Matrix

Laurie Jarlstrom edited this page Oct 15, 2020 · 2 revisions

Change TOOL_CHAIN_TAG in the file Conf\Target.txt for Windows Visual Studio Versions according to the following Matrix

Visual Studio V. Version WinXP / Win7 /IA32 Win7 / Win8x / Win10 x64
VS2005 8 VS2005 VS2005x86
VS2008 9 VS2008 VS2008x86
VS2010 10 VS2010 VS2010x86
VS2012** 11 VS2012 VS2012x86
VS2013** 12 VS2013 VS2013x86
Below Recommended
VS2015*** 14 VS2015 VS2015x86
VS2017 15 VS2017 VS2017
VS2019 16 VS2019 VS2019


for Windows 10 64 bit OS and Visual Studio 2015 modify the following in Target.txt


NOTE: VS2012** only with UDK2014 releases or equivalent or later UDK release NOTE: VS2013** & VS2015** only with UDK2015 releases or equivalent or later UDK release

NOTE: VS2015*** is the current Default

VS2017 & VS2019 recomended for Pytools CI Stuart builds.

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