This is a toy project to experience developing a UDP game server for an action MMO style game. The idea is to have MMO type mechanics mixed with a fast paced "real-time" action PVP mechanics. Basically mix FPS netcode with runescape.
7 Feb
- Impl propagation system
- Impl player movement system
- Write benchmarking software
- Input/output with players is handled via event bus
- Game state is managed via ECS design
- Single map open world - divided into sectors for horizontal scaling
- "Interest" zones for player updates made by dividing map sectors to locales and taking surroundings
- Client/Server prediction + Small Lag compensation UDP net design
- Separate servers for non-gameworld systems, like chat
- Persistence layer (probably dynamo + redis caches?)
- Are all C in ECS flatbuffer managed?
- Each play connects via WebRTC/UDP
- Players sync game state updates with server (60tick? or 20tick?)
- Players send input commands to server
- Server processes input commands at 60fps
- Server sends partial updates to each client at 60fps
- If server has no input from client then server "predicts" client action instead, by repeating previous input
- On subsequent old packets coming in, server can replay them
- Client sends inputs with gametick #
- If client action includes hit-tests for attacks, server rolls back target to client's gametick for hit testing
- If client hits based on what "they saw" then rewrite game state to accept hit