- Powtórka z języka Ruby.
- Learn X in Y minutes, where X=Ruby.
- [Learn X in Ruby], where X=Array,Hash (laboratorium, git)
- Ogólnie o testowaniu, dostępne narzędzia i technologie:
- Edytor i Testowanie
- [Learn X in Y minutes], where X=Rspec,Capybara,Factory Girl
- Wprowadzenie do RSpec.
- Testy jednostkowe.
- Testy integracyjne.
- Refaktoryzacja kodu.
- Pokrycie kodu testami.
- Doubles, mocks i stubs.
- Praca z Legacy Code (zastanym kodem, kodem niepokrytym testami).
There are only two types of theories [programms]:
- Theories that are known to be wrong, as they were tested and adequately rejected.
- Theories that have not yet been known to be wrong, not falsified yet, but are exposed to be wrong.
– K. Popper
Why is the theory [program] never right?
- David Chelimsky, Dave Astels, Zach Dennis, Aslak Hellesøy, Bryan Helmkamp, Dan North. The RSpec Book: Behaviour-Driven Development with RSpec, Cucumber, and Friends.
- Better Specs.
- Dokumentacja RSpec:
- Ruby Tutorial.
- Ruby Koans – Learn Ruby with the Neo Ruby Koans.
- Jay Fields, Shane Harvie, Martin Fowler with Kent Beck. Refactoring – Ruby edition.
- Ruby Style Guide – a community-driven Ruby coding style guide
- Scott Chacon, Ben Straub. Pro Git
- Codility – we test coders