- Python 3.6+
- Configs
- calcurse
- dunst
- git
- i3 (i3blocks)
- misc. scripts
- mpd
- ncmpcpp
- ranger
- rofi
- systemd user units
- tmux
- Firefox (user settings)
- Fish (shell)
- Fonts (Inconsolata, Fira Code, Font Awesome 5)
- Golang
- GPG Agent (Imports my personal keys and trusts ultimately)
- Minicom (serial terminal)
- Node JS (with nvm and Yarn)
- Pacman (Arch only)
- Python
- System packages
- Vim
- Visual Studio Code
- macOS Finder (Show all files)
- Docker
- Hexchat (Some config files encrypted)
- Ubuntu
- Fedora
- Arch
- macOS
- Run all
./install.py vscode
- Run one module
./install.py -- vscode firefox
- Multiple modules with no args
./install.py vscode vscodium -- firefox -- golang force
- Multiple modules
with args
The main installer is install.py
at the root. Each configured
module/application is in a separate script. If a module has a folder for
configuration files, the installer is in that folder. Otherwise it's in other
The installer can take an optional argument to run a specific installer.
- Setup GPG even if it's already done
- Install VSCodium instead of Visual Studio Code
To use my personal arch repo add the following to your pacman config:
Server = http://arch-repo.keitel.xyz
SigLevel = Required
You will need to add my key to you pacman GPG ring:
Fingerprint: D2B6 240B 7E78 9CF8 177F BBC6 73E8 F0B8 E638 625F
pacman-key --recv-keys BBC673E8F0B8E638625F