This project aims to add some of the (arguable) missing json functions to the MySQL and MariaDB engines, in the form of UDFs.
This project uses the Jansson JSON Library.
The library is built using cmake build system.
If you are planing on installing it, you need to know before hand the plugin directory of you MySQL/MariaDB installation. For instance, if you use Centos, your mysql plugin_dir is something like - /usr/lib64/mysql/plugin/.
You need to install the jansson library for the udf to work. Using cmake you define the install prefix and build. In the root of the project you can issue:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr/lib64/mysql/plugin ..
make all install
To create the functions in your server instance, issue:
mysql -uroot < mjson.sql
Available functions:
- mjson_get(json, key|position) - get the value of the given key (object) or position (array) of the supplied json
- mjson_unset(json, key|position) - unsets the value at the given key (object) or position (array) of the supplied json
- mjson_set(json, key|position, value) - sets the value of the given key (object) or position (array) on the supplied json to the supplied value
- mjson_array_append(json, value) - append the given value to the supplied json array
- mjson_size(json) - get the number of elements in a json array or object
- mjson_config(parameter) - get a mjson configuration parameter
- mjson_config(parameter, value) - sets a mjson parameter
Available parameters:
- benchmark: when 1 will output benchmarking information to mysql.err
Let's consider the simple table:
CREATE TABLE test_table(
json_1 BLOB,
json_2 BLOB
And lets insert some data in it:
INSERT INTO test_table(json_1, json_2)
('{"key1": [1, 2, 3], "key2": "some text"}', '["a", "b", "c"]'),
('{"key3": null, "key4": {"key5": "more data"}}', '[]')
Here are some usage examples:
-- mjson_size
MariaDB [tests]> SELECT
mjson_size(json_1) size_1,
mjson_size(json_2) size_2,
FROM test_table;
| size_1 | json_1 | size_2 | json_2 |
| 2 | {"key1": [1, 2, 3], "key2": "some text"} | 3 | ["a", "b", "c"] |
| 2 | {"key3": null, "key4": {"key5": "more data"}} | 0 | [] |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
-- mjson_set
MariaDB [tests]> SELECT
mjson_set(json_1, 'key1', '{"a": 1}')
FROM test_table;
| json_1 | mjson_set(json_1, 'key1', '{"a": 1}') |
| {"key1": [1, 2, 3], "key2": "some text"} | {"key1":{"a":1},"key2":"some text"} |
| {"key3": null, "key4": {"key5": "more data"}} | {"key3":null,"key4":{"key5":"more data"},"key1":{"a":1}} |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
-- mjson_set - if key doesn't exist... appends it
MariaDB [tests]> SELECT
mjson_set(json_1, 'key1', '{"a": 1}')
FROM test_table WHERE id=2;
| json_1 | mjson_set(json_1, 'key1', '{"a": 1}') |
| {"key3": null, "key4": {"key5": "more data"}} | {"key3":null,"key4":{"key5":"more data"},"key1":{"a":1}} |
-- mjson_get
MariaDB [tests]> SELECT
mjson_set('{}', 'root_key', '{"sub_key": 3.14}'),
| mjson_get(mjson_get(mjson_set('{}', 'root_key', '{"sub_key": 3.14}'), 'root_key'), 'sub_key') |
| 3.140000 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
-- mjson_array_append
MariaDB [tests]> SELECT
mjson_array_append(json_2, '[1,2,3]'),
mjson_array_append(json_2, 3.14)
FROM test_table WHERE id=1;
| mjson_array_append(json_2, '[1,2,3]') | mjson_array_append(json_2, 3.14) |
| ["a","b","c",[1,2,3]] | ["a","b","c",3.1400000000000001] |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
-- mjson_unset
MariaDB [(none)]> SELECT mjson_unset('{"a": 1, "b": 2}', 'a');
| mjson_unset('{"a": 1, "b": 2}', 'a') |
| {"b":2} |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)