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Laravel Health Check

Package to perform health check analysis based on defined checkers.


  • PHP >= 8.3
  • Laravel >= 10.0


  • Require package with composer:
composer require letsgoi/laravel-health-check
  • Publish configuration:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Letsgoi\HealthCheck\HealthCheckServiceProvider" --tag="config"

Service Provider will be automatically registered, however if you want to add it manually, you must add this to your config/app.php file:

'providers' => [
    // ...


You must set all checkers that want to pass your application at checkers array on config file (config/laravel_health_check.php):

'checkers' => [

You can check any checker without check all, but this configuration is for general check.


Check individual checker

Use HealthCheck facade to check an individual checker:

use Letsgoi\HealthCheck\Facades;

HealthCheck::check(new Checker());

it will return true if check pass and it will throw HealthCheckerException if not.

Check all checkers defined at configuration file

To check all checkers defined at configuration file use healthCheck method of HealthCheck facade:

use Letsgoi\HealthCheck\Facades;


it will return true if all checks pass and throw HealthCheckerException with failed checkers if not.

Get check errors

If you want to get all check errors of checkers defined at configuration file, you can use getCheckErrors method:

use Letsgoi\HealthCheck\Facades;


It returns an array with all errors.

HealthCheck command

You can run the healthcheck with artisan command:

php artisan health-check

It show ok if all checks pass or exceptions if fails.

HealthCheck endpoint

You can configure an endpoint to check the health of your app. Configure it on config file (laravel_health_check):


'endpoint' => [
    'enabled' => env('HEALTH_CHECK_ENDPOINT_ENABLED', true), // Enable/disable endpoint

    'path' => env('HEALTH_CHECK_ENDPOINT_PATH', '/health-check'), // Configure path of endpoint

    'healthy_message' => env('HEALTH_CHECK_ENDPOINT_HEALTHY_MESSAGE', 'Healthy'), // Set ok message


It will return the ok message if all check passed or a server error with the array of errors.


Available checkers

Those are the available predefined checkers:

  • Letsgoi\HealthCheck\Checkers\AppKeyChecker: Checks if there is an app key defined as environment variable.
  • Letsgoi\HealthCheck\Checkers\DatabaseConnectionChecker: Checks if the app can connect with default database connection.
  • Letsgoi\HealthCheck\Checkers\DatabaseMigrationsChecker: Checks if all migrations are up to date.
  • Letsgoi\HealthCheck\Checkers\DebugChecker: Checks if the app is not on debug mode.
  • Letsgoi\HealthCheck\Checkers\EnvFileChecker: Checks if there is an .env file.
  • Letsgoi\HealthCheck\Checkers\WritablePathsChecker: Checks if the necessary paths are writable.

Custom checkers

If you need some custom checker (or someone not available yet, PRs are welcome :)), you can do simply implementing the Letsgoi\HealthCheck\Contracts\HealthChecker contract.

It forces to implement a check method that returns true if check pass or false if not.

Then you can use normally adding to your config file or checking it with individual mode.


Run tests:

composer test


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
