An SDK to help send messages through the zettatel API
to use this package, you can either git clone or install using pip:
pip install zettatel==
This will install all the required packages. Next we need to initialize the packacge as shown below:
from zettatel.message import Client
message = Client(
To send a quick message use the following sample:
message.send_quick_SMS('254712345678', "this is test from python package")
To send a scheduled quick sms :
'254712345678', "this is test from python package",scheduleTime = '2023-09-16 13:24')
- To send message to a group:
message.send_group_sms("group name","message")
- To send a scheduled group sms
message.send_group_scheduled_sms("group name","message","scheduledTime eg 2023-09-16 13:24")
- Get delivery status by transaction ID:
message.delivery_status_by_transactionid("transactionid: int")
- Get message delivery report of a particular day:
- Get overal delivery report summary:
to get your sender Id use :
res = message.get_senderID()
- To create a group:
- To get all the groups:
- To update a group:
This are teh contacts that will be available in the specified groups.
- To create conntacts:
message.create_contact("contact name","mobile number","group id")
- To update contact:
message.update_contact("contact name","mobile number","group id")
- To get all the contacts in a group:
message.get_contact("group name")