Mabul is a tool used to test DDoS vectors within controlled envrioments that you have both permission and control over and may only be used in that capacity.
You may only use Mabul in a lawful way. Any use of Mabul in an unlawful (in the country where you are, the country where the packets originate from, and the country where the packets are sent to) manner will automatically revoke both the software license as well as the license to the source code.
$ bin/mabul
Mabul is a program designed as a test suite for DDoS mitigation programs
mabul [command]
Available Commands:
h2 Conducts connection attacks using H2
http This is designed to execute layer 7 attacks
ip This will execute IP level attacks (both stateless and stateful)
tcp All attacks using TCP as a vector (both stateful and stateless)
tls A brief description of your command
udp Launches UDP style attacks (stateless)
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.mabul.yaml)
--logLevel string The level of logging you wish to have (default "info")
-t, --toggle Help message for toggle
Use "mabul [command] --help" for more information about a command.