a command-line RPN calculator implemented in Rust
*to be backronym'd!
Post-fix notation, also called Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) after its creator Jan Łukasiewicz, is a mathematical notation in which operators (such as +
or %
) follow their operands. For example, the infix expression 3 + 4
can be written in RPN as 3 4 +
. For operators with fixed arity (fixed number of operands) this notation uniquely describes the expression without the need for parentheses to distinguish the order of operations.
[postfix] A B C D * + / == (A (B (C D *) +) /) == [infix] A / (B + (C * D))
[postfix] A B * C + D / == (((A B *) C +) D /) == [infix] ((A * B) + C) / D
rpn uses binary operators, i.e. all operations act on two operands.
See wikipedia/Reverse_Polish_notation for more info.
Requires an installation of Rust. Recommended build profile is release:
$ curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh # install Rust
$ git clone https://github.com/drvog/rpn # clone repository
$ cd rpn # change into source directory
$ cargo run --release # compile and run
rpn should run on UNIX-like (Linux, MacOS, BSD, etc.) terminal emulators and Windows 10+ (CMD.EXE or Powershell).
rpn can be started in the root of the cargo directory structure:
$ cd rpn
$ cargo run --release
____________ _ _
| ___ \ ___ \ \ | |
| |_/ / |_/ / \| |
| /| __/| . ` |
| |\ \| | | |\ |
\_| \_\_| \_| \_/
Version 0.1.0
rpn> 3 4 +
===> 3 4 +
= 7
From here you can input calculations (in postfix notation, of course) which will be evaluated. If you input a valid expression it will output after the =
. To exit the interpreter you can enter quit
or exit
. The expression help
will print out some useful explanation. Thanks to the handy rustyline crate, previous input history can be accessed with the UP
- Variable declaration?